Hi Java
sorry for misleading you.
Can I blame it on being Friday or am I just losing it?
Yours A
in the book faith on the march by alexander h. macmillan, page 43 it states:.
"in october, 1902, i attended a convention in washington, d.c., where i was married.
my wife and i then spent a year in california, returning in 1904 to allegheny.".
Hi Java
sorry for misleading you.
Can I blame it on being Friday or am I just losing it?
Yours A
in the book faith on the march by alexander h. macmillan, page 43 it states:.
"in october, 1902, i attended a convention in washington, d.c., where i was married.
my wife and i then spent a year in california, returning in 1904 to allegheny.".
Hi Java
I think the book is
"20 years a Watchtower Slave" by Marley Cole
making mole hills into mountains .
we had a wonderful and most exemplary family in our congregation.
they are hard workers, hospitable, caring, generous, suffer with you through hardship, kind, compassionate, and as loyal to the organization as any family could be.
Hi amazing
good post. Yes you followed through with the system against your own better judgement, but surely the most culpable ones are the parents of the child involved.
They had involved you and left you with very little room for manoevre having impled that the father (an elder) wanted to do things right (by the org that is).
No parent in their right mind would allow such a situation to develop and then watch their child be bullied and humiliated without doing something.
so there is going to be a new kms book.. a big one.. everyone will need one.. how much money can they make from new publication like this.. then a new isaiah book.. everyone will need one, and then one or two to place.. anyone out there handy with the counting beads and can come up with some figures, or am i being cynical.
So there is going to be a new KMS book.
A big one.
Everyone will need one.
How much money can they make from new publication like this.
Then a new Isaiah book.
Everyone will need one, and then one or two to place.
Anyone out there handy with the counting beads and can come up with some figures, or am I being cynical.
i was just looking out the window, as it would happen a middle aged woman, or perhaps a young woman worn out with her life walked past.
she stopped on the edge of the mall where my wifes office is, and sat on a bench outside the window.
on close look, she couldnt have been more than late 30's, but probably only 35.. she sat for a while just looking at the ground in front of her, her face just exhibiting that blank look of the world weary.
Hi Deacon
I can echo a lot of your feelings.
Our family gave 18 years to a myth, but we believed it and were happy
to follow initially.
The problem is we gradually became disillusioned and saw the truth for the lie that it really is.
Of course in the meantime many things in our lives had been put on hold waiting for that great tomorrow which we now know will never come.
We are trying very hard not to feel too negative about what we gave up and to find the benefits that we got from the org, yes there are a few.
Now we are living for our own dreams and hopes and not the fallacies from the myth makers.
We have found though you have good days and bad, but the bad ones are becoming fewer.
Dont fight on your own against the org just live without it.
If you try and fight on a personal level it still has a hold on you.
People like Silent Lambs, Lee Elder and Kent et al are fighting on a differant level and are doing a brilliant job.
There is life after the org, its up to you how you make it work.
This is written for me as much as a reply.
Hope it makes sense.
could you tell me about the jehovah's witness belief in a prophetess?
Hi Learning
I think you misheard and assumed prophets.
It should really be MODERN DAY PROFITS.
Hope this helps
warning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
What is the point in having bigger boobs when you cant show them off.
In various congs I have been in any sister wearing even slightly fitting or curvature revealing clothes would be spoken too.
Not even bare shoulders or dresses with back straps unless a full cardy was worn and not removed, even in hot weather.
All skirts and dresses had to be worn with underslips for fear of showing an outline.
All blouses and tops had to be checked for fear of showing even a hint of a shadow of a nipple and if found a camisole or similar had to be put on for fear of raising the wrath (or temperature) of the local gestapo.
No skirts with splits or wrap rounds.
Other half had to do a talk once (He hated it) based on the orgs view of modest dress and it went down really well went he said that brothers too could could fall into this trap with tight revealing trousers and see through shirts. Ha Ha getting our own back.
Its a wonder I ever managed to get to a meeting on time with all these pitfalls to overcome.
i'm trying to get a picture of how d-d records are used.
particularly, with regard to household security, are 'persistent nhs' kept in the maps in your area?.
i used to file the cong maps, and we kept old d-d records back to target these persistents at unusual times.
Hi Philo
Qwerty is right about the UK.
A few years ago with the advent of the Data protection act we had to destroy all S8 forms and from then on all n at h had to be kept on your own personal paper and only passed on to others verbally.
Bible study forms were no longer filled out but you could still count the time.
When this first happened there was great insistence from the platform that ALL our old S8's had to be destroyed and that records were re-written.
DNC were still kept with the territory map and supposedly called on annually by an elder to check that they were still of this mind.
Also at this time we also had to sign our record cards to show we agreed with the cong keeping records on us.
Thats all I can remember at the moment. Hope it helps.
a small question:.
according to the following text, paul , in antioch relates a reproof that he.
gave to peter and others because "they were not walking straight ...".
Right, not only were they reproved but the account of the meeting and what was said was written down and circulated for all to see.
Nothing was behind closed doors.
When will the r&f JW be accorded such treatment not only of local (and I dont mean personal private info) but things that the GB discuss and then have implemented that could then mean life or death to a loyal jdub.
how to con people.
have you built a house for yourself before building one for the lord?
i have to admit i have never taken the lord into consideration when i have tried to get a place to live.
Good post Norm,
thanks for all the research.
I just wish I had seen something along these lines 20 years ago.
The only 'downer' people I spoke to had about the JW's was that they
"Dont belive the divinity of christ" as it was put to me.
If only!!
Still we know better now