Perhaps this is what the OP had in mind. Back about 1973 when the Watchtower was preparing the 1975 Yearbook, they did consult with many old time JWs in the U.S. A., many who were "anointed," regarding their experiences in the early part of the 20th century. A friend's grandmother got a letter from the Watchtower asking her to relate her experiences as a JW. However, the Watchtower requested that she only relate positive experiences, and leave out anything negative.
The 1975 Yearbook of JWs had a detailed history of U.S. JWs from Russell's time to 1974. Because it included many personal experiences, the 75 YB is a more objective history of JWism in the U.S. than the Proclaimers Book. Still is leaves much to be desired if one wants a truly factual history of the JWs.