I love being called names by fools. I smile and lap it up. That usually leads to more name calling. Maybe I have a soft spot for idiots?
Posts by zack
Another name to add to the list of things I've been called.
by TheSilence inat work tonight someone came in with a t-shirt that read in large, bold print on the back of his shirt, "muslims suck!
" as the manager on duty i had the enjoyable task of approaching this very reasonable (tongue in cheek) fellow and explaining to him that our policy did not allow for such t-shirts and he would, therefore, have to either turn it inside out so it couldn't be read or he would be asked to leave.
his reply, "you're a f***ing muslim loving b***h!".
Stupid Idiots at the meeting
by B_Deserter ini was at the sunday meeting today (i know, i know...) and i heard this one guy give a comment about how hollywood movies always portray rich people as happy and successful, so that's proof that satan controls the film industry because it's a lie.. .
i struggled to think of one recent hollywood film that portrayed anyone as being happy, let alone rich and happy.
if they made a movie like this guy was describing, it wouldn't sell.
"If money is a curse, may God smite me with it!"---- From fiddler on the Roof
My Letter to The Editor was Published.....
by AK - Jeff inagain it ran in the sunday edition - i hope that a few people might be 'forewarned' and thus 'forearmed' against the jw religion.
perhaps a jw or two will read it also- here was the letter:.
to the editor; on october 25 the british press was awash with the story of young emma gough from tellford, uk.
Nicely done. Maybe someone will cut it out and send it to a dub they know.
Toddler born with 8 legs seen as reincarnation of a GOD
by Frank.L inwww.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23419627-details/toddler+with+eight+limbs+branded+'reincarnation+of+hindu+god'+to+undergo+life-saving+operation/article.do.
poor thing...jesus h christ!
Of course God won't get any of the blame for her condition but all of the credit for her recovery.
Another Take On the New WT Format
by AllTimeJeff inwhen i first heard about the change to a members only wt, i was beyond furious.
i had gone back and forth as to whether i used to belong to a cult.
the gb continues to isolate in their own unique way all of their flock.
Generation pre-1995: Anyone old enough to have lived through 1914, then anyone old enough to understand 1914, and finally anyone born in 1914. The "END" had to come by 1994. Applied to all mankind.
Generation Post-1995: Anyone at anytime who sees the composite sign of Christ presence. Applies to all mankind.
Generation Post 2008: Applies only to the annointed who will "not pass away until all these things oocur" and will be coupled with the retrogression to pre-1935 theology of the heavenly calling being open to anyone whom God in His good pleasure seeks to call. Not replacements, but brand spanking new, freshly minted annointed.
The reason these changes are important is that the last existing marker for a drop dead date for the "end" was the number of the anointed, since only they can lead God's people (barf)
Once this marker disappears, as it will when more people begin to partake, two things- I think-- will happen:
1. The GB will have another flash of light and declare that the 144k must be a symbolic number afterall, since God keeps calling people to heaven
2. The Heavenly hope will be emphasized over the Earthly hope, leaving everyone who wanted to pet lions and screw their beautiful wives in perpetual health and virility, out in the cold, in the lurch, pissed off. And since treasures should be in heaven and not on Earth, why not forsake all things of this life and slave for the next? The end needn't ever come since at death you will be joined with Christ. Kinda like Christendom, huh? It's what they used to teach. It's what Russell believed. Not too far fetched. And in another 30 years, the majority of JW's will be wine and motza eaters at Memorial and the freak show will be the earth dwellers.
A changing trend in Watchtower teaching??????
by TooBad TooSad infor the last year or so i have been sensing a change in the wording of articles in the.
watchtower, awake, and km's but i could not put my finger on it until i read the.
november 2007 our kingdom ministry.
They have to throw a bone every now and then to the old people.
It is sad that so many were told and believed that not only would they NOT DIE, they would never grow old!
The USA Witnesses are old! The DC's are overwhelmed by old people waiting on the New System It is very sad.
''Miracle Wheat'' in the news today
by candidlynuts inthe brooklynn eagle's ''today in history'' .
an excerpt is posted below.
there's more to the story on the link.
I never have had a problem with a minister who turns out to be human, and gee whiz, fails at something or other in his life--- which may very well include
his marraige. What I find particularly reprehensible about religious leaders like Russel is their claim to DIVINE APPOINTMENT, to be the singular agent of God to the
exclusion of all others. They prey on the goodness of people. They take advantage of them. They become CULT LEADERS with a CULT FOLLOWING, all to the
detriment of those who follow them.
Would it not be honest to simply say that you do not have all the answers but wish to provide a structure for worship and fellowship for people of like mind?
Yes. It would be honest. So why didn't men like Russell make that appeal? Because they were NOT honest. The tree from where the BS and JW's sprouted was crooked.
Thanks for the thread.
by badboy infor there to be such variety of animals,wouldn't their have to be hyper-evolution?.
some animals in the same species have different numbers of chromosomes.. it is reckone that only 6 genetic changes(nucleotide?
) can happen in a generation, otherwise genetic instability would occur..
The WTS has given the nod to hyper-evolution, although they never really say it. But this is only recent.
Even if you are a beleiver in the Bible, why would the creation account be exclusive of evolution? Instead of one short miracle, it could
have been one long miracle. I think the hang up is with Adam and Eve. Fundies don't like to think they may have come from the same genetic stock
as modern day apes.
Conversation with Jesus
by pmouse inconversation with jesus.
many times when i am troubled or confused, i find comfort in sitting in my back yard and having a vodka and cranberry along with a quiet conversation with jesus.
this happened to me again today after a particularly difficult day.. i said "jesus, why do i work so hard?".
Growing up we often had Maria, Jose, and Jesus on the living room couch. Who knew we were so blessed?
We Should Give Newbies the Benefit of the Doubt
by flipper inconsidering what has gone on at this board the last couple months, i thought this would be good to discuss !
it's true that some here are somewhat jaded and untrusting of others because of the deception pulled by " trevor" and the whole " trevorgate " thing.
that being said and acknowledged however , think about what makes us not trust others as ex-witnesses.
If a story is implausible or highly suspect, like say, Jesus returning invisibly, why should I swallow it in order to give someone the benefit of the doubt?
If it's BS, it's BS. If someone gets "hurt" by a frank and open assessment of their "story", when their story is in the fantasy stratoshpere, then they either need to develop
a thicker skin or tell the truth.