JoinedPosts by Axelspeed
Young Girl Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses at school video goes VIRAL last 2 days 273,000 views
by Watchtower-Free inoriginal thread here.
What Happened at Watchtower in 2001?
by Marvin Shilmer inwhat happened at watchtower in 2001?
... the 2001 blood card that wasthen wasnt.. .
i have added a new article addressing a unique event that occurred in year 2001 involving a change watchtower made on its no-blood cards, and then changed back.
One-time poster now-occasional lurker here.
I remember this clearly, and yes it was a major deal for me. I was still in at the time, but not happy at all with elder jwlife. I was the elder assigned to give the *blood* talk that year and was already having a problem processing the logic/thinking behind the whole thing, as this was the first time I actually had to try and explain the unexplainable in a SM part. The cards in my hall were already passed out (prematurely), and only later (the next meeting) were we told by the PO to destroy the cards.
To tell you the truth, I didn't even notice the wording change, until they made a big hubbub about destroying the card, and then I looked at it more closely, ...and then I knew something was very wrong. I still have the card somewhere.
Shortly thereafter, they made some changes the the new (reworked) worship book and that was it.
New Light on Prayer in NOV 15 WT Study Edition
by lepermessiah ini finally saw that november 15th wt article on prayer that everyone has been talking about - the people in the photos look as stiff as corpses!.
people will be called in the back room for inadvertantly making contact with their spouse during prayer.. i think i will adopt the following stance during prayer now:.
This is the most idiotic thing I've seen in a while. While it may be old light to some, I have never ever seen this put in print like this and accompanied by a picture, and I have been around for a while. I stand corrected if it has. Talk about self inflicted wounds.
It will be very interesting to see how this goes over in the spanish speaking congs as culturally they are very family oriented, and very embrace/hug oriented as couples and with the kids from what I observed. It will also be interesting to see how the younger jw couples (post 2000) who have very little experience in reading between the wts lines react to this. I have been to a meeting or two for family, and I can tell you that where I visited it was striking how much hand holding, arms around the waist/shoulders was happening esp with the 30 and under crowd.
the high cost of divorcing a JW............
by oompa indivorce is hard for everyone, unless the person is just jumping for joy to get out it.....but even then it can be rough....and you lose half your assets.....some people stay in bad marriages just because they can not afford to be divorced........ but esp if you are a born in know what is so unfair compared to normal non-jw divorces????
?....what is so fukkin unfair?!?
!.......that you lose all your friends and family!!!!
I have no special insight or advice to offer except to say that youre not alone. I am a recently divorced born in who was in exactly the same situation you are in. In order to keep my sanity I had to get to the point consider everything pretty much lost as every friend and family that I have known. I had to come to a point of acceptance. I would say the low point came when it was my family and childhood friends who came and helped her move her things, as my young nieces and nephews stood in the distance, forbidden to say a word.
I didn't mind that so much, because she was a great person and even today even I would help her in any way I could. But as they all laughed and chatted on the front lawn, not one word was spoken to me except the occasional no eye contact "excuse me" as the furniture was packed into the moving van. There was no telling what kind of scoundrel and lowlife my neighbors must believe me to be to have my family and friends come to assist her while saying not a word to me. It must have looked awkward and strange. I would have tried to explain about jws and all, but what would be the point. So now I live as my own cheerleeder, my own friend, and the person who tells me that I'm not the evil person every person I have known believes me to be. I will never forget that day.
So now I have to make a conscious effort to get out, meet people, learn how to make friends and how to be a friend. If I could offer one observation, the experience will definitely show you that you are a stronger being than you ever thought you were or needed to be, and that is the case whatever you decide to do. To make it through leaving the jws for any person is a courageous and extraordinary thing. As a born in, to lose friends and family and to start over, that makes you a special person. You will find your way. This too, shall pass.
PM me if you need.
Is the Watchtower Society in serious financial diffiCULTy?
by cultswatter injust to summarize:.
wt format change saves one wt mag per month.
no anouncment of the dc theme.
I think they are going to cut and run. Maybe not immediately, this all takes time. Launder the money, off-shore accounts, selling off of properties, cutting back on bethel staffers. The priveldged few insiders will get the golden parachute
I have no proof of this, but that's one way I see it playing out too. I don't think they are poor at all, but they see the negative trends and the way things are going. They also see the money and a lot of assets sitting there, The dark side of human nature is strong enough I believe to motivate some to try and figure out a way to get a piece of it before any of it slips away via lawsuits, etc.
The way the WT is structured, I don't think any one person could take off with the bank. But there's more than one way to skin a cat, and I can't help but think that these alternative ways of skinning are being looked into vigorously by some of those in the know at the top. In the meantime JWs will be kept busy with busy-work, fed retread articles, given cheaper publications in the name of simplification, and given enough New Light change and more "carrot and stick" (mostly stick) to propel the WT along till it reaches its rolling stop.
Standish Arms Sold by WTS, 5 other buildings on the market
by blondie in5 other buildings remain on the market.
by linda collins.
brooklyn daily eagle.
Yep, something's not passing the smell test here. As the writing on the wall for the WT becomes clearer (lawsuits, declining numbers, and no armaggedon in sight), I suspect that the sucking noise of $$ being funneled out the back door to a few at the top may be getting more pronounced.
30 Minute Public Talk-CONFIRMED
by stillajwexelder ini can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
Lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed
Was this point stated in the letter to the congregation or in a separate letter to elders only? Thanks in advance. If it was in a letter read out loud, I find it a little interesting.
Blood - current JW thinking...
by dozy ina few observations from (indirectly) talking to a couple of hlc members who have recently attended meetings with his in brooklyn:.
(1) any hope that the wts will further reform the blood policy is wide of the mark.
the wts is very happy & settled with the current situation (whole blood + 4 components = nono everything else ok).
Legally , HIS are confident that Jws have covered their asses.
From a source I have spoken to (fwiw), I get that same feeling. They are confident and feel that legally - public perception aside - they are covered. Also there is confidence that because of the WT legal restructuring, the assets (ie money) are safe. It was a confidence many here might find disheartening.
They have a non-spoken policy in place to allow minors to be transfused (the days of kidnapping kids from hospitals are long over).Any other liability is satisfied by the policy of Jws being told constantly that it is a conscience matter & the absolute right of a competent adult in most countries to decide his / her medical treatment.
The following is just my observations on how this looks to play out:
Because of the above the blood policy may be becoming a moot point already. The WT has gone to great lengths lately to put in writing that it is a JW's personal decision. In fact I think it used that exact phrase or something very similar in the last km on blood, and then stressed the personal decision aspect throughout. So from this point on I think they will lay the decision totally on the individual. Advances in medicine will meet them half way and bail them out. They will never publicly renounce the blood doctrine, so for those who died in the past...oh well and good luck trying to find the assets if you try to sue.
We know the how this actually plays out in practice, but as we speak legally they are establishing a document trail that lays it at the feet of the individual for future would-be cases.
I also find it interesting that the lawyers are now arguing not so much in defense of the doctrine itself, but instead on the right and in defense of the adult JWs and parents to make a personal decision, thusmitigating the legal backlash should the patient or parent wake up from the WT fog one day and try to sue. In other words, "Hey it was always your personal decision".
I have to wonder about the conscience of those behind this.
just need to vent.
by Axelspeed ini need to vent i guess.
it's been a little while since i've even looked at the board.
i've tried to make a break to somehow get my life moving again, and i never wanted to be one to write a good bye post.
I need to vent I guess. It's been a little while since I've even looked at the board. I've tried to make a break to somehow get my life moving again, and I never wanted to be one to write a good bye post. I guess I somehow know inside that growing up a jw is something that you can never really leave. And so I find myself here again. But this time out of desperation and a need to vent. I feel my life circling the drain hole and I don't know what to do about it. I feel lost, more lost than I can express. As I write this I am wiping my eyes as I truly feel trapped with no way out. I have to admit, in my years as a jw I felt my life had more direction. I know that it was misguided and harmful, but there is something to be said for direction and purpose. To have what I thought was the Truth exposed and ripped from under me has shaken me to my very core. I don't quite know what to believe in or where to go. I believed so strongly before and now to discover that I was so wrong has made me unsteady and unsure. I am finding it hard to trust my own judgement in anything now. And so now I am living my life in a state of paralysis, afraid to make any moves as they might be the wrong ones, on the other hand I feel why bother. I start projects and can't seem to finish them, for fear they won't measure up. I find myself frozen from starting anything fearing it will turn to dirt, and I will have failed yet again. I can't decide the what or why of anything. It has pained me so much. I was not always like this. Now it is beginning to affect me in ways I don't seem to be able to control, and it scares me to death. I feel like I am in a tunnel with a train heading for me and I can't seem to get off on the track. I tell myself to move and my feet feel stuck. I am considered pretty good at what I do, but I find myself with absolutely no motivation to do it anymore. I have associates that look and feel foreign to me now. And the anger that I thought I had worked through is still here and more deeply rooted than I think I have the ability to root out. My family is all in, and probably so for life. Am I really any better off? I want to curl up and just go away. Thanks for letting me vent a little.
Active JWs, hows KN37 going?
by StillGroggy inhey everybody, i had an interesting time pushing a tract that i don't believe in this weekend.
i had to develop my own method of placing it without having to talk about it, since i fear if i was confronted by someone asking "do you people think you're the only true religion", i might break down and tell the person at the door "no, i don't".
the witness at the door with me would scream in terror, and i would be insta-dfed.
Sorry I didn't address your question directly. I got so tied up with trying to get the pic to show up
. But I would also say just do what you have to do and take it at your own pace. Take comfort in knowing that many have been there, and I'm sure that there are many more 'still in' who feel the same as you do, and wondering if they are alone in there feelings also. I remember when I first learned of the 'fake ringing the doorbell trick' - I wondered why I hadn't thought of it before. Axel