Deer in the headlights feeling, I know I've done the very same thing and missed lots of opportunities over the years. I still didn't say what all I wanted when I went to the Judicial committee meeting before I was Disf'ed. They can make us all feel intimidated.
Posts by Balsam
Why do I suddenly get stupid when the elders talk to me
by JWinprotest indoes anyone else have the same problem.
when i'm alone, i am constantly thinking about all the clever things i'm going to say if visited by the elders, but when i actually get confronted, these things never come to mind, and i keep spitting out drivel like some dumb idiot.
after they leave, i rethink the conversation, and i'm furious over all the oppotunities i've missed to put them in their place.......damn it!!!!!
The stupid "ants" at the Watchtower Society!
by somebody infor those who haven't seen the video yet on youtube of ciro's ( a bethel speaker?
) sick talk given in, i believe, 2007, i provide the link:.
Same old baloney the WTS has been spewing since the 1800's, the end is near and bodies will be strewn everywhere to rot while the JW's feel nothing. What woman or man for that matter is going to feel nothing seeing babies & children laying dead???? I remember how sick these kinds of talks always seemed to me while I was a JW. Nothing but garbage.
hows this for sick: childrens covention note book
by Aussie Oz inthis is lifted from a downloadable 'childrens note book for the 2010 d/cs' :. i found it in the twitter section.
when do you want to be baptized?.
Good grief more mind numbing conditioning to get JW's to equate God to the leadership of the JW's. How pathetic and sad, I feel for all those kids forced into using this notebook. It was bad enough when my kids were growing up in it.
In-laws are here for my wifes District Convention
by SAHARA inas i've stated in my previous posts, i am not a jw but my wife is and it's that time of year when the conventions are going on.
my wife's parents and sister/husband live in az while we live in ca.
they haven't come to visit since i've had a little falling out with my inlaws last year about studying with my son by phone behind my back when normally we would visit each other at least 3 - 4 times/year each.
Your wife can use you as a way of saying NO by telling her parents that the doctor told you to keep her home and it was essential for her to have rest and you are enforcing it. That is if she is wanting to stay home. I hope she stays home and her parents back off.
Do People Just LIKE You?
by snowbird ini find that wherever i go, people just gravitate toward me.. is that your case?.
Snowbird & All ,
Weird isn't it about what it was like as a JW? I have to say it is much better today though occasionally some odd balls do show up it is nothing like before. As a witness we felt responsible to anyone who proclaimed they were JW to help them, or least I did, but doay don't think that way. I am much more selective.
It's done. I did it. I moved out.
by doublelife ini'm officially living on my own and it feels great.
i was worried that once i move out i'd regret my decision but i knew right away that i made the right decision.
i was nervous about telling him.
Feels good don't it. I remember how I felt when I moved out. I left my wedding ring with my ex too I could care less what he did with it. He has since married and I think it would be funny if he still hanging on to it. LOL
Do People Just LIKE You?
by snowbird ini find that wherever i go, people just gravitate toward me.. is that your case?.
My husband tells me I'm a people magnet, sometimes it can get annoying though and since I've left the JW's I try not to be so open and that has cut down on weirdo's that used to come my way. Personally I don't think it is a good quality to just draw everyone to ourselves. I remember when I was a witness all the dysfuctional ones ended up on my door step. Anyone else have that experience as a JW?
DO you follow any of these quacks, charlatans, liars, mystics or self-promoters?
by Terry indon't try to lie about it.
you accept some of these people as an authority.
you listen to them.
This is Ruth's son Dirk...
My mom tells me you're an atheist. When I left the winesses at 15 I was an atheist for a while too and then I grew up and realized that atheists are making the same mistakes as ignorant christians who still think Jesus actually walked the earth and died for our original sin. Atheists are just the other extreme. Two opposite sides hating on each other. Your both the same. It's just like how every religion thinks they have the truth and everyone else should be packing their bags for eternal damnation. Don't get lost in your own narrow perspective Terry. I must agree with your opinion about most of the people you listed up there. Benny Hinn can go suck a fat dk and John Edwards is the biggest douche in the universe. Have you read any of Deepak Chopra or the Dalai Lama. Deepak has some good points but I think he waters down a lot of things just to make ignorant readers happy. See, I have actually explored others perspectives instead of lumping them into a group with every douchebag on the market. Every person has a different point of view and yes some peoples perspectives are somewhat worthless like yours for example. Let me explain why your opinion is mostly worthless. You are close minded. Just by your one comment at the beginning I can tell that you still think just like a JW. You are hating on everyone while believing you know it all. Just like a JW you are condemning perspectives that you have never even explored just so you can live in your ignorant narrow perspective comfortably thinking you have found all the answers. If you really want to know God or Truth then you'd realize to "find" you must get truly lost. You're self-righteous and pompous and feel the need to down others to make yourself feel important. I bet you made a great JW. I can't give you an absolute truth Terry which I'm sure is what you want. The only absolute is that nothing is absolute because with every sure thought is a doubt. There is so much you still haven't realized yet but I can't tell you what you haven't come to realize on your own and you won't unless you break free from the prejudicial thinking and surrender to the fact that you dont know everything. I hope you respond...I look forward to your thoughts.
How did you find the strength to leave?
by SAHARA into all of you exjws, i'm sure you've been asked this question one way or the other many times and i'm sure the answer is different for many of you, i'd like to know directly from you never having a chance to hear or read many exjw's answers to this.
knowing that you would be cut off from your family and friends and other consequences for your decision to leave, how did you ever get the strength to do it?
i mean really, i find it fascinating to know that there are so many of you who were at one time very devout, if not at the very least loyal to one of the most successful mind-contol organizations ever who believed all if not most of what the society taught and still you found the courage to risk everything once you accepted that it isn't what it claims to be.
I had to get angry, otherwise I just would have continued going along with all the baloney the head men were feeding us. Anger, unforgiving anger at the organization. I didn't get angry so much at the elders in the congregation but I did at my now ex-husband and the organization. For me that was the key.
Why FAITH is actually a form of suicide
by Terry ini once heard a psychiatrist explain suicide as the ultimate act of self-preservation.
sound weird?.
counter-intuitive as that sounds, he went on to explain why.. when all you value in life is threatened you do whatever desperate act that will preserve that value.. destruction of self stops the ......process.....of consciously losing.
A book by Chuck Palahniuk called "SURVIVOR" addresses this in a story. I'm nearly finished with it but it concerns a cult that requires its members to commit suicide after the cult members off themselves.
It is a mix of twisted humor and the affects of the cult mentality when it comes to faith in the religion.