I couldn't even read all that crap without zoning out.
Trouble is, their confounded chariot keeps running over people
That's a riot. -- Yes, soon there will be dead bodies everywhere to the joy and satisfaction of jehovah's people.
what a marvelous heavenly organization is revealed by this vision of jehovah?s four-wheeled celestial chariot on the move!
) that chariotlike organization was then on the move, even as it is today.
) if we are jehovah?s witnesses, we must move in the same direction as the celestial chariot.
I couldn't even read all that crap without zoning out.
Trouble is, their confounded chariot keeps running over people
That's a riot. -- Yes, soon there will be dead bodies everywhere to the joy and satisfaction of jehovah's people.
my uncle called for my dad and wanted to know why he stopped attending meetings, he then asked me what hall im attending.
first i told him my dad could only answer why he does what he does and then i told him i had difficulty with alot of teachings that are curious.
after talking for awhile i asked him why if the magazines are a tool for bible understanding then why is it that so many take it as bible truth?
Great job mole. Have the elders called you into the back room yet?
recently, i visited an area known for its 'healthy' congregations.
i spoke with an experienced elder about conditions.
he spoke glowingly about pioneers and not having enough kingdom halls.
Better known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the society recently opened a $20 million, 130,000-square-foot facility at the Mililani Technology Park.
I think I'm going to vomit.
Do the R&F's know about this? How typical - I couldn't go to college and have a decent career but they can rape the masses and live it up on the beach. Bastards.
i suppose some people would say that there's no such thing as a 'good' cult.
however, it should be apparent.
that some cults are worse ( or better) than others.. in the midst of my visit to an area with 'rich' witnesses, it occurred to me that they imitated mormons a bit, without.
I think they do DF kids??
Another similarity that I read about is that both organizations were both funded and started Freemasons. Hmm - I don't know if that's true or not - but interesting.
I just saw a movie called "Latter Days." Its about a Mormon gay boy. I could really feel his pain - there really are a lot of similarities in the 2 cults. And he did get ex-communicated or whatever they call it.
the livingston parish louisiana area?
i would really love to get in touch with old friends.
i sometimes miss my old friends from my old hall.
New Orleans here. I grew up in LaPlace. I once knew a guy from Hammond. He actually called me recently and proudly let me know that he's a MS. I wonder if his wife knew he called me??? I doubt it.
i went to my local coffee shop at 11:10am on saturday morning.
not thinking that about 40 witnesses would be arriving.
there i was standing in line, the two parties in front of me were taking forever.
We only ever got to go to Mcdonalds - my favorite part of FS. Jeez, I hated that crap. (McD's and FS!!) Anyway, it is amazing that they have no problem shunning us even though they don't even know the REAL reason for our being DF'ed. The just assume its for something horrible and disgusting and that we are horrible and disgusting. I was actually glad to have them off my back...although I didn't know at the time what shunning from my mother would be like!
on saturday may 29th, there will be a talk given at the district assembly in my area, called "walking in the path of increasing light".
i will not be able to attend this talk.
does anyone have any insight as to whether this is an announcement of some "new light"?
So there is no God or God is not competent.
OR - Maybe the bible was written by a schizophrenic and not god after all.
dear brother van xxxxxx .
even though we don?t exactly know if you still identify yourself as a witness of jehovah, we decided to still use the same opening words as in our letter to you from november the fifth 2001. we received your letter from last 23 may in good order.
in here you ask an amount of questions in addition to your previous letter from 5 november 2001 and our reactions on it in our letter from 8 november 2001. .
Wow Avengers! Thank you so much for posting your letters and the WTS response. Lucky Bethalite who gets to monitor this site! Maybe we can save them one by one!
Those lying bastards think they can get away with anything.
The thing is - They DO get away with it. How many JW's are there?? 6 million. I agree the WTBTS is evil - but what about the mindless followers? How many pathetic blunders will it take for them to see that cult for what it is??
on getting back from the dallas apostafest i was able to see the new release from saturday's convention program that my mother attended.
it's a 32 page brochure entitled, "keep on the watch!
" with the subtitle, "for what?
To be fair, the phrase "above all else" does not negate other obligations. "Above all else" a parent should provide love for their children, but there are other things a good parent still must do (financial provisions, guidence, etc.) There's nothing inherently wrong with the title.
I agree, it doesn't negate the other WT Dogma. But come on, "Above All Else, Show Brotherly Love"?? Isn't that actually an oxymoron? What part of shunning and their back woods KH trials have anything to do with brotherly love? If that's brotherly love I'd rather be an only child!
the wts and dubs like to brag that, unlike all other religions, they are the only people preaching the truth about "this good news of the kingdom" on earth.
they claim that their most important purpose in life and as dubs is to preach that good news.. .
they use their favorite verses in matthew 24:14 and revelation 21:3,4 to describe what that "good news of the kingdom" means.
Farkel - You blow me away!
What's really amazing is that JW's could read that and still believe WT crap - wholeheartedly!