Welcome Home
Glad to see your travels were safe.
Looking forward to your posts.
hey everyone... i'm back!.
had a great time in mexico.
what a thrill it was to deliver books and supplies to the library in tulum.
Welcome Home
Glad to see your travels were safe.
Looking forward to your posts.
during our district assembly which will be held at a coliseum, we were told not to go outside during the intermission, and not eat in restaurants near by.
we were told to bring our own food and eat inside the coliseum.
usually, the coliseum offers hot dogs and hamburgers and drinks, but the brothers refused this service.. .
You mean there are , ... eating rules, ... now?
Ya right, as if I would'nt go out to lunch.
this is the first time i feel comfortable posting something.
i've been a lurker for over a year and i must say there are a lot of courageous people here who left the watchtower.
thank god for the internet and sites like this.
Welcome Apostanator
New ones are always warmly greeted.
Are you in the USA?
i've been having several outbreaks of conspiracy theories lately and a wierd one that came to mind was if anyone has ever met minimus in person before?
think about it....what better way is there to gather intel on a rather large group of ex and current jw's than to ask detailed questions on every facet of your life?
typically, someone that has over a few thousand posts has been to a meetup of some sort, even a small one.
I like minimus
He is the brother of questions, ... and chapter one.
blondie's continuing series "comments you will not hear at the watchtower study" always is more interesting than the actual watchtower article bering studied that week.
the research she adds is accurate and puts the study article in the proper perspective it deserves.. when will the weekly book study start the daniel book?
we need a new series "questions you will not hear during the daniel book study" akin to blondie's series on the watcthower.. think it would be a good idea?.
Ya right
mine was for giving a sister that i grew up with the watchtower that dealt with birthdays being on the same level as anniversaries.
she quit going because she could not understand the societies position on birthday's.
the elders were mad because i knew how she would react and they thought i did this to cause problems.
Elder: You said bro & sis ________ are bad parents.
Me: You know they are bad parents, and so does everybody in the hall know. As a matter of fact when they moved in this cong, ... the last elder body was glad they were no longer there.
Elder: Yes, ... we know but, .. YOU, .. said it.
Me: So I said it, so what.
Elder: We want you to stop saying it.
Me: Why?
Elder: Its not right, and if you don't, .... ... ... ... ... Threat, Threat, Threat.
Me: You draged me back here for this kind of, ... ... ... ( see, ... this is how I made waves )
"i have hope toward god .
over the hope of resurrection of the dead i am being
the resurrection hope draw them closer to god?
Thanks again Blondie.
I remember you telling me how rough some of these wt reviews can be. You make look so easy at times, and yet, you are so good at catching the wt. in the double talk, and guilt.
if someone asked to state briefly why you left the jw brotherhood what would you say?
Guilt, fault and blame. Elders have way too much control. The FILES. Ah yes, the files are always there.
Elders who just don't want you there, will make it work so you won't be. That will always happen, even it they have to start the gossip. That was me.
I never knew many of my family members, non JW's. I do now. When my cousin buried her 25 year old daughter due to cancer, and I never knew them, I asked after the death, ... Where was I all these years, caring for those in the cong., who did'nt care about me.
is the generation that saw 1914, now dead and gone?.
if they were born in 1900, they'd be 105 now and there are not many of these people left.. if they were born in 1914 they'd be 91 and there are not many of these left either.. can we say that the early light of russell and rutherford, and nathor knowrr is well and truly disproved?.
can we say it's just a matter of time before the new light is also disproved?.
Wow blondie:
So many at that age? How can it be?
However, I agree, ... live each day, to the best that you can. Live a rich rewarding life.
.. what would you say before he plunges a sword through your chest?
Thank you for the loving elders who are so easy to pass judgement, ... and asked me to move to another congreation !
Were is the love? Sorry I NEVER felt it.