nice analogy Amyfa. never thought of it like that before
JoinedPosts by Urbanparadise
by african GB Member inlast year in my cong (well it's not really "my cong" as i'm just "in" for the sake of family) we had a new "partaker of the emblems".
it came as a shock because this man was only baptized in 2005.. his wife has been a dub from birth.. he was 63 when he got baptized, took "auxilliary" pioneer after 1 month...became a full-time pioneer after a year....became ms after 2years...made an elder 6 months later.....2008 he got "anointed"....we were all surprised at the amount of time he took to climb the jw corporate ladder....rumours are that he donated a car to our po when he (po) lost his job, and some other favours( this man is wealthy).... .
i'm looking forward to be "just an observer" at this year's memorial in my cong (i am thinking of partaking myself, but i sure would rather not,the "bread" is tasteless and the wine is of poor quality,...i don't wanna throw out at the ms serving the emblems)..... back to that man, long would it take him to become a gb member?.
by Simon indo some of you expect?!?!.
i am extremely disappointed to read some people's comments about the latest news.
it is one thing to express and opinion, perhaps that you think it isn't as big as you imagined (one wonders what you imagined) but it is another to be downright insulting to people who have put a lot of time and effort into this.. get real.
Simon has the right point as do those who read the essay AND any helpful comments i.e (2 out of many) -
"But think of all the family members who are not JWs that lost family members due to the WTS policy. Think of all the non-JW family members fighting to have a blood transfusion administered to a JW family member.
It is hard to have an opinion when we have not read the whole writing. Perhaps it would be good to read it first.
Blondie" ~
"This really is a big deal.
The Journal of Church and State is a prestigious law journal read by a huge number of judges, including State and Federal Supreme Court judges.
What is needed now is massive publicity to get the word out to JWs and ex-JWs who have been harmed by the Watchtower's ridiculous and deceitful blood policy.
Think about this: willfully misrepresenting medical facts that result in a wrongful death is, I think, a form of murder. There are no statutes of limitations on murder.
AlanF" ~
'Implications in court' ~ if the nature of JW doctrine is altered by a representative of the WTS in court: Even if it's just for the record to satisfy their own legal interests, official notes and transcripts will be available to be used against the WTBTS - from their own mouth against their own word/s - (check their own literature on subject).
Most are feeling frustration which has shown in their posts. Like myself, many just want the borg to melt in Satan's furnace and any hint of anti-Watchtower ammo is too eagerly awaited, thinking it will bring down the WTS like Jericho! (ffs - lol)
All of us can use this as a tool in some way! Even if it, PERSONALLY, doesn't have the impact we expected. Trust me, and soooo many others, this can wack some proper deep nails in the WTS coffin that even if there was a resurrection, they aint gettin out.
scholar and 1914
by Marvin Shilmer inhello, scholar
can you name a single thing of significance that the watchtower society or charles russell taught about 1914 prior to 1914 that was accurate?
marvin shilmer
I'm yet to paste something worth posting from Scholar!
scholar and 1914
by Marvin Shilmer inhello, scholar
can you name a single thing of significance that the watchtower society or charles russell taught about 1914 prior to 1914 that was accurate?
marvin shilmer
And Mary said:
Well Scholar you know what Jesus said to the Pharisees: "...By your tradition you make the word of God invalid..." Thanks for showing that the Society is absolutely no different than the Pharisees (who also thought they had "the Truth").
you're on the ball, girl!!
scholar and 1914
by Marvin Shilmer inhello, scholar
can you name a single thing of significance that the watchtower society or charles russell taught about 1914 prior to 1914 that was accurate?
marvin shilmer
Farkel said:
: You sweet little thing. You state that the Gentile Times began in 70 CE and not 607 BCE, if this is the case what then is the duration of these times and when did it end?
May 3, 70 CE, 10:25 AM to 9.30 PM same day. Some other scholars think it ended at 9:35 PM or even the wildly-speculative theory that it ended at 9:45 PM. Jehovah told me this. The whole damn thing happened in less than a day. All the rest is bullshit.
which also was a classic!
scholar and 1914
by Marvin Shilmer inhello, scholar
can you name a single thing of significance that the watchtower society or charles russell taught about 1914 prior to 1914 that was accurate?
marvin shilmer
AlanF said:
Here's the gist of the conversation so far:
Mervin Shill: What did Russell teach was going to happen in 1914 that proved accurate?
Mervin Shill: You didn't answer my question. Let's try a little different tack: Name something specific that Russell said was going to happen with NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914. Was he accurate?
Anti-scholar: Are you stupid? I answered your question. NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914 was eagerly awaited by many expositors in the nineteenth century and even some of the clergy of Christendom in England agreed that NVKPEADYREAYDUH occurred.
Mervin Shill: My question asked you to name something specific and accurate that Russell taught about NVKPEADYREAYDUH prior to 1914. You replied, "NVKPEADYREAYDUH." Let's try a third time: Prior to 1914, what did Russell teach about "NVKPEADYREAYDUH" that was accurate? What?
We await further enlightenment from our resident Anti-scholar.
A parallel conversation:
Cruisin for Bruisin: You consider the opinions of a few expositors to be accurate and definitive proof of NVKPEADYREAYDUH in 1914?
Anti-scholar: Hey come on! I simply responded to a question from Mervin Shill and, as is my modus operandi, I did not present my reply as definitive proof. It is simply fact that in the nineteenth century many sincere Bible have long recognized the significance of NVKPEADYREAYDUH and some applied chronology to determine its significance and it was determined by some that it would expire in 1914 which saw the Great War. Now it is up to all individuals themselves to accept or reject but I cannot change the developments of Church history. Russell and his associates took up the challenge and correctly discerned the significance of NVKPEADYREAYDUH. If you are a a non believer or an athiest then such matters are of no consequence and frankly whether you choose to believe or disbelieve is immaterial to me.and I cannot be bothered in trying to convince you otherwise.
Since Anti-scholar is quite unable to explain exactly what NVKPEADYREAYDUH is, or to say anything significant about it, or tell us anything specific and accurate that Russell taught about NVKPEADYREAYDUH, it's obvious that his responses are pure Gobble-de-Goop. You can't get gold out of Gobble-de-Goop. And you can't get truth out of the Watchtower organization about its history of spewing Gobble-de-Goop.
which was class!
I'm new, where to start...
by Quietly Patient inhi everyone, i just wanted to sorta introduce myself and ask for some help...i've been lurking here for a while, i'm a 3rd generation witness, but thankfully never got baptized as i never liked being told what to do!
i've been fading for a good while now, ever since i moved out 7 years ago, only going to meetings and the memorial sporatically, of course with my mom and grandmother constantly pushing me to go back etc, etc, etc!
3 years ago i married a non jw, and i have a son who will be 2 soon, ever since i had him i kept feeling so guilty that i wasn't "doing the right thing" by him, and that if jehovah was going to judge him on my "works" then we both would be fried, that is such a horrible thought as a parent... anyway, i happened to do a search about who knows what approx.
Hi QP & welcome!!
I read your post with interest. Your experience is similar to so many others on this board so I'm sure you'll soon be making friends and getting a lot of support.
Going by what you've written, you know that you're making the right decisions and, imho, I think you are too.
The very fact that you have this war going on in your head - "I'm doing the right thing?" "What if they are right?" - proves that they are nothing more than a mind controlling cult!!
Keep reassuring yourself. It can be hard to take a stand but your conscience will be clear and your life will be free.
I'm new to JW forum!!
by boy@crossroads inhi everyone, glad to be here.
i've been to and posted at a couple of other ex-jw sites.
thought i'd drop a line to you guys.
Hello there boy@crossroads !
Fading for a couple of years now but still get 'Watchtower reasoning' coming up once in a while.
Keep posting, asking Q's and reading any useful links the people here may provide and you'll soon de-program
the cults hold on your mind.Urban
P.S. The sites that seeitallclearlynow suggested with the audios are excellent, if you haven't already viewed them!
Welcome Clinton from (possibly) California!
by seeitallclearlynow inhi there clinton, and welcome to this lively and fun forum!.
i've read your 3 posts so far.
feel free to introduce yourself and tell a little about your jw experience whenever you're ready..
Hi Clinton,
Look forward to your posts!
I wasn't going to post this here but.....
by RevMalk in.
i couldn't control myself.
i'm going to be a father (again)!!.
YES, bruv!
Nice 1,
Hope all goes well. - to you both!