It would be easy to follow the money if only someone could get hold of the Watchtower's financial records, especially their Accounts Payable ledger. It would be interesting to see what they are paying their suppliers for paper, ink, etc. It would also be revealing to see what they pay to outside maintenance contractors. If the Watchtower pays twice the going rate for their paper and ink to the Rich JW Paper Company for example, then you get an idea as to who is running the show and the profit.
Not sure if anyone has discussed this before, but the Watchtower could be an ideal setup for laundering money. For example the Watchtower receives a suitcase filled with $100,000 in cash. The Bethel bookkeeper records it as the take from the conventions. Then the bookkeeper is instructed to write a check for $90,000 to a company with ties to organized crime for nonexistant maintenance work. Now everyone is happy. The Watchtower made 10K for making a couple of journal entries and the criminals keep the Feds off their back and report 90K legit income for non-existant work. Not saying that this is happening, but the Watchtower higher ups are only human.
Hopefully a disgruntled Bethel accountant will come forward with the Watchower's financial records, then we won't have to speculate.