1. What was it like when you "awakend?" My awakening was rather gradual. I had left the religion for quite a while before I actually started to realize it was a cult.
2. How did you know, and......2.5 how did you react at that time? Again, it was gradual, but the light grew brighter when I started reading Randy Watters' site, and then became a beacon when I found this forum.
3.how long was it before you somehow took action on this event? My real awakening was closely link to my decision to start university full time. As I was immersed in my studies I started to learn things that really piqued my interest and got me thinking. I don't recall when it happened, but one day about 7 or 8 years ago I decided to start researching JWs on the net.
4. Was there a particular thing that all of a sudden caused you to wake up, or did doubts build over the years? My DF'ing was the first big wake up call. Now looking back I see I had many doubts over the years, but I wasn't willing to rock the boat and lose everything. Once I had lost everything (family, friends, etc.), it became much easier to let the doubts surface.
5.What finally did it for you? Being reinstated. As they were all welcoming back with open arms, I realized that I was still the same person they had kicked out as being untouchable and unworthy of association and how ridiculous it was that they had been able to put me through sheer hell for a year and a half. I realized I did not deserve what they had done and that was the beginning of "the end".
6. How long before you in some way were no more part of your congregation? Another turning point for me was when I missed my first memorial, back in 1998. The consequences of that were pretty awful, as my family embarked on a campaign to try and force my daughters to remain in the religion. In the push to save my family I made my final break.