I used to be. But then I figured, "Why should I be special?" Everybody dies. If there something else after that, I can't control it or direct it just like I couldn't
control being born.
not the kind of death, but actually dying?
not trying to be morbid, but for now, it is a part of life.. abr.
I used to be. But then I figured, "Why should I be special?" Everybody dies. If there something else after that, I can't control it or direct it just like I couldn't
control being born.
prior to you leaving the org did you come to the conclusion that if you didnt actually take the step and leave, that you would run into serious mental difficulty.. i really feel that for 5 years proir to my finally leaving i was quite impaired mentally by the teachings and practices of the org.
it was coming to a head though when i finally announced that i was leaving.
i really felt that i was under intense mental pressure and that if i didnt get out then i may end up doing something serious.
I think I'm over he hurdle, which for me was admitting to myself the charade I had beleived. A life time--- LIFE TIME---- of beleiving, doing, defending,
arguing, self denial, self sacrifice, and guilt---- and in the end to find out that it wasn't for God at all, but for THEM: a faceless collection who take no responsiblity for their
Right now I'm just pissed somedays and sad some others. I am getting the strength to do what I have to do. One of the things I am doing
is developing a network of friends outside the org. I know most in the org. will drop me like a hot potato once I am no longer in--- I'll be a leper to them.
Hang in there!
yesterday, i was at my asperger's syndrome support meeting and i found out something very funny and shocking.
a well respected figure in my mom's congregation is an active homosexual (no, minnesota xjw's, i'm not mentioning any names.
he's an old man that's close to death, let him die in peace).
That whole "keep the congregation clean" thing is just another smug attempt at self adulation.
The whole POINT of the ministry is to save sinners, right? Well, if they are sinners, eventually they'll sin again
in some form or fashion. You sin, and you repent. The WTS places the expectation of perfection on its members, and
that's what leads to all the secrecy and hiding, etc.... which is very detrimental to a person emotionally and spiritually. They
don't care about a person's spiritual needs, all they care about is THEIR ORGANIZATIONAL IMAGE. The cup, my friends, is
clean only on the outside.
god forbid you would talk about the person at his funeral............what do most people get after living 70-80 years..........a 5-10 minutes eulogy....................the transition statment is "let me tell you about what fred really believed in".............................45 minutes later.....that way the specker can count his time.. as we know people in the organization are unimportant living or dead.
Being raised in the "TRUTH" I have gone to many JW Funerals. The more you DID for the religion, the more "credit" you got, the "MORE CERTAIN" your
hope of a resurrection was, the more you were remembered. The dead person gets 5 minutes and the the WTS get 40 of a 45 min. talk. I have told my friends
that I'll make sure they get at least 30 min. They all laugh. But they know its true. You're used and then forgotten, both in life and in death. Once they can't get anything more from you
you're done.
The last JW Funeral I attended was held at a Funeral Home. The Memorial Service was also held at the Funeral Home. When I asked the widower, a friend of some time and an elder of
many years why no KH Funeral, he said of his wife and I paraphrase: 'She and her family suffered enough through her cancer. I wanted to have it in a place where the people
understood families and grieiving. I didn't want to have to use the outline for her eulogy." And he didn't. The brother who spoke, spoke about her. Her beleifs were just one facet of her life
and he didn't emphasize it over any other facet. It was warm, full of anecdotes, humor, memories, and kindness and love. Best JW Funeral ever---- at a local Funeral Home.
i ask this because jesus referred to god as: my lord, my father, my god.
he never used the word jehovah.
to me that if anyone would use the name, certainly jesus would.
Thanks all so far.
the wts has threaded a theology together based mostly on what not to do.
many of the 'what nots" are justified.
by saying they are rooted in pagan beliesfs.
Thanks for the reference. I have enjoyed your posts all this time while I "lurked"--- (I didn't know I was a lurker 'til you guys told me)
i wasn't born in the truth.
my parents started studying when i was five.
we started living all the principals completely when i was nine.
Thanks for your story.
Al the best to you.
the wts has threaded a theology together based mostly on what not to do.
many of the 'what nots" are justified.
by saying they are rooted in pagan beliesfs.
The WTS has threaded a theology together based mostly on what not to do. Many of the 'what nots" are justified
by saying they are rooted in pagan beliesfs. But if everything not Jewish and not Christian is pagan, and the Jews and
the Christians were such small societies, isn't everything really at some point pagan? Were not these cultures that existed
for thousands of years independent of and parallel to--- sometimes older than--- Jewry and Christianity? And are their traditions and
practices inherently wrong?
i ask this because jesus referred to god as: my lord, my father, my god.
he never used the word jehovah.
to me that if anyone would use the name, certainly jesus would.
I ask this because Jesus referred to God as: my Lord, my Father, my God. He never used the word Jehovah. It always seemed
to me that IF ANYONE would use the name, certainly Jesus would. So is YHWH really God's name? Or was it just a Hebrew term to
identify and differentiate the Supreme Being from all other beings, the One calling himself "He Who Causes To Become", or "I Shall
Prove To Be What I Shall Prove To Be"?
zack, on another thread, said he heard this figure from the platform at both the 2006 elders' school and his recent pioneer school:.
that there were 93,000 elders in 1994, and less than 60,000 today, in the united states.. i thought these figures deserved their own thread, as they are shocking to me, and to see if anyone else has heard anything similar.. i'll post a link to the other thread as well.
When you hear of "entire bodies of elders being removed" it is not because of some corruption in the sense of unchristian conduct. It is most likely, and I say this only because of my personal experience, that these bodies of elders do not toe the WTS line. They resist the CO, they refuse to beat young people over things like sports or going to a prom, they will not counsel against college, etc.... They will not send congregation funds to the Branch.
So, the CO's delete them.