It's sad JT, but you're right.
There are ways to win them over, but they are long and hard roads.
i've got a bit of a question, or maybe a poll .
.. my wife is a jw and i am not.
that pretty much sums up or life.
It's sad JT, but you're right.
There are ways to win them over, but they are long and hard roads.
i have a good freind here with me this evening.
(celtic, if you're around you know her - it's liane).
there is something that has always puzzled both of us.
Hell, my wife and I are happens.
you are the little bits of corn in the shit.
with no encouragement from others?
what cognitive tools do you use to keep yourselves from going under?
what strategy implementation do you employ to stay as positive as possible?
Englishman has something there. In the beer category, it would have to be Guinness.
Fred, you're the hole in the Whole ass.
the year is coming to a close.
perhaps it's a good time to think about some "awards" for the posters and/or items appearing on this site.
any suggestions?.
There can only be one, Fred.
{sniff, sniff}
Euuwwww....kitties smell like fresh tukus.
sadly, their own demise as family members was now only weeks away, and those other young sisters next door on the other side were looking a bit restless too............ .
within the next few weeks, becky was noticeable by her absence.
our house no linger shook to her madonna singles and the whole family at dub-house 1 seemed to become subdued.
Jeez, this is like General Hospital.
Keep it coming...
i just read tyydyy's post on macho men.
kent had an interesting point:.
i'd say a girl would go for a man - and then i mean someone who isn't scared shitless by a girl with brains!.
I don't know, I couldn't live with a women who didn't think for herself. I love the fact that my wife can give me a dressing down when I'm being an ass. I love the fact that once in a while I can feel like I'm being taken care of.
Unassertive women who let people walk all over them are sad.
i've just been looking at the first post on this site page 668 or something.all the first posts seem to be from active witnesses, discussing things like the new system and when will the end come.. heres a question for simon first what was your intention when you started this site ?were you an active witness?.
when did things change and why?.
and for the rest , did this site influence you in any way ?.
We were out for two years, but coming here really sealed it up. We needed a site like this to tell me that I wasn't going to die forever for my 'spiritual crimes'.