They have gone from freedom fighters and victims of religious persecution to *gasp* a filthy group of double talking GAG MEN.
It's really sad to think about it like that, but so true!
the german internal security police as organized under the nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.
They have gone from freedom fighters and victims of religious persecution to *gasp* a filthy group of double talking GAG MEN.
It's really sad to think about it like that, but so true!
hiya all.
i just wondered this becus i know lots of people have lost faith in god and the bible.. but if today something happened that proved 100 percent that god existed, would you go back to serving him?.
Wouldn't it be interesting for "GOD" to appear to groups around the earth and explain that he finally decided to check back in on us. He explains that he never "inspired" a book to be written and everything we percieve about him is not true so far. He then proceeds to tell us about himself, answers all our questions, and determines how he can help us fix the mess we've made! We can all have dreams, can't we?
i failed to find the thread right now, but there was a thread as to the 2005 annual report, and it was stated that the number of pioneers had dwindled from 858,461 to 623,308 - 27 %.
and comments were made on how little the society cared etc.
but, had yoy bothered to look closely at the figures (perhaps you've been well trained in sloppy statistics and misrepresenting by a certain group from before ......), you would have noticed thatthe column for pioneers this year has been divided in two - one for auxilliary pioneers and one for regular pioneers.
I don't think they have ever combined the auxilliary pioneers with the regular least they didn't in all the years I was in. If that changed in the last few years it would be nice to know. If that's the case then it would appear there has been a major drop in the number of RP's.
Where's Blondie?
i'm new to this site, although i am umm wow, what am i?
i'm not formally df'd anymore, but i'm inactive, i guess but for about 15yrs.
i met online on a local site another former jw and she told me about this site.
The important question is: Are you a Panthers fan???
Swalker (NC)
its richie again.. i was thinking last night about my inevitable, fast approaching exit from the wtbts.
i guess that out of common courtesy, i will provide a copy of my disassociation letter to my mother, however, it is nothing more than a baptism nullification / gag order / i'll sue all of you letter.
its not one of those lengthy numbers that some have chosen to write.
It still amazes me how there can be such differences within the Borg as to treatment of DA'd or DF'd relatives. Most of the congregations I attended allowed for full fellowship with close family members. It's really sad that your mom will probably CHOOSE to have nothing to do with you. The PO in the last hall I attended (for 10 yrs) had his disfellowshipped son START working for him/ate out at local restaurants all the time, etc. The only time anyone got into trouble was for associating with people NOT related to them. In the hall that I attended in my teens, the PO's son was DF'd and the mother stood her ground and told everyone that she was HIS MOTHER and she would do anything she could to help him and she did!!! and does to this day!!! (20 + yrs). He is still disfellowshipped and told everyone he would never be back and he kept his word!
Hang in there,
i escaped from a mormon cult and am involved with a website that educates people about mormonism.
i run a "podcast" where internet users and subscribers can hear an audio commentary each month.
we try to balance our production with humor, historical facts, cautions, guests, etc.
I'm sure there will be several from this forum that would be good candidates for what you are asking. Also, if you haven't seen this website, there is some great info posted at: (The site owner Randy Watters posts here as Dogpatch)
Welcome to the forum and we look forward to your posts!!!
fool me once; shame on you.... fool me twice; shame on me.. we've all heard that one before.
it implies that being fooled is everybody's susceptibility until more facts are presented which enable more critical thinking.. critical thinking is something you aren't born with.
it takes lots of practice.. and anything humans want to learn requires many tries.
I think that most of the posters here can attest to the fact that we were all gullible at some point over our religious beliefs. I wanted to believe that everything I was taught, especially the coming Paradise on earth, was for real. Finally, after more than 40 years of hearing that it was just minutes away...I had to face the music and see it for what it was. It was a very tough thing to do on the one hand and yet liberating at the same time. Is there a part of me that wants to go back and live in that unreality again? NO If I had a choice to know the truth or not about something, I'll take the truth...I really do not like being fooled.
dr. phil's solution to marital & single love life problems is to learn how to fix the one you have or yourself.
his new years resolution for couples is "get your love fix in 2006".
the first couple argues about everything.
be his sex kitten
Definition of sex kitten: a sexy and kittenish YOUNG woman.
That leaves out a lot of women!!! I do have very long nails though that can rake across skin and leave claw-like marks...does that count???
well, i been signed to a modeling agency since april of 05. besides your boring "stand here and look pretty" kind of jobs i still have wasn't finding any real work.
but saturday i went to a go-see for some local designer who was looking for models to be in her next runway show.
of course, i have absolutely no expierence in doing runway and i swear i have two left feet
Good for you!!! You'll do great!!! We actually had a group of sisters in our KH that did modelling!!! Some of us would go to their runway was fun!!! It's too bad that your Mom feels the way she does...but it really is just a JW mentality thing. I remember when the Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show and my grandmother told us we were from the "Devil" for watching them or listening to their music...this from a woman that listened to and loved country music!!!
Follow YOUR own dreams not some else's....
i just can't seem to get these things to come out larger.
i guess that clicking on the pic will make it enlarge.
well i hope so in order for you all to be able to read it.. i don't know who wrote this, but it's cute.
Very funny!!!