JoinedTopics Started by confuzzlediam
Even though I believe in God I still believe Religion is bullshit
by KateWild in
Try Other Religions
by Sofia Lose insometimes i get a strong curiosity to start dabbling into other religions, other faiths, you know?
really different ones such as islam, judaism, hinduism, etc.. has anyone here looked into something else?
has your spirituality been satisfied by any other than christianity?.
Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?? Are there similarities between them and JW's??
by confuzzlediam inlast month, i had the privilege of traveling to jamaica with a study abroad group from my community college.
while there, we went to a place called my father's house in which severely disabled children lived when they had no one else to take care of them.
as part of their day, they hold worship in a small, outdoor meeting place.
A Renewed Friendship After 10 Years
by confuzzlediam ina little background first....i have been dating my boyfriend for a year.
both of us are disfellowshipped.
we attended the same congregation 7+ years ago when we were both married.
watchtower not following 1st and second commandment because they are ostrasizing and shunning fellow humans
by poopie inshunning violates the law of love that is principled love agape.
you can never justify shunning another human made in gods image no human has the god given right to completely shun another human by giving them the silent treatment.
its also a form of bullying which the watchtower condems on its own website.
How do you manage to keep JW friendships after you left the organization?
by Bonsai init seems incredibly difficult.
those who leave the org.
(or fade) no longer have anything in common with jehovah's witnesses, nor do they want to stick around to get radiated by the fear and guilt that saturates every aspect of a witnesses' life.. i've lost all but one of my jw friends quite simply because i can no longer condone the evil things that they condone.
What are the current rules about vaping from the GB?
by purrpurr ini mean e cigs and vaping.
not even tobacco inhaling but inhaling other stuff like herbs etc.
is this allowed?
Jehovah's Witness woman refuses blood, then dies.
by Lee Elder inanother jehovah's witness woman has died while giving birth due to massive blood loss and refusing a blood transfusion.
she leaves nine children behind.
she finally consented to the transfusion but it was too late to save her.
Undue influence - other areas in life
by DavidG inafter gradually waking up to ttatt im finding myself with this question:.
since it is so easy to be indoctrinated with jw beliefs, are there other areas in my life where i'm also under influance of other false beliefs?
from the culture i've grown up with, school etc?.