i was thinking last night about when the twin towers fell and i remembered thinking how close armageddon must be did anybody else think similar....i guess it would only apply to those who were still in the borg at the time es
No I never thought that was the beginning of the big A
That was the the same month, over labor day weekend, I decided NO MORE MEETINGS. Then it happened. I did not want to go back and hear, is this the beginning? No it's not. I would have opened my big mouth and started. The fade is still working.
well i got a phone call last night from a sweet little old lady who saw my flyer at her church.
she tells me "im at my wits end, and i dont know what to do" i asked her what the problem was and she went on to explain how her neighbor is forever more having bookstudies and holding field service meetings next door.
although, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
hi, fyi: d'f'd a month ago, and glad you're all here.
i'm just assessing the sum of the madness that happened since my parents guilt-tripped me into confessing what got me disfellowshipped.
i do very sharply recall that at the moment i decided to do so i had an overwhelming feeling of relief which at the time i thought was me hating the lying about what i'd done and wanting to come clean about that and clear my conscience as a witness, but have since thought might have been me hating the lying about how i feel about the organisation and wanting to come clean about that as a human, ie, whether i'd turned the corner as a witness or i was glad to be getting away from it.