Sorry I didn't address your question directly. I got so tied up with trying to get the pic to show up . But I would also say just do what you have to do and take it at your own pace. Take comfort in knowing that many have been there, and I'm sure that there are many more 'still in' who feel the same as you do, and wondering if they are alone in there feelings also. I remember when I first learned of the 'fake ringing the doorbell trick' - I wondered why I hadn't thought of it before. Axel
JoinedPosts by Axelspeed
Active JWs, hows KN37 going?
by StillGroggy inhey everybody, i had an interesting time pushing a tract that i don't believe in this weekend.
i had to develop my own method of placing it without having to talk about it, since i fear if i was confronted by someone asking "do you people think you're the only true religion", i might break down and tell the person at the door "no, i don't".
the witness at the door with me would scream in terror, and i would be insta-dfed.
Active JWs, hows KN37 going?
by StillGroggy inhey everybody, i had an interesting time pushing a tract that i don't believe in this weekend.
i had to develop my own method of placing it without having to talk about it, since i fear if i was confronted by someone asking "do you people think you're the only true religion", i might break down and tell the person at the door "no, i don't".
the witness at the door with me would scream in terror, and i would be insta-dfed.
Even IF every jw placed all 50 of their alloted tracts, it would still be a failure if success is measured by reaching, not even all, but most of the world field. Here's why. IF every jw receives 50 tracts, and IF every jw places EVERY tract, they would only reach about 300 mil. persons. This is only a fraction of the 6.7 bil. world population.
To put it in perspective, it was reported a few days ago that the U.S. population alone has just reached 300 mil. This means that even by the most successful standard, if all 6 mil. jws just covered the U.S., every other person on the planet wouldn't even get a whiff at this tract.
The chart below illustrates this. the red sliver represents 6 mil. jws, the blue is the extent of the world population they would reach if EVERY jw placed EVERY tract they receive -- doubtful -- and the green the rest of the doomed world. The second chart shows how many might survive if the jws increased to 9 mil. as a result of the campaign -- and that is highly unlikely. The currently teach that not each individual will have to get the message, but I would say this shows they fall far short of even that.
Hope this works
Keep ears and eyes open: Possible announcement this Wednesday
by truthseeker inno hype - no rumor please.. anyone who still goes to the hall might hear something during the announcements.
i will be going myself and will be sure to report back what is said, if anything.. from channelc.. .
Are dodge trucks more than just HEMIs?
by IP_SEC in.
is it just me or is dr. z (dieter zetsche) the coolest mofo around these days .
Not really an expert, but some of it is marketing. From my understanding the recent Hemi isn't a hemi in the truset sense, as the cylinder heads are polyspherical, not hemispherical. They do however, retain the valve configuration. The old design was considered at the outset, then dropped.
witnessess are NOT members of the WT Society - Caymen News
by Will Power in .
letter to the editor .
no such thing as 'watchtower' teachings .
For you BluesBrother, this may be the article you were looking for:
w98 3/15 Living Up to Christian Dedication In Freedom
Someone may argue that the way the Witnesses speak about the Watch Tower Society—or more often just "the Society"—indicates that they view it as more than a legal instrument. Do they not consider it to be the final authority on matters of worship? The book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom clarifies this point by explaining: "When The Watchtower [June 1, 1938] referred to ‘The Society,’ this meant, not a mere legal instrumentality, but the body of anointed Christians that had formed that legal entity and used it." The expression therefore stood for "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45) It is in this sense that the Witnesses generally used the term "the Society." Of course, the legal corporation and "the faithful and discreet slave" are not interchangeable terms. Directors of the Watch Tower Society are elected, whereas Witnesses who make up ‘the faithful slave’ are anointed by Jehovah’s holy spirit.4
In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, "the Society teaches," many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, "the Bible says" or, "I understand the Bible to teach." In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect. Of course, suggestions as regards terminology should never become a subject of controversy. After all, terminology is of importance only to the extent that it prevents misunderstandings. Christian balance is required. The Bible admonishes us "not to fight about words." (2 Timothy 2:14, 15) The Scriptures also state this principle: "Unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken?"—1 Corinthians 14:9.Axel
One of the most irritating things you can say to a Witness?
by free2beme inmy relatives that are still witnesses, always hate it when i say one thing to them, more then any others ... .
"are you going to church tonight?
"were you at church?".
When they extend the magazines to hand to you, say just a minute as if you are going to retrieve a donation. Then come back with a piece of religious literature (it can be anything, just make sure it's religious -- preferably with a big cross displayed).
Then as you reach for the magazines with one hand, simutaneously offer your religious literature with the other. Watch the slight hesitation and subsequent recoil by most jws.
One of the most irritating things you can say to a Witness?
by free2beme inmy relatives that are still witnesses, always hate it when i say one thing to them, more then any others ... .
"are you going to church tonight?
"were you at church?".
adios LDH aka Lisa...
by just2sheep in.
...the one and only.. on another thread lisa said her goodbyes and i just wanted her to know that despite the way it may appear she will be missed.
come back soon.. j2s
Well, I will give my .02, for whatever it's worth.
I think everybody just needs to step back and take a deep breath. We all have come out of the same hell. I have lurked and posted for about 5 yrs. and have never been a very active poster, but I’ve been here long enough to see that these are not new issues. Well actually, there are no new issues. None. Nada.
Believe me, just about every question/topic/board issue that comes up now has been covered ad nauseum in the past…every one. But you know what? that’s ok cause there are new posters everyday that somehow think that their situation is somehow NEW and UNIQUE. How many times has a distraught new poster come to the board with the plea “Oh please help, I think I’m in love with a JW?” No problem… that’s what the board is for.
I mention the above to say this: Same thing with this latest huff n puff. This kind of stuff has happened over and over and over again on this board. Somebody gets their feelings hurt, lashes out against the mods or the mods overreact—take your pick…that’s not my point or my call. My point is this stuff ain’t new. It has happenned in the past and will happen again. In the meantime, stop trying to pick apart EVERY word and read into EVERY nuance you might imagine is there.
The problem is that boards like this, while providing a great service, give us a sense of anonymity. We can post and feel empowered enough to let it all out, damn what others think or how it comes across. What I find as very IRONIC, is that some feel they have to create and maintain some kind of board persona for this anonymous persona. Contributing to this confusion are the cliques or cliquish topics i.e who are the best-est and most favorite posters. I see publisher/pioneer/elder class-like similarities. I don’t think its intentional, just human nature. Yes, of course I have posters I look for, those I like and gravitate to. But I think the confusion and cliques these post create is something to think about when they come up. Sometimes I’m not even sure the objects of adulation in these post aren’t sometimes just a little embarrassed by it all. When people used to congratulate me on some talk I gave, yeah sure I liked it, but ultimately it just created some persona that wasn’t really me, and that somehow needed to be protected and lived up to. Very tiring and unfulfilling.
Another problem with discussion boards is that they rarely give a true indication of a posters character and personality. I have spoken to a few from the board off-line, and they are nothing less than charming and intelligent. Their sense of humor is not at first apparent and very often misunderstood as it comes across here on the board. That’s probably why I don’t do much fluff. I’m not good at it, and would come across totally misguided and as a complete jackass. (I laugh at the dark, quirky and sometimes twisted things). So, if you want to get something straight with a poster, I would suggest you pm them, get contact details and then call them on the phone. I can almost guarantee you will adjust your opinion of them or better understand there post. You will quickly realize you are speaking with a fellow victim/survivor, who can pretty much understand where you are coming from more than most never-been-jws ever could.
I now feel bad for those people who did contact you. I would like to make a suggestion to you, for those who you feel are worthy of your words of wisdom, send them a PM and give them your personal e-mail and/or number. That way those who you deem as "socially retarded" will not bother you and you will not have to waste your precious time and voice on people you clearly look down upon. You yourself opened the door when you gave people your personal info (i.e., personal e-mail account and from the sounds of it your phone number as well) and then to call them names is rather harsh. All I can say in my very simple words ... shame on you.
The above was in response to LDH post:
I have an awfully long fuse because I understand it's basically socially retarded people I'm talking with (when you consider the unseen population of lurkers and the disabled XJW).
This is how it gets started. I can tell you that I believe you misunderstood her comment. It was not meant as an affront or an insult to anyone here. There are few things in life that I can be sure about. BUT, I can guarantee that 1) if you were a jw at one-time and 2) especially if you were raised from childhood as one and 3) doubly-especially if you grew up in a staunch jw home, then you ARE/HAVE BEEN at one point socially retarded. This includes LDH aka Lisa, 99% of the posters here and most definitely myself. She has a sense of humor and forthrightness that probably not all get…and let me stop there because I’m sure she doesn’t need or want me explaining her : ). I would suggest you contact her.
The mods are not perfect, Simon is not perfect. But this is his board...respect it. I am willing to concede that it is a thankless job I would never have. These calls to delete or not delete are always subjective and subject to scrutiny and general criticism. But again respect the board.
Stop creating eggshells and stop causing your fellow victims/survivors feel as though they have to walk on them. We are a lot more alike than you realize.
Axel (of the "if you have any questions about my post--don't assume, please ask--I don't bite" class)
DC in Ireland: Warning about groups of bros who want to modernise the WT
by truthseeker in.
i just heard this from someone who attended a district convention in ireland.. the brother told me that the speaker said that there were brothers forming groups to try and modernise the watchtower society.
has anyone heard anything like this in the usa?
The people I see causing the biggest changes are the R&F who hear and then quickly forget what they hear. They don't speak up yet, but their actions show they aren't going to be pushed around so easily.
I agree. The biggest jw changes are already happening, from the bottom-->up. The only changes that will come from the top-->down are those brought on by lawsuits and cash flow problems.
Even with no further change from the top I could argue that in 20 yrs. you might not recognize this religion or the R&F jw.
Who would you invite to your Fantasy Dinner Table?
by nicolaou inyou know the game, you can invite ten real people - alive or dead - who you would want to have around the table for a meal and conversation.
since it's a fantasy, language wouldn't be a barrier.. i'm still working on my definitive list but some names come immediately to mind;.
stephen fry.
I have actually been thinking up my list for the last 2 days, and shuffling and reshuffling. I'm still not sure of a few so I'd consider it more of a work in progress...
Augustus Caesar
Quincy Jones
Bill Clinton
Jesus Christ (assuming real)
My Mom
Benjamin Franklin
Ellen Degeneres
Warren Buffett
Albert Einstein
T.S. Eliot
Emily Dickinson
btw. a great Dickinson poem -
The Bible is an antique volume –
Written by faded Men
At the suggestion of Holy spectres –
Subjects – Bethlehem –
Eden – the ancient Homestead –
Satan – the Brigadier –
Judas – the Great Defaulter –
David – the Troubadour –
Sin – a distinguished Precipice
Others must resist –
Boys that "believe" are very lonesome –
Other Boys are "lost" –
Had but the Tale a warbling Teller –
All the boys would come –
Orpheus’ Sermon captivated –
It did not condemn –
Axel (yeah I bumped it to twelve)