Hi and Welcome cuddlepie.
We all get that from time to time.
I am a firm believer in following your own path, just because you are no longer in hte organization does not mean that jehowah will no be there for you of you will have no support.
i was disfellowshipped 5 weeks ago and although I found it really hard for the first few weeks I'm doing a lot better now, still have a long way to go.
I'm feeling really close to Jehovah at the moment, It's a closer bond i think because I have no one dictating to me how I should feel. And as far as support goes I have heaps, and a lot of it from friends who are still witnesses but have become disolusioned. The support is great because it's from people who accept me for who i am and don't expect anything of me.
I know it's easy to say but just ignore your mum, she's still being brain washed and is only doing what she thinks is best for you.