kevin - welcome to JWD!
I am sorry to hear of the marital strife HER stance has caused to come inbetween your relationship. Perhaps that is a great initial indication of why the way the jws believe is WRONG - CONDITIONAL LOVE! I don't believe jesus taught CONDITIONAL love.
To answer your question more personally though: I was drifting away for years disillusioned after being at bethel (for just over a year) and particularly after reading the bible for the first time cover to cover while there. This brought home to me just how far 'out' there, their belief system is and how it so clearly contradicts the bible on many points. To have to do the scriptural gymnastics they must do to support thier often unreasonable and illogical doctrines is a give away that it is NOT the truth.
The truth (if there is one) should be simple, have the ring of 'truth' and even the most uneducated should 'get it' imo. Very few jws could ever sufficiently and scripturally explain and prove jw doctrine using ONLY the bible imo. Thus, they would be no different than many 'householders' at the doors who are blown away by the message they preach since they present the illusion of 'bible knowledge' which in the end is mostly a lot of fluff and showmanship. Anyone who knows their salt about the falseness and deception of unique jw 'truth' and how they support twist/distort it from the bible (for example - EX JWS! LOL) can rip and tear a jws beliefs at their door in moments. They MUST turn to the reasoning 'lies and propaganda from the scriptures book' or other publication to stumble their way away from the door in great haste imo.
NO active jw will address the issues (just see theocrat as a laughable example) and even if they were to try, they really don't know squat about their own history or they will refer to the one they've received from ONE source, that very org that has been lying to them all these years. Yer not allowed to find out about the TRUE history of the org though, cuz that would be the road to APOSTACY against such an org - HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS DOES IT NEED TO BE? is the question that rages in my head when I look at it.
Anyway, got off on a tangent there kevin. I was going to say that I was drifting for a while and then I fluked out in ending up on this site after looking for info on an UN proposal put forward by a group called 'formulism' to ban all religion. Of course, the internet search ended up here because of the UN NGO scandal which strangely enough didn't really blow me away like it has some. I lurked at all the info for a coupla days on this site and then dared to borrow Crisis Of Conscience from our local library (a well worn book lol) and the rest has been history - namely, the wts is history in the wifeee's and my life - Thank a God wherever he or she may be from saving me spending one more second in this horrific 'religion'! It was the decimation of the 607bce date that first donated to the coffin of jw religious relics that masquerade as 'truth'. If you can win your wife over, imo, it will only be done through a reasonable, loving approach. Turn the 'love bomb' bs people in da troof use for 'new ones' on her, except really mean it with true, unconditional love.
boa's rant is done now....thanks for asking kevin.....take care eh and all the best with your challenging situation.