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Posts by tika
JW funeral this WE
by tika inok, (r u there, toth, cuz i'm gonna rant again, ha-ha).
so my h's great aunt (mil's aunt) died after a long illness, she was 85, seemed to be a nice lady but i only knew her from the kh.
my h knows how i feel about going to the kh for any reason and is not forcing me to go.
Hey everyone! Listen to this!
by Sebastian Melmoth inhowdy ho all you fine folks in jwd land!
i thought you all might enjoy this little incident that occurred about six years ago when i was sixteen and newly baptized:
it all happened one night after a theocratic misery school and disservice meeting, during which, i carried one of the microphones.
I find it odd that he would tell you to play sports and workout. My H was raised JW and he was not allowed to play sports, is it different from one cong. to another? I work out almost everyday at my local Y and my H's JW have showed their disdain for my hobby. Apparently they don't have any desire to take care of the bodies they have since the world is going to end soon, they should probably devour all of the HoHo's and twinkies before they become perfect humans, Haha. But I digress, I think the elder kind of liked what he saw SM, and maybe was disappointed you didn't encourage him!
The Jehovah's Witnesses are jealous right now
by free2beme ini was watching how in texas the people of that sect mormon religion are actually getting stronger in their faith, with what is happening, and not weaker.
being a former witness, we know that the one thing witnesses want more then anything is persecution.
they are practically begging for the world to turn on them, like they did this cult in texas and i would just bet they are jealous this is happening to these people and not them.
I have been watching them on the news all week, and I'm thinking of doing my hair in the "TEXAS RANCH BUN" for JW funeral I may or may not attend on Sunday, LOL! Seriously though, I was thinking about this today, those freaks got nothin' on the Watchtower, IMO because all of those people live on the compound. JW's are out in the "real world" so the brainwashing has to be much more relentless since they are not seperated from the rest of us.
JW funeral this WE
by tika inok, (r u there, toth, cuz i'm gonna rant again, ha-ha).
so my h's great aunt (mil's aunt) died after a long illness, she was 85, seemed to be a nice lady but i only knew her from the kh.
my h knows how i feel about going to the kh for any reason and is not forcing me to go.
That's great advice Gopher, I am just worried I won't be that nice. I feel like if I go my instinct is going to be to shun them the way they have my disfellowshipped SIL and since she is not going and it is her aunt I don't feel obligated to attend except for my H, and he probably would rather me not go if I cannot be nice (FAKE) to these people. It has really got me worked up and I wish I were not letting it ruin my whole weekend. We are going to the comedy club tonight and I am going to try and have fun.
I Found this on YouTube--Maybe Some Want to Participate
by jamiebowers in
I checked out the professor's video also which was interesting.... it looks like there are alot of people out there who could use some support!
Your JW Relatives Have 2 Personalities - Cult & Authentic- See the Change
by flipper inin steve hassan's book, " combatting cult mind control" - one of the points that assisted me the most is understanding that all cult members have a " cult " personality which turns on when defending their faith, and they have an authentic, non - cult personality they were born with- the personality they had before being programmed by the jehovah's witnesses or any other " cult".
how is this dual cult/ authentic personality manifest ?
hassan mentions in his book that, " one moment the person is speaking cultic jargon with a hostile or elitist know-it-all attitude .
Yes, I noticed it last night in my DH when we were arguing. Acutally he kept his "cool' while I got pretty angry. Not recommended since they are trained to be even more zealous when facing adversity, in this case my temper, ha-ha.
by Terry inback in 1959 i became best friends with a fellow who was instrumental in my becoming a jehovah's witness.
yesterday i attended his mother's funeral.. from the time i was 12 years old i became a part of johnny's family and got to know his mother, jennie, very well.
in fact, she was more instrumental in convincing me there was intellectual merit to the reasoning process of consulting the bible and drawing jw conclusions than any of the arguments johnny and i had.. fast forward a bit.
Wow, Terry thanks so much for the post, since I have a JW funeral this Sunday afternoon it came at a great time!
JW funeral this WE
by tika inok, (r u there, toth, cuz i'm gonna rant again, ha-ha).
so my h's great aunt (mil's aunt) died after a long illness, she was 85, seemed to be a nice lady but i only knew her from the kh.
my h knows how i feel about going to the kh for any reason and is not forcing me to go.
Ok, (r u there, TotH, cuz I'm gonna rant again, ha-ha)
So my H's great aunt (MIL's aunt) died after a long illness, she was 85, seemed to be a nice lady but I only knew her from the KH. My H knows how I feel about going to the KH for any reason and is not forcing me to go. My BIL is however making his wife go even though he doesn't agree with the religion, he pretends to in order to appease his nagging mother. I really don't want to be around all of the "OHHH, we miss you soooo much, when are you coming back" BS but I will probably go so as not to leave poor SIL by herself with the witlesses. Also, I figure if I don't go, it will give all the nags a chance to talk about me "Poor, D, his wife didn't come with him...." So, me and H had a bit of a tiff about JW's last night because he asked me if I would leave him if he went back to the KH. I didn't feel it was a fair question, seeing how I pretty much let him do as he pleases, play poker all night with his pals, go on weekend fishing trips, golf whenever he wants, etc,etc without nagging. And he likes his lifestyle. Period. I don't see him ever going back because he would have to give up all his fun, that I put up with and no one else in his past relationships would. I suspect this has all come about recently because MIL is pestering him ever since the memorial... probably telling him the usual, time is short, yadda yadda yadda, laying the urgency BS on him and all the guilt. ANYHOW, any tips for the funeral would be appreciated, if anything it will be good practice for MIL's funeral as I'm sure she will be having "A BIG FAT JW FUNERAL", ha-ha.
Do you have a Narcissist Jw in your life?
by tika innarcissistic personality disorder is characterized by : .
believing that you are better than others being envious of others or believing others are envious of you.
fantasizing about power, success and attractivenesss trouble keeping healthy relationships.
Thank you for the info Baba, I will be checking it out. I am so baffled by this person who has been my MIL for 7 yrs... and she just keeps getting worse the older she gets.
Just frustrated
by tika inthe last meeting my husband attended was the memorial 2 yrs.
ago last year we were visiting my family for easter or he would have went.
the last meeting i attended was the memorial 3 years ago.
The last meeting my husband attended was the memorial 2 yrs. ago last year we were visiting my family for Easter or he would have went. The last meeting I attended was the memorial 3 years ago.
Not to digress but, at that meeting an elder's wife inquired about my brother who is in prison and commented that "You don't need associations like that anyway" basically telling me it would be best for me to write him off. While I agree that my brother is where he should be, paying his debt to society... he is my baby brother. I was waiting for him 34 years ago when they brought him home from the hospital and I will still be waiting for him in 34 years when he comes home from prison. He is my family and I love him... no matter what. So at that memorial 3 yrs. ago I decided right then an there I wanted nothing to do ever with this religion or these people. It was the last straw for me.
I knew when the memorial was going to be this year long before my husband so I knew we would be out of town, unbeknownst to my controlling MIL. The Saturday before our trip, and the memorial, we had a gathering of his family in our home. MIL brought the paper invitation with her that night, which he laid on the buffet never mentioning to her our trip (for fear she'd invite herself along). After she left I threw the invitation away knowing he wouldn't be attending and the damn thing would just sit there. The following day SUNDAY (which is our day to relax and enjoy our home as a family without being disturbed by the outside world... here comes the elder who's wife p'd me off from MIL's congregation (one town away) to give my H another paper invite to the memorial. Upon his entrance to my home I promptly said "hello" picked up my dog and retreated to the computer room closing the door behind me. Not only did I not wish to speak to him, but since he stopped by unannounced I had no bra on under my pajamas so I felt quite justified in leaving my husband to deal with him. Fast forward to us returning from our trip, 2 messages on our machine from MIL requesting his attendance at the memorial... the 1st sounding pitiful and mopey, and the second very nasty, mean and full of rage. I about laughed my butt off. I heard the second message and laughed and told my poor husband "sounds like your in trouble". He is 41 years old and has been emotionally abused by her his whole life. The funniest part is he didn't even call her until the following evening.
Thanks everyone for listening, I would go insane if I didn't have you guys and gals to vent to. I wish everyday for the day my husband sees what I see.