Welcome to the Board!
welcome to the forum serenity!
district overbeer
Welcome to the Board!
i understand that jws are often seen as anti-social, as said by avenger,i think in one of his posts.. i also read in an article on the jwic site, that jws have acquired a reputation for being anti-social.
in what way are jws seen to be anti-social?
My wife and I recently got to know a lovely couple living next door to us for over a year now. Same age as us, no kids, much in common, but we never ever felt comfortable as Dubs to actually get to know them because they were "in the world." (Even though keeping them at a distance felt so alien and contrary to our nature as human-beings).
Well, as we spent a few hours with them the other week, sharing a cold frosty one on their back porch, as well as sharing with them our "life changes" (both disassociated this year, birthday party for my wife), they admitted that they had discussed the fact that they hoped that some other new neighbors across the street weren't as stuck up as we were, as we never really spoke with them!!!
They also remarked that they had recently noticed several recent changes about us since coming out of the Org...
1) we were home more often
2) our kids seemed to be happier, AND they were playing in the yard more often
3) we seemed more relaxed, outgoing and happy
They came to our party, had a great time, and we were invited to her 40th birthday party next month!
So yes, JWs, as a result of the culture that is fostered in the "Society/ Matrix" ARE indeed antisocial.
So glad we finally got out of that bizarro-world.
My father-in-law got attacked at a District Assembly by an irate husband of a sister who was spending a little too much time in "field service" with "(almost) everyone's favorite elder". When I saw him after the attack, his shirt was all rumpled up and he looked pretty well tousled. I wonder how my father-in-law was able to put a spin on that story so he looked pure and innocent to his PO!
is the watchtower predicting the end for 2034 ad?
someone sent me scans of this dec 2003 wt and so i put together a little page on it.
This is freakin' amazing. When I look at this scanned image of the article, it takes me back to those 1968 Awake articles which spoke in the same terms regarding 1975... Don't you imagine they would have learned something from that debacle? Well, maybe I should not be surprised...
The Borg must be extremely desperate to resort to these tactics again.
SOS, DD (Same ol' S*^t, different day)
was wondering.
in one word, how would you all describe your experience/s in leaving the club?
mine would have to be cathartic
oh my gawd!
thanks for ther giggle.
the dead generation.
gbm: "no it isn't".
jw: "yes it is, look at it!
Well done!
And remember, Always Look On The Bright Side of Life!
hey everybody,.
i wanted to let you all know that my wife's letter of da was announced last tuesday (5/11/05) .
we are having her first ever birthday celebration this weekend.
Hey Everybody,
I wanted to let you all know that my wife's letter of DA was announced last Tuesday (5/11/05)
We are having her first ever birthday celebration this weekend. 40 years old, more beautiful than ever, and now FREE from a lifetime in the WT. Her initial fears of having a party and no one showing up (after all, we just lost all of our witness "friends") has been laid aside. Over 50 people (all non-Witnesses) have RSVP'ed and will be converging on our house, to share in our celebration of life.
Since you all cannot make it personally, I thought I would start this thread so that you could share in our celebration of life and love!
Thanks for your support here at the discussion board. You all are so helpful to our family.
Peace and Love,
it's been a while since i've posted here.
hope you all remember me!
in the final months before i left the organization, in the days before i consciously could accept that it was not the truth - indeed, before i could even entertain such a notion on the conscious level - my subconscious knew the truth, and it took to sending me ever stronger messages.
Hey Seattle,
First of all, I am still a newbie, but I still want to welcome you back to the Board. I have found it entirely therapeutic in my exit from the ''Org! I am sure you will benefit as well!
Second of all, I thoroughly enjoyed your well-thought-out post. I could relate to much of what you were saying.
Third of all, has to do with something you said:
In this case, I seem to have identified the problem, but I am unable to imagine what possible action I should take.
Take this for what it is worth. Maybe not much, as my exposure to the WT was MUCH shorter than many here on the board. BUT, my impression is that MANY or MOST coming out of the WT (myself included) have a STRONG DRIVE TO DO SOMETHING. Much like what we were pounded with from the podium at the Hall. "DO THIS. DO THAT. GET TO ALL YOUR MEETINGS. PREPARE FOR ALL YOUR MEETINGS. READ THE BIBLE (ER, WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS) DAILY. GO OUT IN FIELD SERVICE. KEEP UP WITH PERSONAL STUDY. GO! GO! GO! DON'T STOP! MAYBE YOU WILL BE SAVED WHEN THE BIG ONE HITS!"
We have been ingrained with a "DO SOMETHING" mindset. However, sometimes, it is better to just sit and wait for the right opportunity / opening/ situation to arise.
Bottom line. Don't worry about DOING SOMETHING right now. It is OK to be still for a bit. However, if there is something that strikes you as an opportunity that resonates with you, GO FOR IT! Otherwise, your actions are insincere and forced (like field service was for me)
My 2 cents
no school for my kids today.
6 a.m. this morning a 250-300 lb black bear decided to take a stomp through our little town.
they think it's about 2 or 3 years old.
A bear? No problem!
Roswell, New Mexico has aliens!
Even though they have now been sighted by Mexican AirForce, they still seem to hang around New Mexico quite a bit. It's true. I read it in the National Inquirer!