exjdub : I hope your niece is ok, don't beat yourself up to bad about it, it was an accident.
seeitallclearlynow: Love your daughter, she sounds great, silly you for giving it to her in the first place. We are all like that with our kids though, i always give in to mine, they are so great and I can't help spoiling them.
Thankyou exjdub, Fleur and mamochan13. Your support really means a lot to me, i don't think i could have made it without all the support I get here. Just knowing that there are people out ther who have been through what I'm going through now and have made it is fantastic.
I'm really excited about today, I'm having coffee with a girl who used to post here, Prisca, she recently moved to melbourne. I'm also going to the ex-jdub meetup next weekend here in Melbourne. It will be great to start makng some more friends who have been through what I'm going through.