I have a family who is a regular volunteer there -- I get pictures of it sent to me all the time (and of all the stages) over the past year or so.
the last great taj-ma-"hall" (as commonly referred to by joho member volunteer workers), the fairfield ca assembly hall has been completed after a year of construction and will hold its first assembly this month.
it features a marble-faced stage and columns, 2200+ seated capacity, flatscreen monitors for baptismal viewing, two kingdom halls and an apartment for travelling overseers.
no doubt northern california will a "seniority" stop for circuit and district overseers.
I have a family who is a regular volunteer there -- I get pictures of it sent to me all the time (and of all the stages) over the past year or so.
Hi there lilacia. I read your post and then I went away because I didn't know what to say. I still do not know what to say, but I came back here to give you this:
(((((((((lilacia)))))))))) lots and lots of hugs.
how many of you have been in therapy after leaving the jws?
did it help ?
I am in therapy right now in order to deal with all the feelings and emotions that come with leaving. I am trying to figure out who I am since I am no longer defined by a religion. And I am also trying to learn how to trust my own judgment and decisions. Its not easy, but I think that therapy is a step in the right direction. I would recommend seeking help if you can.
i was going through some photo's today and i came across this one, the scene is poland, world war ii, it is my grandma getting married to my grandfather who was killed shortly afterward.. i often look at old pictures to get a perspective of who i am and where i come from, my life exists because of wars, and it is because of those wars that i have so few blood relations, and those i did have i never knew, like i never knew my father, he never knew his father, my mother never knew her father and the only person who knows anything at all is my grandma, because grandmas know everything.
no uncles, no aunts, stepfathers going back generations... sometimes i just look at photos and wonder.. i can see in the faces that i share the same blood as these people, i just sometimes wish i knew them.. .
anyone else got any old photo's the feel like sharing?
Thanks for sharing your family photo -- I love seeing old photos like this. I have some of my grandparents, but I am a bit paranoid about posting them. The bride and groom in this photo look very young. Any idea how old they are in this picture?
my boyfriend and i are heading to ny this weekend.
we decided to drive into ct and stay a night there and then two nights on long island.
any recommendations for restaurants or places to see?
Hi all. My boyfriend and I are heading to NY this weekend. We decided to drive into CT and stay a night there and then two nights on Long Island. Any recommendations for restaurants or places to see? We are really into lighthouses and want to visit as many as we can.
Any suggestions are welcomed. (And no thanks -- we do not plan on visiting Bethel)
just dropping in for a short visit.
the last couple of weeks i have run into quite a few witnesses at wal-mart where i work.
most of them talk to me, in fact one asked for my help yesterday in picking out some clothes, she had just had a masectomy and needed some new blouses.. it was right after that i ran (almost litereally) into another one this one i usually just see from a distance so didn't know if she saw me or not before this but here we were standing face to face.
Ah yes - the silent treatment. I am well aware of that. I like to think of it as mental abuse. Sorry you had to go through that -- but would you really want to talk to her anyway? She seems a bit like a control freak.
my wife just called me to tell me that as she was leaving the house this morning to run some errands, there were 2 " nice looking" ladies coming up our drive.
we have a 200 foot driveway and she encountered them already on our property approaching the house, just as she was driving out.
she said she knew they were jws because of the conservative looking clothes and cheap vinyl book bags.
Bravo for her!
my anger at the wt has been bubbling over.
under the surface.
i didn't even know what was wrong with me.
I get that way too Czar -- except with me it is my father who shuns me. And I am not even DF'd. But the fact that I don't go to meetings is enough. It angers me that the organization has so much control over his life that he needs to shun his daughter. It makes no sense in my head. I know I took the leap and got baptized -- but seriously what can a teenager know about life (especially one raised as a JW)? Teenagers do not use their heads (I know, I have a teen). There is no way to make a life altering decision at such a young age. They tell us the consequences, but we really don't understand them. If I could go back, I would never get baptized.
Shunning is abhorrent to me. I hate it with every breath I take.
I'd vote for you Czar.
i found this kinda interesting.
it's not a news article, but an experience from a non-jw.
Great article Nosferatu. Thanks for posting. I always wonder what I would do if they came to my door. I live in a new neighborhood (only a year old) and I saw them driving by the other day. And I thought "darnnit -- they found us". I actually think I will let my boyfriend question them. He always has interesting questions that I can never answer.
i stumbled on this site by accident ( i was trying to find a recipe believe it or not.
) and have spent hours reading threads here.
i was raised as a roman catholic with a catholic mother and protestant father.
Welcome Toota!
I hope you will find some good discussion and insights here. I know I have.