Topics Started by FMZ
Who Is Your American Idol Pick?
by wednesday ini am crazy about the red headed john.
he is so cute and just has such a cool way about him.
he's a frank sinatra dean martin type singer.
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
Post your ugly mug
by SC_Guy inok, this is kind of a silly thread... but... since i haven't seen any really recent "post your photo" threads, i'll start one.
you know how it goes... post a recent picture of yourself - don't be fooled by the topic title, lol... it doesn't have to be ugly.
ok, me first... ugly mugshots are easy for me to take being that i am just utterly hideous.
Passing the time at JW Assemblies
by Leolaia inlove_truth, in describing the utter dullness of jw assemblies and conventions, just gave me an interesting idea for a thread.
what were some of the ways you tried to make the hours pass?
some of mine: looking at the interesting refracting patterns the arena floodlights made on my eyeglasses when looking thru them at an angle.looking for people i knew from my congregation and others in the mass of people in the arena.counting the number of people leaving the section to go to the bathroompractice writing people's names in elvish scripthaving a conversation with friends a row behind me by passing notes back and forthseeing how many pages of my bible stick together when i slam a wad of gum in between its pages.. what else?
What Do You Connect With Certain Posters?
by minimus inwhat do you connect with certain posters?
Top 10 Polite Ways To Say Your Zipper Is Down....
by Xena in......... by david letterman.
10. the cucumber has left the salad.. .
9. quasimodo needs to go back in the tower and tend to his .
Girl Scout Cookies are the Work of the Devil
by Xena in.
seriously, they masquerade as angels of light, with their dark chocolate minty taste (my personal satan being the thin mint ones) but in reality they are little fiendish wafers of fat and carbohydrates waiting to attack the weak defences of your tastebuds so they can defile the temple of your flesh.
i think i need an exorcism....or another box of cookies *sigh*
Top Tips I
by Simon inhere in the uk, we have a comic / magazine called viz which includes a 'readers tips' page.
here are some extracts:.
save energy by placing solar powered calculators unders a hat when not in use.