Would be interested to find out if there are. I'm pretty sure that i have not heard of any similar here in the UK to be honest.
Btw, i liked the mans earlier comment about how he would use violence. That sounds good to me
considering the said jw pacifist stance
a jw passes by a woman being raped and says to the perp, "hey you shoudn't do that", and the perp says, "[edit] off", and continues - other help is quite some time away.
what does the jw do ?
Would be interested to find out if there are. I'm pretty sure that i have not heard of any similar here in the UK to be honest.
Btw, i liked the mans earlier comment about how he would use violence. That sounds good to me
considering the said jw pacifist stance
a jw passes by a woman being raped and says to the perp, "hey you shoudn't do that", and the perp says, "[edit] off", and continues - other help is quite some time away.
what does the jw do ?
Yeah i understand what you are saying but i believe that no matter how much you think about it mentally and try to 'prepare' yourself you will not be able to act in this way when put under the pressure of the situation.
The famous saying : 'What people say and do are two different things'. Of course though if i was in that situation i would want to be helped and i respect you for preparing yourself physically for the challenge. If only school these days wasn't so jam packed i could get me some of them defence lessons. Although i have never heard of that in England? Is it a foreign thing?
considering the said jw pacifist stance
a jw passes by a woman being raped and says to the perp, "hey you shoudn't do that", and the perp says, "[edit] off", and continues - other help is quite some time away.
what does the jw do ?
That's a good point blondie. In a situation like that i don't belive that it would come down to a matter of race or religion. It really does depend on the individual. Many people would protest that they would help. However, if it came into practise many people would not. To be honest i don't think anyone could truthfully anser that unless they were put under the pressure of the situation.
Well in this case Blondie your neighbour would be the person who is being attacked as she is not the person that is in the wrong.
i keep noticing how most of the problems with jws is that they have a habit of doing nothing in many different situations.
they are a religion of doing nothing, unless it serves the organization.they let themselves and their children die... because they don't take bloodthey do not take action to stop abuse... leaving it in jehover's hands (tm)they don't serve in the militarythey don't votethey don't get involved in the community... unless it is for helping the organizationthey don't make charitable contributions... unless it is for helping the organizationthey don't help non-jws... unless there is a surplus from helping jwsthey don't talk to family and friends who are not jw's... shunningthey don't interact with non-jw's... unless it is to serve the organization by preachingthey don't observe holidays or birthdays.
it seems like the only actions they ever take are things related to selling more books..
Although i agree with some of the things that you have said we also need to realise that if everybody led 'their lives' then ideally it would be a perfect world. Although we all know this is impossible, they strive to in a way 'convert' people because they believe that they are doing what is right and helping people.
As for the comment that JW shun their families that are not part of the KH, i have to say that this is quite unommon where i come from. Having a split amount of Jw's, disfellowshipped Jw's and non-Jw's i have never known this to happen. Speaking from the experience of my mother i do not believe that she would ever be able to ignore her family merely based on a religion.
That must be for the hard hearted Jw's out there.... xLaurax
news on april 22nd 2004:.
haematologist says: blood transfusions would have saved woman's life".
Hmm.... i can see the point that you're trying to make. However, i do believe that a person should have the right to choose as to whether they want blood transfusions or not. I, personally think that it is an old rule from the bible that needs updating, as it dates back to when people belived that blood was essentially 'the person' and so to put somebody elses blood in their body would be unclean.
This does pose a potential problem to doctors however, given the oath that they are required to take on becoming a doctor. Basically that they prevent death by whatever is possible for them to do. Hmm.... tricky.
considering the said jw pacifist stance
a jw passes by a woman being raped and says to the perp, "hey you shoudn't do that", and the perp says, "[edit] off", and continues - other help is quite some time away.
what does the jw do ?
Hmm.... well not quite sure what a 100% dedicated and commited witness would do but personally i would make war on the perp. In this way we are loving our neighbour by defending them, which is one of the things that the ministry teaches us.
I would imagine that most Jw would do the same given the situation but could add a prayer along the way. Lol, what made you think that scenario up?
either i've missed it or we haven't talked about the death of former nfl player turned army ranger specialist pat tillman in afghanistan.. this guy represents what's right about america.
he had money and fame and wanted to give back to the country after 9-11. i'm proud of people like him...and there are thousands of them here in the military...people who left homes and families...and sometimes good jobs...to do something important.. on a side note....i was worried that with as hard as we're driving the force that retention in the military was going to be a problem...thus far this year the army has exceeded it's goal of retention by a couple of 100 soldiers...the marines....have retained 90% of the goal for the year in the first six months.
these are dedicated people we're talking about here.
Wow, thats a pretty damn good set of stats there. I'm afraid i have to agree with you, i am proud of the military and i am proud of everybody who has fought so hard to defend us. I can't wait until i'm part of that team xLaura x
does anyone else remember how awful school was because of the dreaded school assembly.. my whole school life was blighted because i couldn't go in.
my young son can goes in and it is the best part of his day, he loves the hymns.
how glad am i that i came to my senses before my son suffered like i did as a child.
Lol. To be quite honest being able to get out of things such as assemblies and the choir was the best thing about it. Assembly is the most boring part of the day and infact i sometimes hide in the toilets to get out of it.
Hey, maybe thats just me xLaurax
and it made me feel odd, unnerved.. i haven't been to a meeting for two years now and am quite anti jw but this still felt odd, to see her wearing a cross.
any ideas?
Lol, i can see what you mean. I got a cross and matching earrings as an Xmas present off of a boy from school. They were really nice and no doubt expensive but when i opened them my mother was unimpressed to say the least. She does however class herself as a Jw (when i say that i mean she believes all the crap but on mot occasions does not act upon it).
In a way it felt weird to me when i out it on but i did not want to offend the person that bought it me and at the same time didnt want to upset my mum. I know that like people have said, 'a cross is just a cross' it did not dtop me feeling guilty wen i put it on. Even to this day whenever i wear the cross i hide it from my mum. Part of me feels as though i am betraying Jehovah (although there are doubts in my mind as to whether he exists) and part of me feels a hypocrite to the Christian churched as i don't believe what their religion either. Confusing heh
i read online someone posted that teenage jw's have a higher suicide rate four times the national average.
i was wondering if anybody knew anything to confirm or deny this.
a friend of mine who has had problems with suicidal thoughts is dating a jw and he is trying to convert her.
Hiya Thomas!
Ive heard this topic being discussed previously in the forums. Your bound to be concered although i believe that you should never take statistics literally as half the time they are complete and utter bulls**t! After attending a KH for almost 16 years i have to say that i cannot name one person that commited suicide including other adults and children alike. However, i could name a few non-JW that have.
Hey, guess thats jut one thing that we will never know. I am a teenager atm and although not competely 100% commited to being a JW i don't see that many teenagers seem to be completetly depressed about their way of life. Although personally i have not chosen to live that way i can see how some people COULD feel isolated and lonely. This is mainly due to the fact that children are told to stay away from the 'wordly' people. To be honest i also think this is rubbish and have and will continue to have practically all of my friends from outside the KH. This way i can experience both ways of life as well as being a happy teenager.
Sorry this turned into abit of an essay, lol guess i figured this was kinda my field being a teeanger n' all.