Another great book dealing with hypnosis: Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Duff Newton. I no longer have such curiosity about it but when I did I really loved this book. For those who do have an interest I would recommend it.
JoinedPosts by poppers
Undergoing Hypnosis
by dh in.
having thought about it a few times and talked to another member here when i first joined, i think i would like to be hypnotised and asked some questions about things, life, previous life, early memories, repressed memories and a whole bunch of other stuff.
have any of you ever undergone this procedure or know anything about it, would you do it?
Another newbie
by myauntfanny ini just wanted to introduce myself before launching myself at the various threads.
i left when i was 14 and that was 30 years ago, i thought i was well over it but when i read some of the postings on here they really got to me.
there are definitely long term effects.
Hey Bandersnatch - watch out for that vorpal sword!
The Culting of Christianity
by blondie inthis popped up on my google news alert:.
posted on tuesday, april 20 @ 09:22:27 the culting of christianity.
not long ago, religious cults were dismissed by many americans as being the stuff of aging california hippies or eccentric gurus from the far east.. .
Dear Siddhashunyata,
No worries mon - I've left that cult. There's no one there anymore to feel discouraged. Now, all there is is freedom/awareness/openness to all.
Poppers -
The Culting of Christianity
by blondie inthis popped up on my google news alert:.
posted on tuesday, april 20 @ 09:22:27 the culting of christianity.
not long ago, religious cults were dismissed by many americans as being the stuff of aging california hippies or eccentric gurus from the far east.. .
The biggest cult is the one most are absolutely unaware of, the cult of the false self - that amalgam of beliefs and concepts one has about oneself and about everything else. It is the false self that keeps people separate from one another, from all things, and from God. It is nearly universal in scope and crosses all geographical, societal, religious and probably planetay boundaries. It is the cult that keeps one from discovering his/her own beauty, purity and unity will all creation. It is the cult that will happily abdicate control to an outside source because doing so will ensure its own survival. It is the cult that keeps one locked into "sleep" mode because to be truly awake means it is out of business, no longer in control, left with nothing to do. And because so many are unaware that they even belong to this cult there will continue to be pain, violence, and war - individually and collectively. And it is the cult that one can be deprogrammed from simply by being fully present in the moment, living life in total openness to what is, free from all judgement and analysis; but because it is so entrenched and powerful most who try to escape from it fall easily under its sway once again. Because it is familiar and known it is preferable to any alternative, even if remaining in the cult means continued pain and misery.
Life Sucks
by Xena in.
no prospects for the future except getting old and dying...most likely alone.. all seems kind of pointless sometimes, doesn't it?
Situations like this can be the opening for an amazing rebirth into a whole new way of experiencing this plane of existence. Allow yourself to feel every ounce of pain and frustration - feel it fully in how it courses through your body, in all its nuances/textures/flavors. When you confront it this way, head on, it will dissolve of its own accord. The resistance to it, the running from it will keep it in place. At the same time, be aware of the story you have created which is associated with your situation. Come to understand that it is just a story that doesn't have to be believed in at all. Let the mind say anything it wants, just stop believing anything it comes up with.
People who have never felt pain have no motivation to get out of the rut they are in (and those who are in their rut will usually deny it vigorously because it is habitual, and therefore unconsciously maintained). Pain is your wake-up call, your opportunity to rouse yourself from a life previously lived in "waking" sleep. -
im so lonley
by The Angry Atheist init seems to me that jw's are the most lonley and sad people in the world.
i saw a couple dudes going door to door the other day and said:" who needs a hug?
" it turns out they were mormons and they said "no" but i was try'in.
What is it that keeps lonliness in your life? How are you feeding these ideas that keep it going? If you really stop to examine the situation you will discover that your lonliness is kept alive by the story you have created about it, and the story is nothing but a bundle of thoughts that you keep believing. Drop the story altogether and stay fully in the moment - be totally open to what is, dropping all judgement and analysis about everything (including all ideas about yourself). When you do that ideas of separation dissolve and you will never feel lonely again.
life after death
by Sookie ini'm new to this forum and was born and raised as one of jehovah's witnesses.
my family left the religion when i was around 15-years-old.
i am now in my late 20s.
There is a great book called, "Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives" which I feel may provide some comfort for you. The author is Michael Duff Newton. He has a more recent book as well which goes further into the subject and is entitled, "Destiny of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives".
From is this description:
"Journey of Souls is a controversial yet inspiring investigation of the big question we all face at one point or another: "What happens after we die?" To find the answer, Newton opens cases from his private practice in which he hypnotically regressed his clients to a point between lives--after death, but before birth. Not only does Newton grapple with reincarnation, the spirit world, and the nature of the human soul, he also tackles equally sticky questions such as "Is there a Heaven and Hell?" and "What are ghosts?" Readers with a penchant for skepticism will balk at the lack of physical evidence to back up the claims in Journey of Souls, but the book remains a reassuring voice, affirming that our existence is not limited to the boundaries of our mortal flesh." At one point in my life I was really interested in this sort of thing, but no longer. Whether his research is accurate or not I have no clue.
My views on death have changed radically in the last few years - there is simply no fear whatsoever, and the reason is I know who I really am. When you discover that for yourself you will find that what you really are never dies, for what you really are is life itself. We may not realize it because we are so caught up in personal storylines about who we think we are, and so we miss who we really are. The key to finding this treasure is hiding in plain sight - this very moment - Now. Now is all there is, so just be fully present with what is. Stories from the past and thoughts of tomorrow just hide the only reality there is, which is whatever is in front of you. Be fully present and you will be in eternity, outside of the mental creation of time, beyond the grasp of fear generated ideas of death.
Poppers -
Santa Cruz Ex-JW Meetup
by santacruzchick inis anyone planning on going to the meetup in santa cruz on may 1st?
i'm interested in going, i've never met any ex-jw's in person.
just curious, thanks :)
I lived in Santa Cruz way back in 1980 and 81 - what a great place to live. Would like to get back there sometime and visit some of my old haunts. Have been in Wisconsin ever since leaving there. Just thought I'd share.
I'm I the only one here that..................
by reganashe injust hate religion all together.
i don't want to have anything to with it, it makes my skin crawl.
i don't want my daughter to be exposed to relgion in any form.
SixofNine, you hit the nail on the head when you said:
"People who can preach to a congregation about god, are not people who've done enough rational or introspective or honest thinking. Their ego allows them to, with a straight face, tell other people what an invisible force (that science can't even show exist) wants and expects from us, and what that mysterious invisible force will do if it is not accomodated according to the beliefs of said preacher. If that isn't the height of ego-ism, what is? And 99% of all religious or "spiritual" writing is the same scenario."
People are so willing to give up their ability to think for themselves - makes life easier I suppose, but it keeps you trapped in delusion. "Ego, get thee behind me". -
Views of the real true religion
by dustyb inwhy does everyone say that there is one true religion?
i've never gotten that point since i was a little kid.
i was raised in a penecostal family, so i knew some of the world, and some of jw....but every time i got around the jw's they would force that they only held the truth.
I have to agree with Puternut - no religion is true. I would expand that to say no "path" to god is true. If you want to find truth/god you have to do the nitty-gritty work yourself and not depend on any outside authority/source - all formulaic approaches to god will keep you separate from god.
When you eliminate what is not true through your own discovery you will be left with truth (and some would call that God).