Well, to me, the best cost cutting method of all would be to liquidate all assets, give the proceeds to the poor, and get out of BUSINESS. Of course, only a just God would ensure that would happen.
Posts by zack
Borg Cost cutting measures...can you think of others?
by SnakesInTheTower ini was reflecting on the other thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/135961/2.ashx) about the new koolaid watchtower....and thinking about this being more of an overall cost cutting measure than any kind of old light repackaged as special lite.......can you think of any other examples?
a few examples: no more subscriptions (no more yellow envelopes, no more yellow, blue, green, pink forms).
no more postages sending individual magazines.. kingdom ministry now sent in same box as magazines rather than separate roll of kms to po house.
So..You donate your money, and then you have to pay intrest on it??!!
by Lady Liberty ingood morning everyone "happy thursday!!",.
just reading another thread, and it made me think of a question i could never answer as a jw.
how is it that when your hall wants to build, you recieve the "loan" from the society, but then you have to pay the loan back with intrest??!!.
To be fair, the WTS charges about 3% a year simple interest on a loan, which is currently about the rate of inflation. If interest is not charged, at least at the rate of inflation, it erodes the value of the fund. The local Kingdom Halls are not owned by the WTS, they are owned by a local not for profit which is the cong. holding the territory where the building is located. 3 elders are trustees of the property and the elders are appointed by the WTS, and yes, they will do whatever the WTS wants.
Of course, local congos. can rent or lease a facility instead of purchasing one. Either way, the expense is borne by the contributors who own nothing in the end, not even the "treasures in heaven" they believe they are accumulating for themselves.
The Assembly Halls, on the other hand, are a different story.
Update! Drew Sagan is no longer a Jehovah's Witness
by drew sagan inas promised here is all of the info regarding what has been going on.
per the last jc with the elders i realized that all i had done was buy time.
they felt that we should be df'ed right on the spot, but because i made a plea to wait for a letter coming back from the wts they decided to hold on taking such action.
I know you will both be much happier. That is a fact. The long nightmare is over and you can live for real.
Your's is but one more example that while the Watchtower Society uses the name "Jehovah" and treats it like some sort of talisman, they know absolutely nothing about Him. They claim to perform their works in the "name" of God, and yet they are so far alienated from the Person and Character and Quality of the God represented by the name.
You have escaped. I suspect Mommy and Daddy may join you.
All the best.
What kind of MS / Elder / Co / Do were you?
by Gill inthere are many on the board who formerly, and some who still do, hold positions of power in the borg.. would you describe yourself as having been a 'good' elder, or a 'bad' elder?.
did you leave because you 'couldn't live up to jehovah's standards' or did you leave 'because you woke up and smelt the bull shit?'.
I was the kind that good people loved and assholes hated. I wasn't a company man. I never voted with sending cong. funds to the Branch. I thought I was doing the right thing for the right reasons. I wish I could have seen it all sooner.
JW dies refusing blood after Caesarean
by Gayle inhttp://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20070621b1.html.
thursday, june 21, 2007. .
jehovah's witness shuns blood, dies.
A mother Dead. A child orphaned. Yes, this is exactly what a loving, compassionate Creator wants.
The WTS is EVIL.
"You don't return my phone calls!"
by zack inok. so what is the story about people getting upset with others because their phone calls are not returned?
i know that sometimes i don't return calls, but i also know that sometimes people just call to chat, gossip, bitch, and overall waste my time and add to my stress level.
second, i beleive this complaint is self centered: you didn't return my phone call.
Ok. So what is the story about people getting upset with others because THEIR phone calls are not returned? I know that sometimes I don't return calls, but I also know that sometimes people just call to chat, gossip, bitch, and overall waste my time and add to my stress level. Second, I beleive this complaint is self centered: YOU didn't return MY phone call.
WHY is your phone call supposed to spark some sort of urgency in my routine that I must get you back on the phone immediately?
Guess I'm not a phone person. But I feel intruded upon many times by others who decide they will call (when it is convenient and good for them), and then get upset when I do not promptly get back to them.
Wife and kids left me
by thepackage inlong story short, (i'll post it later), after many years of problems with the wts my wife and kids left me and she has filed for divorce (no adultery was committed).
feeling really sad right now.
i was a great husband and father, however, i could not take the thought of going to any more meetings and have over the last year started to find was to avoid meetings.
Very sorry, mate.
Hope it works out. All the best....
Our PO enlightens me on what our congregation's problem is...
by sir82 in...we have a bunch of "whiners"!.
"why aren't i on the list to read the watchtower?
" "why haven't i been appointed as an elder yet?
Study ended because he asked too many embarrassing questions.
by bronzefist innothing new here just a reminder to those who havent been to hall for awhile.. a workmate just had his study cut off.
there were some things he was being taught that he agreed with (trinity) some he didnt (faithful and discreet slave being a group of old men in ny).
here are a couple of interesting facts:.
They don't want you if they can't victimize you.
machiavellian a word that could have been invented for the borg leadership.
by edmond dantes ini happened to come across the word machiavellian.heard it plenty of times but never really knew what it meant.it's an adjective and sums up the jw leadership like no other word.it means as follows ; .
elaborately cunning ; scheming, unscrupulous,deceitful, shrewd, crafty,wily,foxy, tricky,perfidious,nefarious,treacherous,sneaky .. well i guess that just about covers it.unless anyone can come up with anymore.. .
They are also as*holes.