Topics Started by AuSet
If you went back...
by LovesDubs inive not been to a meeting in five years probably.
yet my husband still goes and i always envision him going in and the hardy handshakes he gives, greeting and being greeted, sitting there with all those suits with the secrets hidden inside, and all those pretty dresses hiding the pain.
if i wasnt disassociated, i wonder if i would be bolder, speak up, be honest with the "friends" instead of toeing the company line.
Assemblies...conventions...special days...
by NikL inthere is a phenomenon in dub dom that i have always hated.
the circuit/district convention.. people will spend hard earned money, use up any vacation they may have to travel to a city they don't really have any particular reason to see to sit for entire days and listen to the same b.s.
they could sit and listen to at the meetings in their home kingdom hall.
"The Note"
by AuSet inat the 1994 district convention in bismark, north dakota, (could possibly have been 93) my sister wrote a note to her friend and tossed it in the garbage.
the note contained a discussion about going to boy's hotel rooms after the sessions ended, and other troublesome activities, including lying to the parents about what my sister and her friend were doing.. presumably, an attendant found this note in the garbage and turned it into the elders.
on the last talk of the last day of the convention, the note was read out loud to the entire audience, along with the warning that "whoever you are, we will find you.
So What Tipped You Out, Then?
by Englishman incan you remember that distinct moment in your life when you suddenly knew that your time as a jw was truly over?.
for me, that moment came several years after the removal of my privileges in the congregation when i admitted to having known my then fiance in a way that was not fitting for a ministerial servant.. i was quickly stripped of my 2 servants jobs, group study conducting, pioneer status, public talk giving and praying in the kh.
i was also forbidden to ever be alone with the lady concerned.. about 15 months later i was assigned a public talk, after 30 minutes i dried up.
by Thirdson inthose of us who spent a good portion of our lives as slaves to the printing corporation in brooklyn do well to reflect on our achievements.
we have managed to break the cult shackles and get past the guilt barrier.
we are building happy, successful lives.
Is Winter Over Yet?????
by Thirdson indespite the ranting in some of the posts on this board i thought today was a good day.
today, march 1 (for me still right now) can be regarded as the first day of spring unless youre a stickler for changing the season on the equinox.
today was the first morning in umpteen days that i woke to outside temperatures above 0 degrees.
Life or Die
by enricofrassinetti inmessage from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
poem (hope it works this time)
by AuSet inmy silence sits on my chest at night.
perched like a vulture.
i pretend its not looking at me.. i try to forget my silence.
GOOD cult control techniques
by philo inwith logical's post in mind, i want to start a thread about something positive.
the wt are positively good at controlling their followers.. which is your favourite wt control technique, and why??????????.
the best contibution wins six million devoted worshippers and a 40 year conditional canonisation in the pages of the wt.. the one i like is so good because it works from 'on high' as well as among the orphans and widows at the congregation.
by eyes_opened ini know this has probably been covered a bunch...but here i go anyway lol.
how many of you guys who have been out of the org.
for a while, now celebrate the holidays?