I just wish I'd had the internet 20 years ago. What a difference that would have made!
Posts by zack
"Light Gets Brighter"
by new boy inthe wt says the bible warns us about false prophets (matt.
7:15)....and tells us we can see if they if they are false, if they say that they speak for god and make predictions in his name....yet the predictions don't come true.....the society has given no less then 6 dates for end of the world, the last being 1975.. plus false prophets change their minds on what god thinks too.. resurrection of men of sodom.
1879- they will be resurrected.
What would you tell CHILDREN of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Magick ina lot of us grew up as jehovah's witnesses.
we had no choice.
our parents made the choice for us.
Here is what i told two children who were about to be baptized:
If you have a girl friend and have sex with her, you will be disfellowshipped and not be able to have any JW friends. Do you understand, that?
Yes, brother ______
If you DO NOT get baptized and have sex with your girl friend, you can still have your friends and family. Do you understand that?
Puzzled look..... Ah, yes, brother_________
I said the same things to all young people I interviewed as baptismal candidates. I recommended only one candidate for baptism out of the thirty or so I had the
privilege" of interviewing. In my recollection, not one could explain the ransom doctrine, but all said they sinners and needed saving. -
This WT article makes me mad.... this is evil
by dawg init's bad enought that young people in the wt have to sell magizines, risk shunning when they find out the truth about the gb... but this article really makes me laugh and angry at the same time.
the part that made me the maddest was when the father said he "conquered" the habit, lying bastard!
Uhmmmm.... Dad....
Yes, Son.....
I've noticed lately that Adam has been spanking the monkey with a high degree of frequency....Isn't it time we give him a little companionship......?
I suppose so...... He is made in our image after all......
"Babylon the Great has Gallen--God's Kingdom Rules!"
by Terry inthis was the book we studied when i went to prison in 1967 at seagovilled federal correctional facility near dallas.. the babylon book, we called it.. it is where i first encountered fred franz's mania for specificity.
franz was the lone ranger prophetic mouthpiece for jw's for a long time and pounded out on his typewriter an amazing array of weird books.
but, the babylon book had it all.
My grandparents ate that stuff up! And then they forced it down our throats!
Thanks for the memories......
Is there new information coming out on the generation?
by okiesooner1966 inhey,.
i was talking to my mom the other day and she said they have new information the generation topic.
i asked her if it was about the 1914 fiasco and all she said was she had something for me to read next time i see her.
We're having a BOE meeting tomorrow afternoon. i wasn't invited. Maybe the "letter" will be read there?
The Depths They Will Sink To.....
by sweet pea inhaving almost gotten over my jw ex-best friend telling me she could no longer be my friend, handing me back my spare keys, sending a note and present to my kids with not even a 'dear sam', shunning me in the park, etc, etc she now sacks her immigrant cleaner (who became her cleaner due to my recommendation a year ago) by text message.
cleaner phones her to check out what's going on and she tells her you can no longer clean for us as you work for sam and my husband wants us to have no connection whatever - you may tell her things about us and we don't want that.
charming, another kick in the stomach for me and a great witness to the cleaner (who ironically we found out a few months ago has a father who is a witness!).
Ahhhh... the love......
My no4 talk on confession
by inkling inwell, i went thorough and gave my assigned no.
4 on the unscriptural nature of confession.. this is the talk i gave, if anyone is interested.... -----------------------------.
to err is human.
Excellent! The Uber Elders in my old congo would have taken you to the back room!
Well Done.
Time to simplify
by RollerDave infunny how life can be.. you chase your dreams, mean well, do your best to live large, and twist life bu the nipples; but there's only so many hours in a day, only so many days in a week, and only 365.25 days in a year.. i realize i'm swamped.
i find myself rolling around like a big fat chicken on wheels that has been separated from his head quite suddenly.. i think i have become the victim of my own success.. the more you have, the more maintenance and upkeep you have to procrastinate.. i'm only a man, i can only avoid so much work!.
barely got the boat winterized before the cold, evil fingers of minnesnowta's dominant season could work their frigid havoc, boy, i am starting to wonder if i am really 'boat people.
I feel for you on the boat thing.
witnesses future
by jam ini told my brother a elder, if the borg told the rank and file , because of the extreme perscution we are receiving we feel it is gods will for us too relocate too one central area.
i thought about this and what would the advantages and disadvantages?
it would be a state in the south, i don,t think they could get many too go to some island, james town.
I vote for Utah. Maybe Losch can be elected Governor. Picture it: two western governors both from Austria: Schwarzenegger and Losch!
Yep. It's growing on me. When will they announce this?
Your Honest Thoughts - Subliminal Art or Mind in need of Occupation?
by KW13 inthis picture below is taken from the revelation book, i've checked the book itself and the image i found on the internet is accurate.
so is this image actually showing what appears to be a demon hand thingy?.
just wondering...i showed mum and she was pretty freaked by it but then said 'its down to the mist, it makes it look like that' lol, i love dubs .
I don't see any demon hands, but I see a bunch of supposedly immortal beings with beards---- so why can't a JW have a beard?