Excellent points. The WTS ascribes "superstition" to the lack of use of the divine name, YHWH. That is not the case.
Here is something to think about though. The name YHWH means "He causes to become" "He causes to be" "I shall prove to be what i shall prove to be." It is my belief that in so identifying himself with this name, YHWH was telling the Hebrews that he was working on fulfilling his promises. Once Jesus came, whose name Yeshua means "Jehovah Saves", all the promises of YHWH were fulfilled--- he had indeed Proven to Be, He had Caused to BECOME--- all that He said he would. It was finished. There was nothing more for Him to do. All was complete in Christ. And part of that purpose was that ALL THINGS be subject to Jesus, every knee bend to Jesus, all authority be vested in Jesus. Jesus is the AMEN to all God's promises, in fact the Scriptures say he is God's gaurantee, He is the WORD of God. The JW's DISHONOR the Son, and consequently dishonor the Father, by not making Jesus name a superior one. They not only miss the point of Christianity---salvation through Grace---- but shut the door to a relationship with God by virtue of the wall they have created between themselves (the FDS) and the Son. The insertion of YHWH in the NT is not only arbitrary, capricious, and dishonest--- it serves as a sign identifying the WTS as an active agent AGAINST the will of YHWH.
Ray Franz covers this extensively in his book In Search of Christian Freedom.