@ no more kool aid - Noah's flood also troubled me a lot as a child. During the weekly family study, I once asked my father why the baby in the Bible Story book had to drown, and he gave me an unsatisfactory answer about children under a certain age falling under the culpability of their parents because they're too young to make their own decisions. When I asked him if I would be killed at Armageddon if he and my mother became sinful I don't remember him giving a straight answer, and I was young enough to be bamboozled into silence and just accept that what he said was right. It wasn't until recently that I remembered that incident.
Another thing that bothered me about the Organization as a child was the obsession with demons; and my father was a big demon fanatic even though he came across as a very logical, level-headed man. He scared me once by dramatically announcing that he could feel a demonic presence in the house, pretending to search for something then "finding" my school-library copy of Roald Dahl's "The Witches" and proceding to burn it on the bonfire outside. In part of my brain I realised that Roald Dahl was an innocent children's author, but I was still terrified of demons and any "spiritistic" book titles for a good while after that. It wasn't until years later that I realised that he must have seen the book in my see-through bookbag as I brought it home from school.