I never had a BIble student who understood the ransom doctrine. I would challenge any "Christian" to really explain it, not just parrot the assertions of their teachers, but really explain it to an idiot like me. I used to parrot it as well and thought I understood it. The parts that didn't make sense I simply dealt with by telling myself that "God will clear it up some day."
Even from a Biblical standpoint, the doctrine itself stands on contradictions. We inherit sin from Adam and must therefore pay the wages for HIS sin. Yet, YHWH says the sins of the fathers shall not be visited on the sons. We need salvation from something we didn't cause, yet the NT tells us we each carry our own load and stand accountable to God as INDIVIDUALS for what WE do and not for something someone ELSE does.
And as has been stated, perhaps irreverently in the view of some, but the ransom is OWED to God and PAID to GOD and yet is PROVIDED BY GOD. If you picture it as a financial transaction then GOD takes money from his left pocket and puts it into his right pocket. It all starts and ends with Him. So, why is it neccessary at all? Why is the death of a living being always necessary for the life of another?
I don't think the answers that religions give us are satisfactory and that is why the questions are asked. As for what the Bible says, the ransom doctrine was outlined by Paul, a former Pharisee who had already been conditioned to the idea of blood sacrifice, and accepted and built on the premise of inherited sin.