Close Wander...
But I am looking for something a little different...
while in the "truth", what was the first thing said when a fellow congregation member bought a new or used two door car?.
there is no prize.
Close Wander...
But I am looking for something a little different...
while in the "truth", what was the first thing said when a fellow congregation member bought a new or used two door car?.
there is no prize.
While in the "truth", What was the first thing said when a fellow congregation member bought a new or used two door car?
There is no prize. Just wondering if this is common among us.
day 8
the elders announced a new meeting schedule at the morning meeting.
on sunday, we will still have the public talk followed by a study of old watchtower articles until we get new magazines.
good job. I like that story. I always thought someone should write a "left behind" series for JW's. With their teachings of course.
I wasnt looking for that ending..but now that I read it, it actually does make good sence...very nice!
i remember this caused quite a stir a few weeks ago.
for those that don't remember, during a quickly-edited montage on american idol a woman appeared to be holding a copy of the new world translation.
well on tonight's episode it seems this was the mother of a girl named a'ashia ("asia").
Last time I thought it pretty clear that it was a NWT. This time, when I seen the bible, it looked like it could be any number of bibles. I hope they interview her, and she brings something up.
if you own an x box, and if you have a kid chances are you do, microsoft is voluntarily recalling some of the power cords.
below is the text of their website.
microsoft is providing new power cords at no charge to replace the cords that originally came with some xbox consoles.
I seen this on the news tonight. Kinda scary, people are getting hurt, carpets burning, even houses on fire.....Gonna unplug mine till I get the new cord...
The website says this after you "order" your new cord:
Your order is now complete. Your new cord should ship within a matter of days. Until you receive and install your replacement power cord, turn off your Xbox when it?s not in use. If you would like to check the status of your order, please visit this website again.
So, I guess the problems occur when you leave the sucker on too long....
the standard watchtower teaching about the coming "paradise earth" has, as its most prominent feature, the promise of everlasting life and eternal youth.
this expectation is especially based on such texts as revelation 21:1-4 which declares: "i saw a new heaven and a new earth; the first heaven and the first earth had disappeared now, and there was no longer any sea.
i saw the holy city, and the new jerusalem, coming down from god out of heaven.... here god lives among men.
A very interesting thread.
Thank you for presenting your research.
i remember a time when the brothers locked the doors during a meeting.
if you arrived late, they had to come and unlock the door to let you in.
i also remember a time when they weren't locked.
They locked the doors after the start of the meeting. It started pissing me off, because I was one of those people who were always late. One time, the door was locked and I was really late, they were into the first talk. I banged on the door rather loudly, because tapping was doing nothing. Half because I needed in, half to make a point that I thought it was stupid to lock the door on a public meeting. How would you feel if you wanted to attend the a worldly person..and come to find the door locked. I would wonder what was going on in there if they had to lock the door.
The reason they said they locked the door was that there is a State Mental Hospital in the town, and crazy people from all over would happen to come in and cause disturbances.....never seen it though.....
i'm not currently a jehovah's witness, although maybe i am (?).
my father was a devout jehovah's witness, and he intended on indoctrinating me in the faith as i grew up...however, my mother took me away from him when i was 4 years old, and i haven't been able to find him since (i contacted the main hq in new york, but he couldn't be found anywhere).
i have read numerous books and articles which i've got from the watchtower store, and have read this website, and been involved in the yahoo!
Hello, 1) No. You need to be babtized to be really counted as a JW. This takes place at an age that you are suppose to understand what you are doing. 2) Contact your local congregation. Ask to speak to one of the elders, and he will arrange a bible study for you. I am sure that they can refer you to a local english speaking person. After a few months of steady progress, you will have the burning desire to be babtized, then you will be official. 3) End ALL of your worldly connections, both with friends and family. Be prepared to change jobs, as there are many that are unacceptable. Get rid of any books or magazines or videos or music that would conflict with the JW teachings. (That would be most all of it.) Give up your own thoughts, as they are no longer accepted. If this is what you truely want, do all the needed research. Use the forementioned website, and all the others. A big mistake that many people studing wiht the JW's make is not researching outside of the Society's publications. Many "prove it to theirselves" by reading and studing only the watchtowers publications. But until you look at everything, you can't really believe it to be true. ~cab
jehovah's witness blood drive...
Bingo Friday at 7:00 pm !!! Be there!!!
so when this article is read about the monthly awake, it's supose to be good news right, simplification, bla bla bla.
is anyone planning on clapping when it is announced?
i'm kinda half seriously contemplating it?
Thanks for posting that. Its great to see it right from the "mouth of Jehovah".