Freedom or Bondage
I can't tell you how disappointed I am after reading that title and finding a sensible, mature discussion in this thread....
... but now that I'm here....
IMO, it's down to the individuals needs and tolerance levels. Family and friends are a big pull to stay in and go through the motions.... but knowing it's a lie has surely got to wear you down after a while.
Having had that decision made for me by the wonderful loving elders of my old congregation as they slammed the the door shut behind me, I've experienced the 'lost family and friends' to a greater or lesser degree, and think that it would be easier, and better long term, to walk away and take the consequences.
You can rebuild your life after leaving the org, even if you have to leave your family behind. One day that family is gonna be gone anyway, and then all you have is memories, and an empty, false life to endure till you die. And if it did turn out to be true after all, you wouldn't have much of a resurrection hope anyway, cos you didn't serve for the right reasons.
Just my opinion of course!