Maybe you want to know what I think about it, as a JW:
I would like to see that the WTS joins up with the UN to improve the live of many poor people in developing country's. At this moment the WTS does selective aid by (the NGO) aidafrique. It could be much efficiƫnt by using the UN ground organizations. I think many JW would be proud to see that the WTS improves real help to poor people.
But about your case:
The WTS is playing with words. When they say that the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is no (longer) associated with the UN, then they are right. Because they use at this moment other corporations and associations when they visit UN and other forums. Many of the brothers - others than the rank and file - at the headquarters are traveling arround the globe to visit UN, UNHCR and other political forums.
It is time that "our" WTS plays with open cards. Otherwise they (and we as JW) will be surpassed by the truth, not only when it concerns UN and other political, religious and non-religious consultation but also when it concerns financial affairs. At last, the internal history of the WTS is one of the main threats for us inside the organisation. It is time to change!