Since the Watchtower corporation refuses to make their financial records public, it's impossible to know where they stand financially.
I'd love to see their Balance Sheet. This is more valuable in determining a corporation's financial status than their Profit and Loss statement.Until some Bethel insider defects with the Watchtower's financial records, we can only guess at what is happening inside the Watchtower Vatican.
However, something to keep in mind about the Watchtower, is that it has always had a captive audience for its products. Watchtower prints 8 million copies of a book or Bible and they know that most will be sold. Of course things worked better for them when they could set a fixed contribution price. That way they always made a profit on each sale. Maybe this income source is drying up. After the fixed price for Watchtower literature was dropped, maybe the JWs are donating less for the literature or not at all.
Regarding the $12,000 or more per day for use of Assembly Halls, are they really able to squeeze the JWs for the full amount?