So i've been gone this past week . I was on a vacation with my husband an his whooooooooooooole family who are allllllllllllllllllllll very very devout witnesses. So i decided to take along one of my Harry Potter books to read. Oh the looks i recieved when i brought that book out . nobody said anything but there faces said it all for them. Everyone else there was reading there watchtowers and the latest releases from the assembly and there i was the Black sheep of the family with my EVIL little h.p book. OHHHHHHHHHthe horror!. I think I've been away from the whole witness thing for a good long time now, because when my sister in law said that she brought along her yearbook to read I though she was talking about her school yearbook. DUHHHHHHHH.My mind is really getting cleared of all the witness mumbo jumbo. I was a good little girl and kept my mouth shut when my sisinlaw was saying that at the book studies they seemed to be going over the same stuff all the time and my faher in law proceeded to tell her "oh maybe you don't understand what they're talking about or why they are making us study these things but you have to understand that those men down at bethel know soooooooooo much more than we'll ever know and they are so much smarter than us and if thats what they want us to study then they must have a reason and so we should just do it and not question it" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! if they tell you to jump of a bridge you'll prob do that too? So any how i just needed to vent . i was a good girl for my husbands sake but I WILL NEVER GO ON VACATION WITH THEM AGAIN! NEXT time i'm heading to Ireland. ON my own for some peace and quiet.
JoinedPosts by annalice
I'm back from my vacation in HELL
by annalice inso i've been gone this past week .
i was on a vacation with my husband an his whooooooooooooole family who are allllllllllllllllllllll very very devout witnesses.
so i decided to take along one of my harry potter books to read.
accepted till the borg says you're not!
by annalice inmy husband just called me from mass.
where he is attending the convention with his family.
he was telling me who he had seen there and he mentioned a paticular brother that i would love to see again face to face so i could knee him where the sun don't shine.
look I'm just telling the story as it was told to me. But of course since my friend is df'd that automatically means she's a liar and her ex the still good witness only tells the truth right. Comforter why don't you test my story and see if your head fits in a toilet? What do you think ? when men abuse women they only do things that aren't disgusting? Are you a moron? Or haven't you learned to think for yourself yet? prob. both .
accepted till the borg says you're not!
by annalice inmy husband just called me from mass.
where he is attending the convention with his family.
he was telling me who he had seen there and he mentioned a paticular brother that i would love to see again face to face so i could knee him where the sun don't shine.
My husband just called me from Mass. where he is attending the convention with his family. He was telling me who he had seen there and he mentioned a paticular brother that I would love to see again face to face so I could knee him where the sun don't shine. So I said to my husband " you didn't say hi to him did you??" and of course his answer is "well yes of course I did why wouldn't I ?" HMMMMMMMMMMM? Maybe its because his wife who is one of my best friends was verbally and physically abused by him ? And when some one holds my friends head in the toilet to get her to agree to try to be a better witness wife so that he can become an elder . I don't know about any of you but I get really steamed. My friend has left the jerk and while hiding from him at a non jw's house she became romantically involved with the man . Her ex found out where she was and came when she wasn't there and broke the front door down and gave her boyfriend a nice black eye. She is now dissfellowshiped for cheating on her husband and he is dating a 19 year old ,secretly untill the divorce is final ,and he is moving towards being an elder. I was soooooooooo mad that my husband who knows this whole story actually conversed with this slimball and to my friend he won't even say "hi". So I hung up on him. He knows the guy is a jerk but until the elders say he is df''d everyone will treat him so wonderfully and to my friend they will shun and avoid like the plague.You could'nt actually think for yourself and decide not to talk to him could you ? That would mean using your own brain for once? All I can think of is " OH my god that was me at one time I shunned people without even thinking about it ". I just heard the word df'd and that was enough. I wish i could find those people that over the years were df'd from my cong. and were never heard from again. I wish i could ask them to forgive me for my blindness. So thats all ,sorry for writing so much but this is my venting place. If i can't vent from time to time I think I would go off the deep end.
Age Sex Location Occupation Anyone?
by Perfection Seeker in.
33 female iowa massage therapist happily married no children (yet).
anyone else?
29, female ,married( for the moment) , artist painter , upstate New York.
friends? HA!
by annalice inso i just need to vent a little.
my husband is going to the mass.
convention this up coming weekend with his parents.
i'll have to suggest that to my husband. He won't do it but it will be there in his head to think about. He doesn't go to meetings , only the memorial and the conventions . i think he goes to the conventions so that his family will see him there. They all attend different kingdom halls than him.So i guess its to make them think that he is still fully loyal. He's VERY blind to anything negative about the witnesses.
friends? HA!
by annalice inso i just need to vent a little.
my husband is going to the mass.
convention this up coming weekend with his parents.
So I just need to vent a little. My husband is going to the Mass. convention this up coming weekend with his parents. I of course am not going . So I told him that i would miss him and he says "well you could come . Wouldn't you like to see all of your friends? They'd prob. like to see you." What friends would those be the ones that haven't called me in two years? MY number is still the same , i live in the same place. I'm not disfellowshipped i just don't go , and i got tired of calling them and them saying "oh yeah we'll have to get together sometime, but now isn't a good time". So fine don't be my friend ,i guess witnesses don't know the meaning of the word. I said to my husband "ok i'll go . I can always stay outside and talk to the apostates picketing the convention . Maybe they'll have an extra sign i could carry. And i could talk to the only people there who can think for themselves." After that he said maybe i should stay home.He tells me i have some anger issues. Yeah i have some anger issues . IT's like when you over sleep and miss soething really important. You wake up and look at the alarm clock through sleepy eyes and realize OH MY GOD! I OVER SLEPT!! I MISSED IT!!! Well i over slept by 29 years and now i'm awake and i look back at all i missed and i'm a bit ticked. But thanks for listening . I'm soo glad i found this website its keeping me sane in the insane world of witness land.
What Are Your Beliefs?
by MoeJoJoJo ini am very curious in what everyone believes as far as religious beliefs.. since leaving the org, i feel i am still in a limbo state, i'm not quite sure of what i believe yet.
i believed a lie most of my life which i'm sure most of you can relate with, so its not so easy for me to jump right into something else.. i do feel there is a superior being who created us all.
i am still trying to sort things out.. so if you care to share, are you atheist, pagan, christian, etc.?
I wish i new what i believed . After fading away from the whole witness thing I'm still not able to fully put all my faith into believing in one thing . I still believe there is a higher source but what that is i don't know anymore . I'm requestioning everthing in my life still . What is true and what is a lie? After being a witness my whole life and finding out all the lies my trust has been completly crushed. Can we ever fully put are trust in any religion again? For me I'll always be questioning it.
JW's admit lying in France
by Aaac inthis is what i found at.
here more news from france.
reading that just made me sick. What a bunch of hypocrites. I thought satan was the father of all lies. So i guess that makes him the orgs. new daddy.
Chinese Astrology - What Animal Are You?
by MissyMoesGhost inlast night i was chatting with introspection and we breifly discussed chinese astrology.
i know a bit about it... .
look up your sign here -- and remember chinese astrology starts with the month february.
I'm a RAT. It says i have a sharp wit that is VERY true.I like the celtic zodiac. I'm a Birch tree under the celtic zodiac.
Couples that leave the JWs together.
by MegaDude infor married couples who ended up leaving the jws together, which spouse broke from the jws first?
what was your reaction to your spouse leaving at first?
what made you decide to finally leave with your spouse?.
Ok here's my story- I slipped away from the jw's three or four years ago . My husband still claims that he is now and will always be a jw and that know one will EVER get him to turn away because he knows that it is the TRUTH . However , he hasn't been to a meeting in the last few years himself except for the memorial and the conventions that he goes to with his family.I've given up talking to him , it only get us into fights.So we don't bring up the subject. I just keep hoping that he'll come around. I hope its soon , i want to start having kids and he still says that they will be raised as JW's.Over my dead body is all i have to say to that.I just could not stand all those two faced people anymore . I think it was easier for me to leave because the only other family member i had in the org. was my mother and she wasn't very strong in it herself. My husband however has his entire family in the org. His parents , brothers, sisters, aunts , uncles ,and all of there offspring. I wonder if thats why he seems to still hold on to it.Ididn't loose anyone when i left . If anything I gained back all those relatives I never associated with and i now have a wonderful family support group all aound me.But for him to leave he would loose them all. I feel bad for him but at the same time I wish he would MAKE UP HIS MIND.Thats all . I have to go calm down now. MY frustration has resurfaced.