I'm sorry that you waited for so long. I waited for 20 years and then got disillusioned by many many things. I am trying to move ahead and get on with life and look back at my experience in the Org as an experience that was something unique to the majority. I am probably a more thinking person because of it and I probably appreciate some things more than the average person. Sleeping in on Saturdays--lazy Sunday morning breakfasts--Tues nights at home watching American idol (I admit it I like that show) and best of all not being told who I can and who I cannot love.... I can also unload some of some of the guilt and stress now such as: I am not doing enough for the Org--I am not performing enough--studying enough--etc, etc.
It is strange though not to have a clear hope or answer for the future of humankind. I mean the whole Armegedon thing was such a grand conclusion to it all. It is a tradeoff for the freedom of being alive. Life is still a glorious mystery...I remain awestruck , but am no longer JW dumbstruck...