Don't worry Six, he has some tofu in his sandwich today.
JoinedPosts by pennycandy
Anyone know about the martial arts?
by pennycandy inmy 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
Anyone know about the martial arts?
by pennycandy inmy 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
CYP--His step-dad is all for it, and I think has a balanced attitute about violence and self-defence. My son sees his dad twice a month, and doesn't hear from him aside from his visits. His dad is still a JW and probably isn't going to react well to the classes when he finds out.
I like the idea that he'll have this skill to draw upon all his life. I hope he'll never have to use it, but maybe he'll live with less fear if he knows he can hold his own. Maybe I'LL live with less fear of my sweet baby being pummeled by a mean ol' bully.
The situation is this. My son is kind of a loner, sweet but insecure. Impulsive and a little emotionally immature. Skinny as a stick. And . . . how shall I say this . . . hasn't come into his masculinity yet (not that there's anything wrong with that). He doesn't get beat up, but he gets thumped on the head, bumped into, and verbally picked on. Nothing serious at this point. Just a few trouble makers on the bus. I wonder if I've taught him to be a little too passive, but at the same time I worry that he wouldn't be able to use good judgement if he ever did defend himself.
I guess what I'm looking for is something fun, that he can be proud of, a skill/hobby that teaches him how to avoid fights, but what to do if you can't avoid it. I also love the idea of teaching respect, self-control, and discipline. I'd like him to start this summer, so maybe in 1 1/2 years, he can enter junior high as a normal confident kid and not as a target.
You guys are a great help, especially defining the specific styles. I'll have to look up each one. Of course, being in a small town, there may not be much variety to choose from.
Serious questions about breastfeeding
by wordlywife ini will thank everyone ahead of time for not turning this thread into something it ought not to be.
i am expecting my third child and have never breast fed before.
my questions are these: .
Having never breastfed, it's probably hard to imagine a baby hanging off of them. But after a few weeks of nursing in the privacy of your bedroom or living room, you'll start to see them in their new role, your baby's most sacred attachment.
Usually moms stick close to home the first few weeks or months. After about 8 weeks, it's very easy to discreetly nurse in public. Always wear a long, blousy shirt you can life up from the bottom and still cover your back and side. Holding the baby on the side you're going to nurse on, you can quickly reach in and undo your nursin bra without anyone noticing. Before 8 weeks, you may need some privacy to help baby latch on, but by two months you should be able to stick their head under your shirt and just point them in the general direction and they'll latch on with no problem.
If you're shirt is long enough, there's no skin at all showing and the only hint anyone will have that you're nursing is if they notice your shirt bunched a little above the baby's head. I've nursed my three while grocery shopping, at restaurants, the movies, wherever.
My advice is to always have the number of a good lactation consultant ready BEFORE the baby is born. When you're recooperating and exhausted and worried about whether the baby is getting enough or suffering with sore nipples is not the time to be hunting down a L.C. Most people just go to their pediatrician or OB, who is not thoroughly trained in breastfeeding and will probably recommend supplementing when not necessary.
Bikerchick is right about LLL. They are usually great and a wonderful support and resource. If you ever feel like giving up because something's just not working right, give them a call and see if they can help.
Congragulations! and feel free to contact me with anything regarding childbirth or newborns.
Serious questions about breastfeeding
by wordlywife ini will thank everyone ahead of time for not turning this thread into something it ought not to be.
i am expecting my third child and have never breast fed before.
my questions are these: .
As a breastfeeding educator and childbirth doula, maybe I can help. Feel free to pm me.
Anyone know about the martial arts?
by pennycandy inmy 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
Thanks. That's good advice to start. I know so little I had to look up "dojo". I'll start by seeing what's available in my town and narrowing it down from there.
No longer innocent
by fairchild inwe are now approaching the year 2005, i am again going to all the meetings and most of my friends are jw's.
however, i don't feel that 'love' for god, and i certainly don't feel that he listens when i pray, which i do every day.
after talking about this with an elder, he suggested i study some more, and i am currently studying the book 'worship the true god'.
Crumpet is right. Every facet of a witness's life is built around the organization. When you take it away, there's not much left. You have to fill that void somehow.
What needs did the org try to fill? Social? Then you need to rebuild your social life. Intellectual? Then you need to find something else to study. Spiritual? You need to find another way to express your spirituality or to worship.
It takes time to figure out where you want to go with your life after the witnesses. Just enjoy your freedom, make the most of your life, and let your new belief system form as it will.
Anyone know about the martial arts?
by pennycandy inmy 11 year-old is getting picked on at school.
he is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested.
i've pushed my jw mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp).
My 11 year-old is getting picked on at school. He is not cut out for competitive sports and not interested. I've pushed my JW mindset aside and am considering letting him take a martial arts class (gasp). I like the idea of teaching discipline and respect and self-control, and a boost in his self-esteem would be wonderful. And I have a feeling that being able to defend himself might come in real handy in high school. But I hate the thought of teaching violence.
Does anyone here know about these things? Which form would be what I'm looking for? What could I expect?
Do you have dreams that you're still in the org.?
by lucky init's weird.
i haven't been to a meeting in eight years, but at least once a month, i have a dream that i'm at a meeting or out in service or at an assembly or in some other witness-related situation.
it's like those school dreams where you dream you have a calculus final that morning and you haven't been to class all semester.
I regularly have dreams of various convention sites. The dreams almost always take place in the hallways, where I've lost something or someone and can't find it. The elders mingling in the crowd walking the halls are always big, with dark glasses and black suits, with rigid faces. They always walk in twos, and I usually try to avoid them.
I hate those, they leave me with an unsettled feeling all day.
Your Mothers first date, and first Kiss ... How well do you know mom?
by xjwms in.
how well do you know your mom?
in view of may 8th, i thought it would be fun to think about.. i have heard these storys over and over, how about you, ..... and anything interesting?
My mother's first date was an innocent group thing when she was about 15, I think with a brother from Sulphur, Louisiana. Her first kiss was with my father, AFTER they were engaged! Knowing my mother, I believe it. My father was her only serious boyfriend, though for a while as a teenager she had a crush on Elsewhere's father, my father's brother. Didn't know that, did ya, Elsewhere? If your dad had been a little less uptight, we could have been spawned from the same loins!
When the cats away - how do you meeces play?
by Crumpet inwhen your other half is out of town, or you just have the luxury of being alone, what is your favourite way of passing the time?
I'm so jealous of all you freebirds. My cat's out of town this week too, but that just means that I have to manage the house, three kids, two dogs, and a hamster all by myself. Not much playing going on here. I want my cat back!