What I really, really love to do is walk out very very slowly, so slowly it makes the attendants get jumpy, and try to make direct eye contact with the speaker/conductor! This really works well when one is sitting up in the very front.
Any behavior out of the bounds of normal makes the JWs nervous. I get immense gratification out of these small pleasures.
Posts by AuSet
My first time "storming" out!!
by lookingnow22 ini "stormed" out of a meeting for the first time in my life tonight.
well, i really just walked really fast, but inside myself i was storming.
anybody catch some of the insolent comments made in the 6/01km?
Life without Religion
by edwkey inlike many of you i dedicated many years of my life searching for the "true" faith or religion.. after researching and considering religion i came to the conclusion that there is not such.
i decided to worship god in my own temple.
i hope you find yours.. the force be with you all !!!
Thanks, Edwkey, for your post and welcome to the board!
Religion is man's doing. Spirituality comes from within.
Is that your boat??
Why are JW women so loyal to the Borg?
by beroea inwhy are jw women so loyal to the borg?.
during the last 12 year i have been doing a lot of research about mainly the chronology of jw about the year 1914. my family are still in and very active and i serve still as elder.
my research has make me dropped the whole chronology about the year 1914 and also the authorities of dfs/gb.
It doesn't matter what sex a person is, the loyalty will still exist.
The fact is that some people have a deeply driven need to be within the security of a "mothering" organization which answers all the questions for them.
I have tried several times to raise the same questions with my family, and in particular, my sister, who is also college educated. However, she will continue on without questioning things, and will ignore my views as "apostate." Why? Because if she were to believe the evidence about the organization that I present to her, that would threaten the very existence of her being. She does not know her identity apart from the Borg and has no wish to seperate from the organization that gives her this identity.
My advice is to think about your wife's past family history and come up with an explanation for this behavior. Does your wife tend to deal with problems as they arise, or does she cover over them? Perhaps making her realize her identity outside of the organization will help. Don't push your views on her, just leave an open door, so that if she has a question, she can come to you. -
Turning the Tables
by joelbear inno conclusions, just thoughts.. should we disfellowship all of our friends and family who are jehovah's witnesses in order to protect ourselves and in order to wake them up to see how dangerous a path they are on?.
would like to see a discussion of this.. thanks.
I don't believe in "shunning" familiy members just to give them a taste of their own medecine. However, I agree with JanH in that just because we are related to a person biologically does not mean we have to associate with them. Sometimes, especially if a person's family is still in the cult, they have very damaging patterns of behavior that can continue to do some serious harm to members of their family, whether they are in the truth or out.
In my family, my Mother continues to throw out mental triggers related to the brainwashing I experienced within the cult, such as : "Just wait for the new system, everything will be solved then." While in the past, these may have disturbed my well being, they no longer have an effect on me because I have ceased to believe them. -
JUSTICE #3 - Sin worse than Apostasy!
by Amazing ina sin worse than apostasy .
there was a very nice young couple in our congregation with one child.
no one could see why she should not be reinstated.
Amazing, thank you for posting this.
I agree that some serious wrongdoing has been done in the handling of this case, and also think you did the right thing by it with pushing the matter to get this woman reinstated immediately. A lot of times getting reinstated in a congregation can be all about politics, particularly if the person is now in a different congregation. In what possible circumstance could the elders EVER say that a person is not to be reinstated?? That is setting off all kinds of warning bells in my head!
What really ticks me off is how the WBTS can think its a good idea for the df'd person's congregation of origin (where the person was df'd) and if possible the original committee that did the df'ing to be the ones to decide if that person is reinstated. This policy indicates that a person's orginal SIN is much more important than their current WORKS, or REPENTANCE!! This woman is most likely carrying a huge load of grief over the way her case was handled.
When I was DF'd, there was an elder on my committee who had been asked, specifically, by my parents not to be on my case. THis was because he had bad feelings against me througout my entire childhood, and was just waiting for a chance to get me out of the congregation, as he felt I was too much of an "independent influence." Because of this elder, I was DF'd immediately on the very first meeting of the committee, under highly suspicious circumstances. The handling of my case throughout my attempts to get reinstated was entirely a matter of politics: this elder was not going to let me back in, no matter what "works befitting repentance" I showed.
Another person in my cong. was at that time in a similar situation: his committee was on the other side of the country, and there was one elder on that committee who was adamant against reinstating him, even though he had been attending every meeting, and well prepared for all of them for over three years!! After three years, the local elders finally had to pull some major strings with the original committee to get this man reinstated. Sounds like another case of a "sin worse than apostasy."
It just goes to show that there are some elders who will greatly abuse their power on these committees, and their actions are more about their own personal issues with power and control than they are about the persons they are charged with "helping." -
by Amazing intaking our lives back #1 .
in addition to my deceptive jw elders and justice series, i also feel that a series on taking our lives back would be useful, and will bring in a lot of shared thoughts.
one of the things that i became aware of as i left the organization of jehovahs witnesses is all that had been lost, never accomplished, or stolen because of time, money and energy devoted to the interests of the watch tower organization.
Your words are very much needed on this board. We are all at different stages on our way "out." Boundaries are a very difficult issue for many of us. It becomes hard to, as you say, listen to your own voice and intuition about this matter when we are so new to learning and discovering our own voice.
When I was encountering difficulty in this area, I started running into people that I could talk to about how to develop good boundaries, learning when to say no, etc. Some of these people were exJW and some were not. After six years of gradually working my way out of all the bullshit that was shoved down my throat, I am slowly beginning to know myself and what it is like to listen to my own voice instead of what was taught to me.
As a child, I was often forced to ride along with my pioneer mother so that she did not have to ride with an elderly man who was a special pioneer. Despite the near 40 year age difference, they still felt that it was "dangerous" for them to be alone together in the car. I wonder to what extent this attitude towards the opposite sex, and sexuality in particular has affected JWs or EXJWs. The lack of ability to cope with anything remotely sexual in nature has to have an effect on a person, even when they are in a situation where sex is considered appropriate. I would be interested in hearing other's words on this subject. -
By Their Fruits You Will Know Them
by SanFranciscoJim inhi folks..... i just received this absolutely delightful email this morning:.
from: [email protected].
to: [email protected].
Its amazing the amount of ignorance some people can show, especially when it is directed toward you, personally. Whoever this person is, I would like to personally thank them for reminding me why I left the WT...
The quote you gave that was carved on your mother's coffee table, was also in Margaret Atwood's novel "A Handmaid's Tale," only it was carved on the inside of the main character's dresser. Does anyone know the origin of this quote, or what it was origninally used for?? In the novel, the quote was explained as being a schoolboy's joke.
Hang in there, SFJIM!! -
murder letter
by silentlambs inlets dance, we have added "wt letters" section to the website.
it will offer a new letter each week added to a list with an introduction.
read the introduction, click to view the letter and see if it answers the questions.
No, JWD, you are not being paranoid,I assure you.
Pork Chop: Must've really scared the shit out of you freaks
at the WBTS, otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need
to respond, so quickly, with a legal statement defending
the WBTS's letter!! -
Pow Wow
by AuSet intoday i attended a native american pow wow for the first time in my life.
i live in an area that is highly populated by native people, and in fact my most of my congregation's territory was within the boundaries of a reservation.
i often wondered why we would spend so much time and effort trying to convert people who were obviously satisfied with their beliefs.
Today I attended a Native American Pow Wow for the first time in my life. I live in an area that is highly populated by native people, and in fact my most of my congregation's territory was within the boundaries of a reservation. I often wondered why we would spend so much time and effort trying to convert people who were obviously satisfied with their beliefs. To this day, the congregation is still composed of about 98% non-native people, and they still waste hundreds of hours a month trying to convert those "heathen indians."
The pow wow I attended today was in an auditorium that has been used in the past for circuit assemblies. I was amazed at the diversity of sound, light, and color,...it was a feast for the senses. No bland dark suits and chaste dresses. I could not help but be sucked inside of the drum beating and the singing of varied voices. No monotonous Kingdom Melodies. The young, the old, handicapped persons, costumed or uncostumed, and people of all skin colors danced freestyle around the circle. Instead of being asked to make a donation to further the society's work, two persons approaced me and gave me presents just before the give-away dance. True brotherly love!
Even though I am not a Native American, I wish to say thank you to these wonderful people who have converted me without a word, to a true spirituality that resides within myself, and not in a book or magazine. MiGwitch!! -
Written review
by Moxy ini have a number of things to say about this wacky 45min school session.. why is it that it is inappropriate for the conductor to ever simply say that an answer is 'wrong'?
invariably, he must ask for 'another answer,' particularly amusing during the true & false when there is only one other answer.
shouldnt we be helped to reason on why someone might incorrectly come to this conclusion but why, in fact, this other conclusion is the 'correct' one?
Had enough:
We used to score our written reviews this way:
0 wrong.....Annointed
1-3 wrong....Special Pioneer
4-6 wrong....Regular Pioneer
7-9 wrong....publisher
10-12 wrong...DA'd/DF'd
12+ wrong.... Apostate!! (you're screwed!)My parents really weren't too happy when they noticed what we (us kids) were doing with our written reviews! Believe me, this provided for a lot of fun every time. And, of course, the really fun part is when you can give an answer that's totally irrelevant, and watch how the conductor tries to fit it in...I remember making a tongue-in-cheek comment that was meant for a particular elder...it was so hilarious, everyone who knew this guy was rolling on the floor laughing!