interesting blog, carla.
I admit I don't really know much about this issue, but the way I see it, they think a lot of the money Mexicans make ends up going back to help families in Mexico, or other central american countries. The US govt is facing huge debt with the war, and wants some of that money for itself.
If people don't like what some big US corporations are doing by hiring obviously non-legal below-minimum wage earning contractors, vote with your feet and don't purchase food or whatever from them.
Like someone said above, Subway and Wendy's seems to be doing it, and it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart was doing it too.
I understand why so many people would want to get out of central america but it does bring up some problems here. Most of them end up in the US. So many other countries around the world seem to get a lot of other people from different third world countries, but I would bet the US gets most if not all from central and south america, most coming illegally.
It's a huge problem. I definitely see why they would want to come here, but if they can't do it legally, they can only expect to be exploited. In other lands, they would be sex slaves, here they work at Wendy's, get health care and police protection. I'd say we aren't so awful to our illegal immigrants. We didn't force them to cross the border, and their labor brings our prices down, which is why we don't complain.