I once heard a psychiatrist explain suicide as the ultimate act of self-preservation. Sound weird?
Counter-intuitive as that sounds, he went on to explain why.
When all you value in life is threatened you do whatever desperate act that will preserve that value.
Destruction of self stops the ......process.....of consciously LOSING. You skip the process and cheat the loss. (Or, more precisely, the perception of loss.)
Sort of like this: "You can't fire me--I quit!"
This preserves one's dignity and autonomy in the face of an insuperable event.
Who are you? What is your "self"?
The individual YOU is all that is unique to your identity as opposed to being the same as everybody else.
The teenager strives for freedom from being THE SAME as the family.
The destruction of the "old" self and the becoming of the "new" self is a normal human growth process.
The INDIVIDUAL is not the same as the group in unique ways, thoughts, behaviors and this allows society to progress from a stale stasis toward innovations which transcend boundries.
What about the opposite of becoming a unique individual?
What if one, because of fear of losing all that one values in life, gave up their claim to being an individual and sought preservation by ANONYMITY by being absorbed into a group collective?
Destruction of what is unique about you is a form of sucide because it involves loss of the essential 'SELF".
How would this happen?
IF you will yourself into destroying your only access to reality. You KILL your rational mind.
Your rational mind demands that no contradiction exists between the real world and your thoughts. Everything must match!
When the rational (non-contradictory) mind is abandoned---what remains?
This leaves you with a superstitious mind. The superstitious mind embraces contradictions and will cling to any BELIEF which
produces a feeling of wonder, awe, comfort or excitement.
Some people call the superstitious mind SPIRITUALITY because it sounds more reverent!
If you don't believe Faith is rational suicide just try having a rational conversation with a true believer!
They will twist and turn and tie logic in a knot wiggling away from facing any fact which destroys their fundamental delusion!
When the rational mind dies the self dies with it.
SUICIDE is killing your "self."
Faith is the acceptance of something without requiring proof oF non-contradiction.
How do we know a person of FAITH and BELIEF has killed their "self"?
They will smile while telling you how they are worthless sinners and corrupt wretches from birth who are willing slaves to faith.
They have the Truth! They are a brotherhood. They are part of an important universal work. They are a component of a greater goodness or
awareness (they'll claim.)
They derive their VALUE by the opinion of the group. In and Of themselves they HAVE NO INDIVIDUAL VALUE!
A SELF without value is no self at all. When the individual is absorbed the self is gone.
Baptism is burial ritual of the "old self". A ritual that celebrates the suicide of the self is proof of a delusion. It is called a SELF-delusion.
Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate and rejoice in HAVING NO MIND OF THEIR OWN. They cannot think for themselves because it is an act of DISLOYALTY. To whom? The substitute "self", the Governing Body which is a parasite replacing their identity.
The COLLECTIVE "self" can only replace the actual self by suicide in embracing FAITH over rational access to reality.
A JW has value only when they comply with the orders of the collective and stay busy like ants or bees doing the bidding of the hive activity.
Their "faith" has replaced individuality and what was once human, artistic and creative has died.
They may look like the person you use to know--but, they have been replaced by a suicide victim who is a doppleganger.