Bob Villa is back? Bibleboy is this the same Chris who drove down to Ritzville.
does anyone know where i can get wts publications or books from the first year of publications up to 1950?.
please reply or email me at .
Bob Villa is back? Bibleboy is this the same Chris who drove down to Ritzville.
in a controversial post in a separate thread, janh makes an extremely good observation that a certain former gb member will likely carry many, many wts "top secrets" to his grave, for whatever reasons he does not wish to divulge such.. then, on this db, former bethelites constantly exchange posts where their word choice is "cloaked" so that many of us who were not insiders are left guessing at meaning, people, etc.
obviously, even individual members of this fraternity have unique experiences and insights.
if such info is not disseminated, it is lost if that person dies naturally or in an accident.. would you folks please post more elaborately so that the rest of us can benefit from your knowledge and experience.. the statement that motivated this post made a silent reference to the author of the happiness book.
You have been active on this db for a little over a month now, why would you expect people to trust you so fast? I am not part of any clique, nor have I been around this db for more than a few months myself.
I do believe you've made an ass of yourself by telling Max to, "f--- off". I have never communicated with Max, but judging from what he has to say here on thr db, I do have respect for him.
I have never heard Max boast about being a DO. It was not until I read this thread that I found out he was a DO in the past. Maybe I missed the thread where he was bragging about that fact. In addition, I have never heard him lord it over another poster.
I was thinking back to your post about the Berry case, I believe Alan F. called you a watchtower troll. I don't know if it is true or not, but I wouldn't doubt it.
i look back on the 1970s with a sense of loss and nostalgia.
i was a young man, just married, and so much in love with my beautiful wife.
i had just started my engineering career, and was debt free.
This thread makes me feel emotions of sadness and joy. I'm glad I left at the age of 21. I lost alot of people along the way, both friends & family. I guess you could call them causalities of war
My wifes family and my sister and her kids are all I have left. Like many here, I lost my Mom & Dad, my four other brothers & sisters and all there kids, and a lot of extended family and almost every dub friend I ever had.
This Watchtower War has torn though my family, and I don't think it can be put back together.
Brings new meaning to K.I.A. and M.I.A.
*** rbi8 1 timothy 3:1-7 ***.
3 that statement is faithful.. if any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work.
2 the overseer should therefore be irreprehensible, a husband of one wife, moderate in habits, sound in mind, orderly, hospitable, qualified to teach, 3 not a drunken brawler, not a smiter, but reasonable, not belligerent, not a lover of money, 4 a man presiding over his own household in a fine manner, having children in subjection with all seriousness; 5 (if indeed any man does not know how to preside over his own household, how will he take care of gods congregation?
I think we have a pioneer with two broken legs. Who is trying to keep his hours up in the post to post ministry.
Hey, could you please turn down your mind control, your driving me crazy.
well my friend, after a second attempt to reach out to me and give me the decision last night i received an unexpected visit from two of the local elders.
apparently the two wts agents decided to pass the torch to the local elders this time.
this was organized by the co along with wts instructions.
I want to say that I'm proud of you for taking the stand you did. It's great that your going to have more time for more important things. Good luck and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
Hi Barb,
Don't worry, your holding all the aces. At times like these I like to turn to scripture for support. I really draw a lot of srength from this verse.
Give em' hell, and hit em' with a big stick. Bajarama 130:5I hope you draw as much enlightenment from that verse as I do.
tri-city herald.
by shirley wentworth.
ritzville - erica rodriguez and her mother, alejandra garza, broke down and cried when the verdict came in.. it took slightly less than four hours for a seven-man, five-woman adams county superior court jury to declare manuel beliz, 48, of othello guilty of two counts of first-degree child rape and two counts of first-degree child molestation.
Bill and Barb are the dynamic duo!!! Bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when they come for you?
Who let the cat out the bag?
dear freinds,.
i have been asked by a concerned husband to speak to both his family and his wife family about jws.. his wife has been studying with the jws for some months and he is very concerned.
he read alot on the internet and knows they use mind control, and make false claims to be god's channel, but he cannot convince her of this.
(4) Emotional Control includes using any guilt they may feel about their thoughts, feelings, family or their past. Any problems individuals may be experiencing are to be seen as the fault of the one who has the problems. Fear is built up in the minds of the members by warning them of the dangers of the “outside” world and the enemies that surround them. Fear of losing the approval of the other members is a key factor in pressuring the members to continue. The members are indoctrinated to fear questioning the leaders or being made to leave the group as they are told they will have no future if they are outside the safety of the group. There is no legitimate reason for leaving and those that do must be shunned. Without the protection of the group they could be exposed to possession by demons.
Yup, that about covers all religions I've ever heard of. So there all cults one way or another.
If God real and truly loves me, why won't he return my phone calls
it is fifteen hundred years before jesus christ.
an israeli soldier of jah stands ready in his place outside the walls of jericho.
finally, as the walls crumble down, many people of jericho scatter and run, including families with babies in mommy's arm, children clutching their daddy's hand.. an israelite soldier see one of these families, and according to his marching orders, runs after this family.
Let me add this for all the fundy wackos on the DB. I was told that these pagen nations were evil, killing their own firstborn and such. If they were then they needed to die. It still gave Isrealites no right to kill the children of these pagen nations. How can you justify killing pagen people for killing their kids, and then kill their kids.
You would not kill a child for the sins of his father would you. This issue makes me very angry at the idoits who still justify it, and the worthless human flesh that committed these crimes.
Next Week: The Bible, When A Book Goes Bad.
it is fifteen hundred years before jesus christ.
an israeli soldier of jah stands ready in his place outside the walls of jericho.
finally, as the walls crumble down, many people of jericho scatter and run, including families with babies in mommy's arm, children clutching their daddy's hand.. an israelite soldier see one of these families, and according to his marching orders, runs after this family.
The sad thing is that these acts of genocide are probably among some of the few things in the bible that are true. What a sick twisted book the bible is, and this is only one episode of dozens of acts of genocide.
I feel sick. How could you murder children and babies. People who believe in the bible and defend this shit make me angry.