Topics Started by Ciara
Drinking and driving? Would/have you ever done it?
by cyberguy indrinking and driving?
my cousin (non-jw) died in a car accident related to a drunken driver in my mid-teen years ?
he was very cool, i miss him.
Guns in church
by onacruse inutah law dictates that concealed weapons are allowed in a church, unless the church has posted a written ban at the entrance, or has registered with the state as a "restricted zone.".
us constitutional issues obviously come into play here, and even opinions about self-defense in unknown situations.
one person said: "what better invitation to a terrorist to attack a church than to let it be known far-and-wide that there are no weapons for self-defense in that church?".
Reality check
by simplesally in> one afternoon a man came home from work to find total mayhem in his house.. >.
> his three children were outside, still in their pajamas,playing in the mud,.
> with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard.. >.
Official - There are 6 million Bible Studies - but where are they?
by truthseeker inthis was mentioned at the service meeting.. but, it should be worrying to the society, not as wonderful as it may sound.
the number getting baptized each year is shrinking rapidly.. at one time, they boasted of baptizing 1000 dubs a day which equals to 365,000 dubs.
this was back in 1997.. at the dc this year, it was 5,000 a week.
How many CDs do you own?
by Nosferatu in.
i started buying cds back in 1991. i haven't counted them lately, but i believe my collection is hovering somewhere around 500. how many do you own (not including burned ones)?.
i've also got about 100 (prerecorded) cassettes, about 150 lps, and 100 (pre-recorded) 8-tracks.
by Yerusalyim ini finally dumped aol after seven years.
for the last year i've had cable modem service....much faster...and my use of aol declined to almost nothing.
i finally dumped them and their slow crappy service.
My mom is worried!!
by Junction-Guy inmy mom is an ex jw and was disfellowshipped in 1980. she is worried about my upcoming plans to picket the convention, she is afraid that i will get arrested and lose my job.
i told her this is basically something i feel i have to do and the only way to get this off my chest and feel a sense of satisfaction.
i assured her i wouldnt scream or cuss at people but would act civilized and pass out flyers concerning several issues.
Guilt over getting an old friend DF'ed
by Ciara ini've been thinking about this guy i used to know when i was a jw.
we went to school together and were in the same congregation.
he was fading, but one day me and my dad were passing a convenience store and we saw him smoking outside.
In All Honesty, Are You A Happier Person Now Than when You Were A JW?
by minimus injws say, "the apostates are miserable!!
" you feel miserable?
(i don't).