Kls, I am honest and speak my mind like you, so I have to say this: What is it about your son that he brings a girl like this into your home? I think the disrespect is coming from him as much if not more than the girl. She was stupid enough to not know, or bother to know, what your feelings are. Your son, on the other hand, probably knows exactly where you are coming from. I think your anger, while rightful, should be directed to your son as well. Just my 2 cents since you asked for opinions here.
JoinedPosts by AuntieJane
I need your guys thoughts & opinions
by kls inhave you ever met someone and for some unknown reason this person just rubs you the wrong way ,i don't know if it's a vibe they give off or what but something that makes you dislike about that person.
my son who is 21 started to date this girl and there is something about her i so much dislike and i can't help the way i feel.
i have 4 grown kids all have dated and brought there dates home and i was receptive to them all but i cannot to this girl.
1ST Century Christian Congregation
by defd inwhat would you have done back in the 1st century when jesus came on the earthly stage and started christianity.
would you have became his follower?
that is not the only congregation that had people problems.
Yes I would like to have defd explain to me, a non JW, what the Bible teaches about celebrating Christ's death by a "memorial" service that is non-existent in the Bible. "Take, all and eat, this is my body"...those were the words he gave us. He didn't say, "Take, some of you, and eat...this is an emblem". I am not trying to be sarcastic, but would like a JW explanation. I think the Memorial is a very un-Biblical service and I would just like to have it explained to me.
Remembering that we are dust.......
by Thinking intoday i was studing for tonights book study lesson.
i got hung up on this paragraph.
i don't know why but something about the wording just does not sound right.
You don't have to believe "the big fairy tale." Some churches leave it up to the individual thinker. Here is the Catholic's interpretation, based on the teachings/beliefs of the early Church Fathers, those who followed soon after Jesus left the earth.
What is the Catholic position concerning belief or unbelief in evolution? The question may never be finally settled, but there are definite parameters to what is acceptable Catholic belief.
Concerning cosmological evolution, the Church has infallibly defined that the universe was specially created out of nothing. Vatican I solemnly defined that everyone must "confess the world and all things which are contained in it, both spiritual and material, as regards their whole substance, have been produced by God from nothing" (Canons on God the Creator of All Things, canon 5).
The Church does not have an official position on whether the stars, nebulae, and planets we see today were created at that time or whether they developed over time (for example, in the aftermath of the Big Bang that modern cosmologists discuss). However, the Church would maintain that, if the stars and planets did develop over time, this still ultimately must be attributed to God and his plan, for Scripture records: "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all their host [stars, nebulae, planets] by the breath of his mouth" (Ps. 33:6).
Concerning biological evolution, the Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time. However, it says that, if they did develop, then they did so under the impetus and guidance of God, and their ultimate creation must be ascribed to him.
Concerning human evolution, the Church has a more definite teaching. It allows for the possibility that man?s body developed from previous biological forms, under God?s guidance, but it insists on the special creation of his soul. Pope Pius XII declared that "the teaching authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions . . . take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter?[but] the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God" (Pius XII, Humani Generis 36). So whether the human body was specially created or developed, we are required to hold as a matter of Catholic faith that the human soul is specially created; it did not evolve, and it is not inherited from our parents, as our bodies are.
While the Church permits belief in either special creation or developmental creation on certain questions, it in no circumstances permits belief in atheistic evolution. -
When is the "Memorial" this year? Will you attend? >>>>>>
by WingCommander inlong time, no post.
:) i was just curious when the memorial was this year?
is it at the end of march, at full moon, right?
THanks for the Memorial Education. I have always wondered just what this is all about, being a NWNWJW (never was never will be JW.)
I esp loved Gopher's Memorial description, sniff sniff. LoL.
Actually, what a very sad service...I suggest any Christian former JW's who have never attended a Lenten Service on Good Friday, sit in on that for comparison and education. I know a lot here don't ever want to step foot in any kind of church again, that is why I am suggesting those who consider themselves Christians attend.
Saving my Neice and Nefew!
by Rig Pig ini have never used one of these sites before but i am very scared and need help.
i will tell you my story from the beginning.... three years ago my 29 year old brother was killed in a farming accident.
he left behind his wife of 9 years, a 7 year old son, a 4 year old daughter, three sisters and my parents.
Hi and Welcome. I am sorry about your brother's death; my only brother died 3yrs ago and it is still hard. He was Catholic, too, but had 2 adult children who were JW. These "adults" chose to stand in the back of the church at the funeral, that is how the JW's taught them to show their love for their father. Is that not sad or what? They have such fear for Satan that they do stupid things like that which hurt others.
I am glad you found your way to this forum, stay and you will learn a lot. It sounds like your sister in law is distancing herself and the reality is that there is probably nothing you can do, esp since the kids are so young. I would suggest to always keep in touch with them the best you can; let them know you love them. Before they get indoctrinated too deeply (and more than likely they will, I'm sorry to say, but you need to know the reality)...let them know you are always there for them, with your brother's spirit, and don't let them forget that. Hopefully if and when the time comes that they question the JW teachings they will come to you.
It's a terrible faith that divides families and is not what God wants us to be like.
What happens when a JW wants to be with a non JW? PLEASE RESPOND
by kristina24/7 inok i am a 16 year old female i love with a 16 year old male.
lol that sounds funny since everyone thinks a 16 year old can't be in love.
i understand why but let's face it now a days anything is possible.
Kristina, I admire your maturity. I'm a mom whose teen daughter was dating a very nice JW. I actually got busy right away and learned as much as I could about this cult. And that is what it is. I even have a couple of close family members in it but didn't really know much about it. Once I found out, I knew I would do all I could to educate my daughter. I will tell you this: She was/is a sweetheart, so is he. But this major issue caused SO much stress on her ...well, I would never wish that on anyone. She was not emotionally mature enough to deal with it. They loved each other and spent almost 3 yrs dating; now, at almost 23, she says she wasted those yrs. It was draining. But all of life is an experience; you are wise to move on, but be ready this guy could tug hard at your heart. Let go and Let God.
Describe Yourself Without Being Revealing.
by Golf inas i told kl, i'm not sabotaging her thread, mine has a twist, for example, my wife 'descibes' me best by always reminding that i'm not 'normal.
' this means i do things differently than the ordinary person as i'm into many activities.
many of these activities involve people.
I'm an adult Taurus, a middle child, always trying to please. Married mom of 3 adults. A fixer. I am working on that...actually, I'm always working on myself. Have tons of self-help books I haven't read. Outgoing, love having fun but love my solitude too. Don't have patience for small minded people who carry on one-sided conversations. Enjoy a beer, glass of wine or two; walking with my grand-dog. Like my job but am tired of working, can retire in 5 years and can't wait. Love the help I've received on this board, it's the only board I am on. Most of my friends wouldn't understand my obsessiveness about this place, so I don't tell them! A cancer survivor who loves this life more than ever!
Oh, I love eBay buying and selling...and Golf in good weather!
help with my parents
by boydarwin inat times, i have shared my feelings, questions and doubts with my father.
i am always careful.
i never try to force anything on them.
My heart breaks for the loss of your brother; I cannot imagine the pain that must linger, even over time.
One question: Aren't you doing the same as your parents, holding out hope...hope that they will see the "light" some day? I know it must be extremely tough to have the knowledge yourself and not be able to convince them. But for your own peace of mind, Let Go and Let God (if that is your belief). At least, let it go, follow the good advice of others here, and don't stress over the fact that they have chosen to stay in their blindfolded existence. Be grateful that you are able to use your mind and stay free of the trappings of this cult.
For those taken from us by the Witnesses . . .
by cruzanheart inwhether by death, shunning, or some other means: here is a candle in their memory.
though gone from us, you are not forgotten and you will be forever loved.. for my dad, who killed himself two years ago today:.
In rememberance of the teenager who SHOT and KILLED herself in our high school bathroom because she couldn't deal with the pain / guilt put on her by JW parents about her dating a Non JW guy....and for how many others who suffer ????? Pray for those who are beginning to see the Real Truth of this Org.
I am new and scared
by franki ini am terrified to be writing this because i am officially being bad.
i am talking with other "sinners".
i do not want to be a witness.
WELCOME! You sound like you are a smart girl with her feet on the ground. Are your 2 siblings who are out
close to you? I think you will feel better about things if you are able to talk to them, connect with them more than the rest of the JW family. At least for the time being.
Ask yourself why you would put yourself in a position to go back to a group who makes their members, or even their former members, feel Guilty like you do? Why would you do that to yourself? Would you want your daughter, if you had one, to feel the way you do? Then don't damage yourself any further. Stay strong, stay on this board, and you will do OK.