If you need Prozac to keep you in "Spiritual Paradise", you might be a JW!!
JoinedPosts by rockhound
Jeff Foxworthy....You might be a JW if....
by Lady Liberty in.
hello all.... sat around the campfire this weekend and laughed our butts off coming up with jeff foxworthy type humor.
it was so funny we thought it would be fun to run a thread here... i'll start.... "if your only yearly vacation is a "trip" to the district convention...you might be a jw.".
Jeff Foxworthy....You might be a JW if....
by Lady Liberty in.
hello all.... sat around the campfire this weekend and laughed our butts off coming up with jeff foxworthy type humor.
it was so funny we thought it would be fun to run a thread here... i'll start.... "if your only yearly vacation is a "trip" to the district convention...you might be a jw.".
If you think the word denial means a river in Egypt, you may be a JW
JW's book "Let your Kingdom come"(1981) argues against history and 586/607
by booker-t ini was given the book "let your kingdom come" by the jw's the other day that showed me why the jw's and wts are right about 607. in the appendix they bring up that historians argue against the 607 date but why jw's are right due to the bible and unreliable tablets.
i was so confused after reading the appendix in the let your kingdom come book that i actually had a "headache" and put the book down.
the jw's elder wants to come over and study this appendix with me trying to prove the 607 date is right.
I think the following thread may be important for you to look at. The society has written articles stating the lengths of the reigns of the kings of that peroid. These articles are in direct conflict with the appendix of the Kingdom Comes book. Elders don't know what to do with this conflicting information. Also, there is a lot of very good information on this subject in the archives of this forum on "Bible Research & Study Articles"
Important Notice to Publishers - Listen Up
by rockhound innotice: new and continuing direction from the governing body here in the big apple (you know...the place where we've got all your contributions stored away for safe keeping).
notice: to all publishers - new work incentive program.
the new program for september is.....work or get fired!!!
Notice: New and continuing direction from the Governing Body Here in the Big Apple (you know...the place where we've got all your contributions stored away for safe keeping)
Notice: To All Publishers - New Work Incentive Program
The new program for September is..... Work or Get FIRED!!! But, in all cases, keep your contributions coming. Now,...get back to work or you'll be eaten...hehehe
B.P. Rich field $$$
Possible New news
by why144000 inthere has been a lot of discussion regarding some 'news' to be released later in the year.
i have no inside whispers however i think that, if something new happens, it will be in regard to 'faders'.
many of us have faded and not attended meetings for some time.
I think that the big news is about the preaching work, and how its done. At present publishers report books, booklets and magazines placed, with the result that all to often the publishers view their "success" in terms of placements. Placements has been there "goal". Placements influences the basis on which elders in the congregations are inclined to appraise the work being done by the publishers. There is no report of the love shown to other brothers, or of how a person discharges Christian responsibilities in his home, or of his showing the fruitage of the spirit in daily life.
Human standards have become the controlling factor in what individual witnesses understand as God's will. Intense pressure is always "there" and becomes a heavy weight for all to carry. Conforming to this constant pressure has led to the attitude that "If I gotta be out here, then so do you". The witness brotherhood is performance driven. Showing love so many times is based on whether "Time" can be counted. Turning in time and placements become all important overshadowing loving acts motivated from a decision based on your own conscience. My guess is that the brothers will be allowed to turn in time for all kinds of Christian good deeds, acts of Christian love. In other words the kind of good that the churches have been doing for years. Hours would go up all over the world, pressure would be off the brothers, and attitude would change for the better. Just my two cents!!
Update! Attending Sunday Meeting and Loving it!
by drew sagan inyep that's right folks, yours truely has actually been attending the sunday meeting.
many will ask, why in the hell would you ever do that?
well, developments going on in my world have led me to this decision.
Good Job Drew!
If they start to give your hand the cold shoulder, I suggest that you and your wife sit right up front and have your hand up enough, that any deliberate oversight by the conductor would be very obvious to all. Also, you might like to check out Blondie's review of the Watchtower study for additional points to add to your comments.
Keep in mind Drew, that "The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear." -Herbert Agar
Shocking Announcement: Society feels Armaggedon coming this year?
by truthseeker ina rumor alert indeed, but it could be related to the distribution of kingdom news no.37, "false religions end is near.".
the following is posted from e-watchman's forum.. make of it what you will, but in light of all the rhetoric about "deliverance at hand" and "independent thinking", nothing would surprise me anymore.. http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1502&st=0 we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
B.P. Richfield here, official spokeman for the Governing B of the"We Say So" Corp of NewYork. What's coming up is Really, Really BIG and you rank and file better listen and shape up or else!!!
Armageddon is coming! Armageddon is coming! I've got to tell the king!
by Nosferatu infrom what has been described in recent posts, this seems to be how the r+f are reacting to the wts's push for the big a. we've got a whole convention focussed on it called "deliverance is at hand", a new book entitled "keep jehover's day in mind", a campaign to invite people to the deliverance convention, a campaign coming up in september, and they're studying the outdated revelation book in 2007.. people on this board have mentioned that some r+f members are saying that armageddon is coming within the next few hours, and even the whole bethelite layoff excuse (going into the field) promotes all of this.. but there is no date.. the wts is doing the exact same thing that they did for 1975, but they haven't mentioned any date.
they're getting the r+f excited about armageddon talk, but there is no goal.. how long do they expect to keep this up?
they can't keep the jws running around for too long with high expectations, or they're going to burn out.. are they preparing for the year 2014?
When I read this list, I thought of the constant sense of urgency that the witnesses are kept in year in and year out. Everyone is expected to put their life on hold and jump on the band wagon and keep excited that "any day now ", or " Its emminent" and on and on. Just pop another prozac pill and all will work out. It's like the construction forman that jumped down into the ditch , took the shovel away from the laborer and vigorously shoveled the dirt out of the hole and said "That's how I want you to do it". The laborer looked at the forman and said "Thats O.K. for a few minutes boss, but I got to do it all day"!!! When salvation is based on works, instead of being a free gift from our creator, the result is dangerous to not only our spiritual, but also our physical health.
"It's Urgent!! - The Dangers of
Constant Urgency"
By Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D. Founder, Lawyers Life Coach ™THE DANGERS OF CONSTANT URGENCY
1. Chronic Hyperarousal and Stress-Related Illness When you're running on adrenaline all the time your body is in a constant state of distress. You're actually in a state of physiological hyperarousal. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are produced; your heart, respiration rates and blood pressure are elevated. Your immune system is compromised. This kind of chronic stress puts you at risk for all kinds of stress-related problems including heart disease, hypertension, headaches as well as all the risks associated with an inefficiently functioning immune system.2. Compromised Effectiveness Although you may believe you are at your best under pressure, this is a physiological impossibility. You simply cannot be thorough, clear-thinking, imaginative, optimally effective or efficient when you are in a state of hyperarousal. In fact, this is when you are most likely to make those mistakes that can result in malpractice issues.
3. Damage to Important Relationships When faced with an urgent task, we tend to push everything else aside. How often have you sacrificed time with important people in your life in order to handle a crisis? When we disappoint the people we love in order to deal with a work emergency, we expect them to understand. We explain that we just can't help it. But over time, these relationships become eroded. There's a limit to how much disappointment our friends, lovers, spouses or children can tolerate before the relationship begins to deteriorate.4. Losing Control Of Your Life Perpetually putting out fires leads to feeling like your life is out of control. And in many ways, it is. You can become a slave to billable hours, the demands of clients, the expectations of partners. After a while, your career can feel like a runaway train, pulling you along at terrific speed, giving you no time to decide if you really want to go down this track.
5. Urgency Addiction When your life is controlled by urgency, it's unlikely that you're spending much time doing other things that restore you. Your personal needs get submerged. It's no wonder the only "high" you experience is the one you feel when you're under pressure at work. Once you're in the habit of neglecting other needs and sources of enjoyment, your only reliable source of excitement becomes this adrenaline rush.As Stephen Covey notes, "Urgency addiction is a self- destructive behavior that temporarily fills the void created by unmet needs." (1) ROCKHOUND
The Global Flood and Antarctica - Can we have both?
by mavie ina thought came to me this morning in the shower.
i was thinking about ice cores scientists have drilled in antarctica from which they can measure conditions that existed 650,000 years ago.
this got me thinking, how could antarctica have been around that long if the global flood as described in genesis really happened?
Fellow poster Allan F presented a lot of his research on the following site under the subject of The Flood
The following is part of his research:
General Description Of The Flood
The events of the Flood according to the Genesis account and Watchtower publications are:
From Genesis:
1. The flood was a global cataclysm.
2. It lasted about a year.
3. The highest mountains were covered by the floodwaters.
4. The draining of the floodwaters took about eleven months.
5. The source of the waters was the "floodgates of the heavens" and the "springs of the watery deep."
From the Insight 1 book:6. The source of the flood was the water above the "expanse" created on the second creative day of Genesis.
7. Prior to the flood there were no high mountains, no deep sea basins, and no icecaps.
8. During or after the flood the earth's crust shifted, mountains were created, and the shallow sea basins were deepened.
From the Aid 2 book:9. There was no rain prior to the flood.
10. The polar regions were suddenly plunged into a deep freeze.
11. Great gorges and drifts of debris were created.
The evidence presented in Insight on the Scriptures and in Aid to Bible Understanding is in three categories: the scriptures, legends, and physical evidence. The scriptural evidence is not an issue since the Bible clearly says there was a Flood. Hence, I will discuss the physical evidence in detail, as well as each of the above listed points, and bring in other references to the Flood in the Society's publications as needed. Legends are difficult to objectively assess, and therefore I will have less to say about them. Note that Genesis says nothing that can be proved or disproved by reference to physical phenomena. A miracle could have occurred and there would be no way to detect it. The problem in that case is how such a global cataclysm could leave no physical traces.
Then under the heading:
More Evidence for the Ice AgesCould the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps have formed after the Flood, 4400 years ago? Evidence from fossil animals in Arctic Ocean sediments show "that at no time over the past several million years has the Arctic Ocean been ice-free." 237 A large part of the Antarctic continent is below sea-level, with the rock floor of some ice-buried valleys more than 8200 feet below sea level. 238 The Antarctic ice is up to 15,000 feet thick; Greenland ice up to 12,500. How could such a thickness of ice build up in less than 4400 years? How could the ice contain layers that correspond to a year by year accumulation going back hundreds of thousands of years and show detailed evidence of climatic change? How could the build-up be done in such a manner as to depress the Antarctic continent by an average of two thousand feet in such a short time? Remember that, although the earth's crust is ductile, it will flow only over a long time scale, like window glass. Scandinavia and the Hudson Bay area are still rising at significant rates after 7000 to 10,000 years of being ice free. On the other hand, Antarctica is neither rising nor sinking, showing that it is in equilibrium with the rest of the earth's crust. This is consistent with its very low rate of accumulation of snow, which would not have been all that different during an ice age, so that there would not have been much change in ice volume after the ice age had ended and therefore little change in the load on the land. But Canada and Greenland, which are in relatively more temperate regions, would have had a much larger change in total ice volume, and so the load on the land would change a great deal.
Much evidence, some of which I've already presented, shows that continents respond to loading over periods measured in tens of thousands of years. A good account of crustal response to loading by ice is given in Scientific American, February, 1984, "The Earth's Orbit and the Ice Ages." If all the ice in Antarctica formed in less than the time since the Flood, how could the continent come to be in equilibrium? There is no way it could get into equilibrium after 4400 years, after having accumulated up to 3 miles of ice. If you claim the ice caps were around before the Flood, how could they have survived it, given that ice floats? Surely a floating, continent sized ice sheet would break up and the pieces would float all over. Then there should be evidence in the form of ice-rafted erratics and sediment all over the world that this took place. Yet such evidence is not found. And what does this mean for the idea the earth was under hothouse conditions?
I hope this information is helpful in making up your mind.
"You have a week to Move out" PLEASE HELP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!
by stillAwitness inyesterday morning was my bookstudy.
but i had a runway show to do that night (i think i have mentioned before that i have been pursuing modeling) and so of course i had to skip out.
my parents go to a differ bookstudy than me but in the same hall and so they were able to notice that i was not there.
Hello stillAwitness
So this morning she and my dad announce that they knew I was lying, that I was not at the bookstudy and that "anyone who is a liar and not serving Jehovah whole-souled needs to leave their house." So they have announced that I have a week to move out.
I think that under the circumstances, I would suggest that you call a near by church of your choice and tell your story to the minister in charge. Let him know that your Jehovahs Witness parents have given you one week to get out, because of the above reason, and ask for help. I think that chances are very good that some family in their chruch would help you with temporary safe shelter, till you can get on your feet. If your parents want to know where you are moving to, let them know that you were forced by them to go to a local Christian church for help and shelter. I'm sure that a local Christian church would be eager to give to you the help that your parents refuse you. I hope that this is a practical suggestion. I have a feeling that your parents may have a change of heart , when they realize the impact that this would have on the local neighborhood.