I recently had a 'shepperding call'. Although I have not shown any interest and have not attended meetings in 4-5 years, my wife still attends. The nature of the call it turns out was due to it coming to their attention that
1. I may be considering celebrating some worldly holidays, and
2. In the past year, I may have smoked a cigar to celebrate the birth of a friend's child.
Although I have not had an elder spend more than 10 minutes with me in the last 6 years, I discovered (through those they had contacted) that they had spent HOURS in discussions with some of my family and friends to pursue these allegations BEFORE they ever contacted me.
Both my wife and I were in shock. "How long does someone have to be gone before they are no longer considered a Witness?". I asked my wife.
Well according to the Society, unless I am DFd or DAd I will always be considered part of the congregation.
Translation: "We will continue to harass and vigorously pursue any allegations that may come up about you unless you cut yourself off with a letter, or let us have a bible study with you".
Due to the ramifications with my close family members if I were DAd with a letter I certainly intend on putting this off as long as possible. However, if and/or when the harassment continues this may be the better alternative.
I won't get into the details of the meeting, but I managed to tell them what I knew they needed to hear (without plagiarizing myself), and put them off my trail.
"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"
Eagles - Hotel California...or was that Judge Rutherford?