I remember over the years I saw some seriously distrubed witnesses that needed some serious help but the Elders always discouraged mental health help and always told the sick ones to relie on Jehovah. One older gal who was a long time witness flipped her lid and began obsessing over a young brother who was about 15 in the congregation telling everyone she was going to marry him. This sister was a grandmother in her mid-sixties. Well her daughter and son and law tried to have her treated but Elders nixed it and it got so out of hand they were afraid she was going to hurt this boy or his family. She eventually was hospitalized but got out and ended up on the streets as a homeless. Her daughter could not get her to come home where they could take care of her. Eventually they moved away and she remained on the streets. They boy grew up and married a girl his age, and he was always creeped out by this older sister obsession with him.
There was another sister in her 20's who was seriously unbalanced and pioneering. She also ended up homeless sleeping in a tent in a camp ground because she thought demons were after her. Her family from New York called the KH once trying to trace her because they said she had been diagnoised in NY before she left and she was very very sick and needed medication. But none of the Elders did anything and eventually she just disappeared and no one cared she was gone. I'd hear her family in NY had called several times looking for and the Elders would just say she left the area. No one was even concerned about this gal or wanted to deal with her.
I saw this over and over again the 30 years I was a JW, it is sad.