It is my pseudo-birthday for anonymity purposes. But I'll gladly accept your well-wishes, thanks!
sadly i must report that shortly after my bricks were delivered to the construction site of my new house, some sick twisted psychopath went and kidnapped a brick for ransom!
granted, i must admit that there are some very suspicious circumstances surrounding the alleged "kidnapping".
i know that particular brick and he has always been a troublemaker and prone to violence.
It is my pseudo-birthday for anonymity purposes. But I'll gladly accept your well-wishes, thanks!
sadly i must report that shortly after my bricks were delivered to the construction site of my new house, some sick twisted psychopath went and kidnapped a brick for ransom!
granted, i must admit that there are some very suspicious circumstances surrounding the alleged "kidnapping".
i know that particular brick and he has always been a troublemaker and prone to violence.
Going public was a nasty mistake. Any more sly moves like that and (b)Rick will lose a chip.
p.s. Sorry, but I don't know how to attach a photo so I'll just send it to Elsewhere and he can post it, okey-docky. Thanks.
we went to a college football game tonight.
i thoroughly enjoyed the singing of the national anthem.
stood up, without a 2nd thought that there should ever be a reason why i shouldnt.
Just had a birthday party for my 2-year old. I just couldn't keep track of who gave what and was wondering how I was ever going to send thank you cards. My never-been-JW husband told me you don't send thank you cards for birthday party gifts. Hmmm, who knew?
Didn't know how much candy to give to each child on Halloween.
Had to call the office of the first church I visited and ask what to wear.
What a dork.
reading recent posts about the creation account, i remembered a thought i had as a teenager.
jehovah created two perfect people, sat them down in a custom-designed garden, tended to their every need, and told them to fill the earth with more perfect people.
given the explanation of free will, i suppose odds would dictate that a certain percentage of earth's inhabitants would stray and be cut off.
nark--if only one of them disobeyed, maybe only the bad one would have been sent away. Maybe they would have had the first divorce. Maybe the faithful one would have gotten another mate.
If they had both been faithful, what are the odds the 2nd generation would have been faithful? What are the odds there could have been a line of perfection down to me?
<I think that it's good that you were trying to be a good witness. It shows that you believed that the message of God was important. A person should try not to feel guilty or afraid because you didn't do enough for an organization. You had then and have now much more opportunity to continue serving God in the way that he wants you to. Do what you do, for Him. It brings Joy to your heart. If you don't do it for Him do it for someone you love. It will still bring joy to your heart. You will be able to leave those fellings of guilt and fear behind.>
Myelaine, you are so right! Once I took the organization out of the equation, I WAS able to rid myself of the guilt. When was able to see that my butt in a kh chair for 5 hours a week, studying for meetings, writing numbers on a time card, etc., was nowhere required by God, my entire way of worship changed. I am a MUCH better Christian now, and my service to God is from a sincere heart, thankful for each day I'm able to do a little or a lot for my Lord.
i'm sure it was probably from stoops.
sort of like a trivial pursuit of wt doctrine.
guess this bible character from these clues to advance your little man, or maybe it was to collect fruits of the spirit on the big tree on the board, hard to remember.
Thanks for the well-wishes. I always have fun now!
reading recent posts about the creation account, i remembered a thought i had as a teenager.
jehovah created two perfect people, sat them down in a custom-designed garden, tended to their every need, and told them to fill the earth with more perfect people.
given the explanation of free will, i suppose odds would dictate that a certain percentage of earth's inhabitants would stray and be cut off.
Reading recent posts about the creation account, I remembered a thought I had as a teenager. Jehovah created two perfect people, sat them down in a custom-designed garden, tended to their every need, and told them to fill the earth with more perfect people. Given the explanation of free will, I suppose odds would dictate that a certain percentage of earth's inhabitants would stray and be cut off. But the fact that the very first two weren't up to snuff is quite disheartening. Not just one, but both failed, 100%.
The reason this worried me was because I was a mediocre witness at best. When A & E couldn't even be good long enough to get one more generation started, how was I, with all my faults, ever going to last long enough to grow to perfection? I'd probably be zapped the day after Armageddon, IF I lived to see that next morning. Didn't seem like very good odds to me.
Anybody else every worry about having to be better than A & E, i.e. perfection? Or was it just me?
Penny sogladtobeout Candy
i'm sure it was probably from stoops.
sort of like a trivial pursuit of wt doctrine.
guess this bible character from these clues to advance your little man, or maybe it was to collect fruits of the spirit on the big tree on the board, hard to remember.
I'm sure it was probably from Stoops. Sort of like a Trivial Pursuit of WT doctrine. Guess this Bible character from these clues to advance your little man, or maybe it was to collect fruits of the spirit on the big tree on the board, hard to remember.
Whew, those were some wild Friday nights! Good times . . .
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
My family wasn't very strong in the truth, though we were always there. Thus, I was considered bad association, even though I was embarassingly innocent. Baptised at 15, I was brought into committee meetings on a regular basis as a teenager. Once I drank a wine cooler (just one) . . . mom turned me in. At 17 I kissed a boy in my hall (just a kiss, my first) . . . cousin turned me in. At 18 I secretly saw a worldly boy . . . turned myself into my mom, then she turned me in. I was very shy, and meeting with the elders was unspeakably humiliating to me. I can think of very few things I can compare it to, sitting alone in a room with three big men in suits, being kind but doing their duty in telling me how disappointing I am to my parents, to them, and to Jehovah. Didn't know how to defend myself. Didn't know how to say, "Gee, it was just one little kiss!" I, who just wanted to please everyone, could only cry in shame.
I will never never let that happen to my children.
Slow fade. Doctrinal issues.
the recent mentions about grant suiter brought back the memory of an old jw boyfriend.
he was named after bro.
suiter (middle name).
The recent mentions about Grant Suiter brought back the memory of an old JW boyfriend. He was named after Bro. Suiter (middle name).
I remember myself and all my teenage friends getting so excited about Bro. Franz speaking in Beaumont, Tx in the mid-80's. You'd think he was gonna whip out his electric guitar and sing Hound Dog.
We dubs sure lived in a world of our own.
Penny Candy of the would have loved to see Freddie smashing a guitar class