Look at your email celt. Tell me what you think.
"You ever get lonely?."
"Only around people."
-Thin Red Line
would anyone be interested in a bit of trans international cyber theatre?
i was thinking of how it might be possible to put together a theatre company from ex witnesses that through dance and choreographed movement in creative theatre performance might teach something of the issues at hand here, that individually we are all dealing with.
any script writers in the house, for me to talk with?
Look at your email celt. Tell me what you think.
"You ever get lonely?."
"Only around people."
-Thin Red Line
why is it that true, trusted friends are hard to come by?
(rhetorical) do people not know the internal pain of individuals thus affected by the jw experience?
what is a true friend, one that you can trust totally, open up your innermost feelings with?
How about "The Tempest" and a T.S. Eliot play?
my wife sent me this little ditty that has been making the rounds:.
if men wrote cosmopolitan.... q: my husband wants to experience three-in-a-bed-sex with me and my sister.. a: your husband is clearly devoted to you.
he cannot get enough of you, so he goes for the next best thing: your sister.
Aye, perfectly resonable, and I'd like a Guinness with that please!
dependancy: the usa, the western world, north and south america, and like many nations of europe and japan, are highly dependant on oil.
i recall as a kid in the 1950s seeing gas prices at 5 cents a gallon.
i remember my parents getting bent out of shape when gas finally reached 11 cents a gallon.. 1971: my wife and i traveled to southern california to visit friends and family.
Survive today so that there can be a tomorrow for all tree lovers involved, me included.
That means shutting down all parts of their power, which is almost solely gas....never did buy anything from Iraq, Iran, or Kuwait that I treasure, beyond gas.
If we have to dig up some of Alaska, so be it. Or any other state, for that matter. Get it from Russia. Anywhere.
Get them out of our financial structure and into our palms. We don't want to be supporting people who despise us.
it seems that its only here in the good old us of a that the jw's act like they are not paying for the books magazines and so forth, simply because of tax's.
what's my point?
its this: i never thought that true religion should ever charge for books and all the other, if its really gods true group then he will pay for it, is that stupid?
hey bible student, just go to a local laundrymat...you'll find some there.
upi london.
re: terrorists.
in an apparent copycat terrorist act, polish.
Well, I'm polish so I give permission to all non-polacks to laugh.
It was pretty funny.
ok, have had enough to drink tonight so i will toss these two questions out.
will discuss this a bit more tomorrow.. 1. how many of you had sex outside of your marriage after leaving the witnesses?
provide whatever details about how and why that you're comfortable with.. 2. funny question: had a friend write me today that probably more jws per capita enjoyed oral sex the night they read it was a "conscience matter" than any other group in the us.
You saucy sluts, you!!!:):):)
By the way, I AM a sexy bitch.
for most people, the question why be good--as distinguished from merely law abiding--is a simple one.
because god commands it, because the bible requires it, because good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.
the vast majority of people derive their morality from religion.
Interesting Rabbi story...I also think you should read a book by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity....wonderful, full of common sense and real christian values based on love...not religious rhetoric.
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
listening to cnn and other news outlets, i find that the media pundits are making a big deal out of nuke plants vs terrorists.
in one case on cnn they are either illinformed or dishonest.. the claim was made this morning that nuke plant containments have never been tested for an airplane crashing into them.
this is false.. i posted on this topic two or three weeks ago.
Amazing, thanks for some unsensational information...I feel better. The screwy media loves to exaggerate to make everyone piss themselves and watch their program.
Bloody ratings.