Why so cynical about lawyers?
are there any lawyers here?
i'm a year from graduating with a double major in math and english, and am considering law school.
any ideas/pros/cons?
Why so cynical about lawyers?
there are at least two cases against the watchtower in the state of new york.
click this link below and enter "watchtower bible and tract society" where it says enter defendents name.
I will call and find out what they are about...
are there any lawyers here?
i'm a year from graduating with a double major in math and english, and am considering law school.
any ideas/pros/cons?
In the U.S., an undergrad degree (4 year program) is required to get into law school.
Law school is a three year program.
are there any lawyers here?
i'm a year from graduating with a double major in math and english, and am considering law school.
any ideas/pros/cons?
A few suggestions:
-find and work thru an LSAT prep course BEFORE you take the LSAT.
-get scholarships or grants, if possible, and DO NOT try to work a job, at least the first year.
-find a good study group that is serious about meeting and going over material. Be prepared when you meet with your group.
-make good grades your first year; give it your absolute best shot, without being ridiculously competitive about it.
-Make good friends and enjoy them.
Unlike some other law schools, mine actually prepared me to do what i do; litigate.
If you have an idea what you'd like to do, find a school that's known for that realm of law.
DON'T get married while in law school. It's just too hard....and your spouse won't understand what you're living thru. If you can avoid a serious significant other, do so, til you get OUT.
luke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
That was interesting, UDF...
well i'm finally doing it.
i'm getting braces again.
back when i was quite younger, i had removable braces.
...but it feels SO weird and almost SLIMY when you get them off, cuz your teeth are so slick...
Also, it feels weird kissing afterward, cuz their not in the way...
there were 12 monkeys in a cage and at the ceiling of the case some bananas were placed.
there was also some wood and things so that they could pile it up and reach the bananas.. some of the smarter ones figured that out, but when they climbed the pile of wood and reached for the bananas all the monkeys were soaked wet with a hose.
the monkeys who tried really don't like that and stopped.
Is it true?
Personally, i believe the '12 step program for hamsters' is more effective.
Well, there ya go... let's organize and feed the poor.
Wonder what it tastes like?!?
I like greens. maybe it's 'greeny'.
well i'm finally doing it.
i'm getting braces again.
back when i was quite younger, i had removable braces.
i had braces/retainer as a kid, done poorly.
At 28, i did it again, cuz my teeth were moving and causing jaw issues.
I tried linguals first (behind the teeth), then switched to clear on front. it wasnt so bad...
The linguals made me talk funny, tho, especially when they were tightened.
I still have an overbite, but otherwise i have straight, pearly whites
Take care of you teeth while in braces, otherwise they stain easily...
I'm glad i did it; it was worth the hassle and bucks.